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Everything posted by Kryztan

  1. Kryztan


  2. Thanks girls!!!! Today....still super misserable:) Love the virtural soup:)
  3. The other day I got my first gift in the mail it was a 75.00 gift certificate for pampered chef..... Does anyone know if you can register with them somehow?
  4. Yes they need passports. We got ours for our 4 month old at the time. I think it was like 60.00 they come pretty quick
  5. I'm sorry! The puking is probably what made you question if you were pregnant! Aw memories:) I only had mine for like 2 weeks hopefully yours will go soon!!!
  6. Awww what great news! Congrats:) Have a great trip. You remind me of me. haha I went on a cruise when I was 8 weeks:)
  7. I have been soooooo sick since Monday and finally I went to the doctor last night and I have bronchitis/pnemonia.....I thought it was just a terrible cold I havnt worked out since Wednesday and I feel like Im gaining fat. I could just cry. I still feel like I just got hit by a freakin truck
  8. Welcome and congrats!
  9. OK!!!! Those of you who have had a baby before marriage will really understand this.... 3 months before my college graduation I found out I was pregnant.....UNEXPEXTED...and I was scared shitless! I was broke waiting on a loan and missed one week of my BC! But guess what the last thing I thought of was oh crap Im not married! Times have changed, now it really doesnt matter if your married first... All that matters is that baby is well taken care of and happy. It really doesnt matter how you do it. Baby just wants to know its loved! I think that most peoples ideal is marriage then kids. Having my baby is the best thing I have done up until this point in my life! She brings joys that you could not even imagine until you have one! I dont believe in JUMP THE GUN WEDDINGS BECAUSE OF PREGNANCY....most of the time it doesnt work! Anyway, it doesnt matter how happy you and your sig other are....having a baby is a real toll on any relationship (not in a bad way). You see how your sig other handles things. You agree on how baby should be raised sometimes you wont always agree. Sleepless nights, will you help each other out? Whos gonna feed baby this time? Daycare? Nursing? If a parent stays home to care for baby will other respect them because they are not earning a living. For some people these simple things could cause fights and make you wonder if you really want to be with the person. I belive that a child makes everything stronger! At the end of the day you sit with your family and realize how happy and lucky you are! CONGRATS MARTHA.....PREGNANCY IS AMAZING and I BET THAT YOU WILL LOOK ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL IN YOUR PREGNANT WEDDING DRESS! I CANT WAIT TO SEE PICTURES....WHAT A FUN SET OF PICS THOSE WILL BE Also, now that I have a baby and I know how easily I can get pregnant and knowing that my wedding is 2 1/2 months away I have been staying extra protective with bc!!!!!!! Just so that I do not have worry about re -ordering dress, clothes, etc! Also I would like to start my career that I went to college for lol! Babys are so fun!
  10. Kryztan


    Congrats and welcome to the forum:)
  11. Congrats and welcome to the forum.....
  12. When I had my baby, if it were medically necessary I would have done a c-section! I was one week past my due date when I went into labor. I had planned all a long to get drugs as soon as I could. When I finally went in to labor I dialated so quickly there was no time for meds. I loved my birth experience and am actually glad I ended up doing it naturally. My point isnt about the meds, it is simply that when you actually go into labor is when things are final. C Sections should not be decided on if not medically necessary. Things can change up to that point and you may not stick to your original birth plan. All you need to keep in mind is doing whats best for baby! If Csection is what is needed do it. Also good luck getting prego!
  13. Your back yard is sooo rich! I love it, and super jealous!
  14. I am so freakin mad! I dont know what to do anymore. My wedding is in August. I have 13 rooms booked as well as my fi and I. I have no information. I knew that the wedding coordinator is busy, I undersdand. Oasis has 5 resorts and there are 2 coordinators for all of them. My TA informed me that we could get great rates and that it is a great hotel to have a wedding at. Previously to booking I had a hard time getting response from coordinator. TA informed me that as soon as I book it is more serious and they will actually get back with me and answer all of my questions! I have asked multiple times for simple info. How much is a reception set up? Music for reception? Hour doureves? Flower bouquet costs? Cake Costs? Tables...How many people to a table, round or long I could go on and on....My TA's answer is you usually plan all of that stuff when you get there! WTF!!!?!??!?! Seriously it doesnt seem realistic to get to Mexico and then find out how much extra money you will need to spend on the wedding. It sounds immature and I am pissed! I wrote my TA an email expressing my concerns. Her response was I will contact the head of Funget and they will get answers. That was 2 1/2 weeks ago! I wrote another email asking if we got answers yet a week ago and got nothing back......!!!! I am irate! I understand that there are some things to choose when I get there and just have my inspirations ready, but I do not understand going there blind of what this will cost.......How am I suppose to budget Please give me some thoughts of what I should do next!
  15. Kryztan


    Welcome....Congrats and happy planning:)
  16. Your pics are beautiful.....Everything looks perfect
  17. Your pics are beautiful.....Everything looks perfect
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