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Everything posted by Kryztan

  1. However I was soooo paranoid about people holding her....I watched them like hawks. I wanted to make sure they didnt allow baby bobble head! I hate it when people dont hold their necks. Their head will bobble and it scares me!
  2. I HAVE HAD A BABY AND SHES A BITCH!!!! SHE IS RUDE RUDE RUDE and obviously IGNORANT! I prob. had 20 people cramed in my room like an hour after having the baby!!!! It is so nice that everyone wants to be a part of babys life and show love......She sounds terrible. I think you should ask your bro wtf her prob is! Does she not like what seems to be a fab family of in-laws?
  3. I just finished breastfeeding!!! I did so for 7 months. My baby was born almost 9 pounds and continued to be completely healthy and ahead developmentally because of it. It is hard to get through the first couple of weeks...but is soooo worth it!
  4. They have them at all of the jewelry stores around here. Fred Meyers, Kays, Helzberg, there are lots more.
  5. Have a wonderful wedding day!!
  6. They look great....I love them!!! You guys look too cute together
  7. Thanks girls! While I was waiting for it to come in I was freaking out thinking that I made a mistake ordering a dress with color in it!!!!! When I put it on, I loved it though:) FYI I ordered it 2 sizes smaller than I was at the time and it fit!!!! They said they could take it down 2 more sizes and I'm hoping I will make them have to!!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl love it krissie! my dress twin, ah i'm doing a slight sweetheart too! pinching the band and stitching from the back. cant wait to see yours!! So what areyou doing for veil? Did you end up getting another one?
  9. Also in alterations the neckline will be sweetheart!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Pretty pretty pretty. Is that the veil too? It is the veil that I ordered! I didnt want color in my veil!!!! I had a heck of a time finding one that I liked with the dress though!
  11. Work out like crazy....lots and lots of cardio! My pt says it is very possible but consider inches not pounds muscle weighs more than fat. Eat small meals and lean meats
  12. Congrats! I wish you a happy healthy pregnancy!
  13. Kryztan


    Congrats and welcome to the forum
  14. I really need some raffia 10' fans and everywhere I look that has low prices are temporarily out Anyone have some good sites to get them? Or anyone have some they wanna sell?Please let me know!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by newfiebride I think I am going to have this...not really a centrepiece as such but there are only going to be a few of us so i'm going kinda simple...hopefully it doesn't look tacky?.... (dont mind the wrinkly tablecloth...just using it for a trial pic, lol) I also have a few of these candles but don't know if i'll use them b/c frankly I don't know where I would use them... Where did you get the little colored rocks.....I would like to get some for my center piece.....are they fish rocks?
  16. Hobby Lobby has them and if you use the 40% off coupon theyre like 2 bucks for 4
  17. bamboo?orchid?both classy and fitting as for colors peach and tan aer very elegant i would use lots of white too
  18. Its usually on cheap metal!!!!! One of my friends works at a jewelry store and she said that real gold is fine!
  19. I love thier stuff too! Thanks for the input...I registered yesterday for lots of stuff:)))))) YAY!
  20. Congrats! St. Lucia is beautiful. My TA got married there
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