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Everything posted by akbeach

  1. Let's hope this resolves soon! We are still going unless it gets way worse or the borders are closed. Go away swine flu!!!!
  2. Moved on to level two on Sunday and back to 1 today. It's working!
  3. Let's all hope the flu slows down. The travel advisory is avoid non-essential travel. Isn't our wedding essential? I am emailing guests to let them know it's ok to cancel if they are worried but the wedding is still on at this point. I am just concerned with guests bringing young kids down. I had my first dress fitting so I need to use my dress!!!
  4. bringing: OOT bags guest book tea lights from Ikea for tables ribbon for tables starfish for table
  5. Thanks for sharing! It looks like you had a blast. Everything was beautiful!!!
  6. Thanks for the posts! I appreciate it. Here is a nice blessing: Native American reading: Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you. Go now to your dwelling to enter the days of your life together. And may your days be good and long upon the earth. Treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficult and fear assail your relationship - as they threaten all relationships at one time or another - remember to focus on what is right between you, not only the part which seems wrong. In this way, you can ride out the storms when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives - remembering that even if you lose sight of it for a moment, the sun is still there. And if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight.
  7. We finally have 51 guests so we can book the private reception at Del Mar! Yea!!!!!
  8. Love it! I can't wait to see your review after you are a married woman!
  9. Do you guys know what time night passes start? If the ceremony is at 4:00 pm, would guests coming onto the resort pay for day or night fees? I couldn't find this on the Iberostar site on in the info the coordinators sent me. Thanks!
  10. Most resorts will do this for you. It might not be worth it to do it ahead of time since it will get wrinkly on the plane.
  11. I recommend a wedding coordinator or using a hotel because it's hard to set everything up from far away. That's why most people go with a hotel or AI setting- it's just easier to have someone on site who does weddings each week to help you out. Non-AI are "cheaper" for guests for upfront costs but when you add in food and drinks, it is about the same. Some AI hotels have a free wedding package but it is more expensive for guests to stay there. I did hear about a wedding coordinator on Cozumel that sets everything up for you and can arrange a reception. Check out Destination wedding coordinator of Cozumel weddings and Mexico beach wedding. There was a bride on here that used them and seemed very happy. Good luck!
  12. Not that I wish trouble on anyone BUT I am glad to hear that I am not the only one dealing with this. My dad and stepmom still haven't booked their tickets for Mexico and are saying they can't help us out more because it is so expensive to travel down to Mexico- nevermind they have tons of miles and would fly for FREE! Anyway, enough about that. I am having a couples shower locally and a bridal shower in FI's hometown in the midwest. I feel like if people want to throw a shower, just go and be happy they want to be involved. FI's aunt is hosting the bridal shower and she isn't able to go to the wedding so she is happy to be able to do this for us. Isn't the point of the DW to have less stress? Let's remind ourselves that we wanted a fun get away with our friends and family. That's why we are doing this. Think of how much more stressed we would be if we had to do EVERYTHING at home!?! It's coming up!!
  13. It's getting close ladies! I think it will all be fine, just have to finish some details before then. Mainly- OOT bags and ipod playlist!
  14. Try P90X or 10 Minute Trainer to get good cardio and weights you can do without much equipment in your house.
  15. I just bought s swim suit, tanks tops, and some gel pads to sew into my wedding dress at Victoria's Secret. The gel pads were only $12.50 online which is much better than the $55 pair they were trying to sell me at the actual store! They have two great coupon codes right now: Free shipping if you spend $50, code: FREE50 20% off all tops, code: TOPS20
  16. Congrats! I am getting married at the IB del Mar on June 20, 09! You might want to add a welcome letter to the bags for guests so they know what to do in the area. We are giving guests options to join us for a tour if they want but we didn't want to plan everything out since it is their vacation.
  17. A friend of ours just got back from Cancun last week and had no problems with excursions. There were check points on the road but they weren't too bad. I think we are going to do guided excursions instead of going off on our own like we had originally planned. I would let your guests decide.
  18. June 20 is coming up fast! My dress arrived, invites are out, photographer booked, BM dresses sent out to the girls Need to: order wedding bands, figure out what to do for OOT bags, get shoes so I can have my dress altered, order cake topper... June is almost here!
  19. Looking for size 11 wedding sandals/shoe- white or silver with low to mid height heel. PM me if you are looking to sell. Thanks!
  20. Thanks for all of the input ladies! Now I just have to decide what I am going to do...
  21. Try Cetaphil Cream for areas that are sensitive or dry or red daily to prevent patches from popping up and then use hydrocortisone cream or topical steroid cream when redness or scaling pops up. That's what my derm recommends. Also, you can get stronger RX cream, like triamcinalone for rashes, etc. Talk to your doc before you go.
  22. So, we are having 3 BM and 3 GM and 2 of the GM are FI's brothers. We decided this about 9 months ago. This week, my only brother tells me he is disappointed that he is not standing up in the wedding. I have asked him to do a reading and introduce us at the reception since we are using an IPOD. Any other ideas of how to include him? We have already decided on the wedding party and don't want to add him just because he feels neglected (he is 29 years old). My mom is pressuring me, too. Thoughts? Help!
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