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Everything posted by shelleyf

  1. Very informative posting here ladies! I need to make up my mnd too - keep the reviews a comin! (PS...hilarious thread title!)
  2. We fell in love with St Thomas when we were there too! Did you happen to visit the bar on the beach at Megan's Bay? We couldnt see straight after that bartender served us for an hour I was thinking of the Marriott for my HM...but is there a beach that you can walk to? Or do most of the resorts have rocks and cliffs?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by nylalany trying to figure out how many extra to buy if I need 75 for placecards - just in case of breakage... Mind if I ask where you are getting them from? I can't seem to find a website with uniform, reasonably priced sanddollars...
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha How was everyones weekend Everyone stay on track and eat healthy, work out etc. Keep up the good work!! Cant wait till wed (or maybe I can) to see if this is paying off! Booo. I havent been doing well at all. We had a huge snowstorm and my hunny brought over unhealthy food to eat. Need to get back on track...
  5. Arrhhh! Started off so well today, all healthy foods, lots of water, cardio after work, then the honey brought over chips and ice cream. Needless to day, I gave in. More cardio over the weekend I guess.... Kudos to all you ladies on this journey...it sure aint easy!
  6. Mmmmm...I love smoking. Sounds odd, but I do. I've just quit for the 6th time now and I feel great (Even though I feel as though I have lost my best friend). When I'm smoking though, I feel like Sh!t, I stink, and I have no motivation for eating healthy or being active. PLUS, I don't spend a BUNDLE on smokes anymore which is great....I would rather save those pennies and buy shoes instead Anyways, take a walk, do jumping jacks, read a book, drink water, chew gum, call a friend, watch a movie, eat carrots. Do what you've gotta do, just DON't SMOKE!!! It's totally not worth it!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt thanks! hopefully it will be a learning experience, and i'll learn that stress doesn't have to equal eating bad food. crappy news = we moved to AZ, 2 months ago. FI found out today that he no longer has a job here and they told him he must move back to MN this weekend, or at the latest next weekend. Oh Tara that totally sucks! Don't be too hard on yourself, letting healthy eating slip when things are rough is something we all do. It's comforting... Just remember that it was only 1 day or a few meals. You can just jump right back on track tomorrow!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari Here our my cute, tan toes. Okay, I am rubbing in that Southern California has great weather right now. Ummm cute toes!!!! Oh, and the winner takes all (or most) is good for me.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari LOL! Winter, what is winter? Today is a sunny 70 something and just so pretty. Major storm last night and my car was buried too! I just got in from shoveling for over an hour...brought my ipod with me though and turned it into a workout!
  10. Wow! Those are soo pretty...almost too pretty to eat! (Who am I kidding, I'd still eat them)
  11. Yay Ladies! Day 1! I took my weight picture also - just have to dind the usb cord to connect this camera to my computer... Had a strawberry smoothie for breakfast with banana protein powder in it...it was sooooo delish!
  12. I'm a 'boob-issue' lady too. I always go one size up and then have the waist and hips taken in. Gotta keep those girls locked in there! STUNNING dress by the way! The colour and fit are amazing!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Aimless911 New Question: If you could invite anyone in the world to an afternoon of lunch and conversation, who would it be? (can be someone passed away) My grandfather for sure. Q: Do you cross the street at the crosswalk or are you a J-walker?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN SO she proceeded to grab both of my boobs and inspects them as if she is trying to decided which one to buy. Behind her my sister is bright red and stuffing her laughter. She later told me she thought she was going to wet her pants. Can't say I have ever had my boobs cradled like that. Too funny! I lol'd!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha Ok one quick question. What do we weigh ourselves in? Same outfit everytime so its far. Or nothing at all so its fair and just show our feet? Hmmm...I was going to take the pic 1st thing in the morning every Wednesday, so hopefully just the feet and # on the scale are ok with everyone?! Tomorrow is officially day 1 of my super-duper intense gym routine. Betcha I won't be able to walk 'till Sunday! Bwaahahahaha!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 Who's ready to get skinny!!!!!! MEEE TOOOOOO!!!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Saraha No ones scale is pretty right now!! thats why were here ) LOVE your middle pic in your sig. Nothing more motivating than a VS model! I wonder who my body idol might be?!
  18. Yay! I'm so excited to start this thing...and nervous to send Ann my weekly weights! I got on the scale yesterday and it was NOT pretty!
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