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Everything posted by Kryztan

  1. Ceremony Fan Programs Our flutes DIY Cake Cutting Set DIY Table name holders OOT bags and some of their contents…there will also be gum, candybar, snack Table Centerpieces BM jewelry with silver ball earings small BM bracelet RingBearer Shirt…he is also getting a big bag full of goodies MOH shirt Customizedgirl FABULOUS!
  2. My garter only in cornflower blue to match my dress Groomsmen bouts BM’s Hair inspiration My bouquet inspiration Josh’s bout BM’s Bouquet Flower Girl Bucket Front reads: To have and to Hold Flower Girl Bucket Back…not a great pic….it reads forever and always….
  3. TTD DRESS Bridesmaid dresses Groomsmen Suits My daughters flower girl dress My starfish for bouquet….crystal one. My hair inspiration with either hair orchid or starfish pins….cant DECIDE DIY Hair Orchid for BM’s, Flower Girl and possibly me DIY Starfish Hairpins
  4. Holly Crap…We leave in 18 days….Here are some planning pics a lot is done out of inspiration from all you great ladies on the forum. THANK YOU! Our STD….DIY! Our invites…DIY inspiration from Kathi’s<3 Monogram…SARAH is the BEST! Thank you! Josh’s Ring…Cant find a pic of mine and none I take turn out Josh’s Suit My Dress…with the sweetheart top Lots more to come…
  5. Mine hasnt changed as far as I know...I assume my TA would let me know if it does?!?!?! Then again there arent a ton of flights to Cancun from KC
  6. DEF not. It is actually a vacation for them as well. I paid all other wedding expenses for mine though like dress, shoes, jewelry, gifts...I figured its the least I could do. But def not paying for their vaca:)
  7. You looked 100 percent PERFECT!!!! and the setting was beautiful:)
  8. Oh and lunges....if your doing 60 up your weight and do less reps. It is more effective for toning and weight loss:)
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Ellipse22 Thanks! It has a heart rate tracker...I have no idea what is the best rate though. I got up to 104 beats...is that good ?!?! 45 minutes per day I guess i'll get there but 10 minutes was enough to kill me. When was able to do squats & lunges I could get up to 60 per day or 60 per leg with the lunges..that was it. I'm in big trouble! Your not in trouble, that is great....you will build up to that time. I did metabolic testing and found that for me when my heart rate is between 151 and 161 I burn the most stored fat. I burn 10 calories per minute, and 7.8 of those ten are stored fat cals!!!! My graph showed that I am above average. Taking a guess I would bet that 131 to 141 would be your target heart rate. A small amount lower than that is what is average.
  10. Congrats have a wonderful trip and wedding:)
  11. Interval training is the best way to lose weight and drop inches. 45 minutes a day. You will more than likely need to work your way up to more resistance. If you really wanna get high tech find your highest fat burning heart rate and wear a heart monitor while doing it.
  12. I worked with a lady who did the procedure for a living and had it...It looks like eyeliner. I would not do it too think though just incase you want to look natural....
  13. I absolutely love all the pics...my question is where did you order your pink sand?? That is my color pink and all I have been able to find is super bright!!!
  14. How special....in a coffee shop....CONGRATS!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I thought that if you were flying to Mexico the luggage rule didn't apply? I thought it was just nationally and in Canada.. Hmmmmm I spoke with my travel agent about this.....You are correct if it is an international flight the baggage restrictions do not apply.
  16. They are both really fun girls...thats why I thought these might work
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