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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle613 About the rendezvous bar and meet & greets, the staff doesn't care if we tell everyone to meet there right? I also want to tell people beforehand but I don't want any staff giving us problems or saying there's too many of us (even though I have no idea how many people will be there.) No, it's the lobby. They can't really get onto you about having too many people. There are a ton of tables and chairs and even a porch outside with tables and chairs. It's where we had our welcome drinks. It won't be a problem at all.
  2. It is the first bar you see when you walk through the doors so it will be easy for your guests to find
  3. She is so cute!!!! Congrats again. I can't wait to see more pictures when you have more time. Give her lots of kisses from all us girls.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Cassondra2009 Congratulations Joanna! I can't wait to read your review. I'm glad you had such a good experience at Dreams! Past Dreams brides/guests: What is the best bar to meet at for Welcome drinks? I'm in the process of working on my welcome brochure now. The lobby bar for sure. It is the easiest for all the guests to find.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride Congrats Summer! Looking forward to seeing pics. Anyone recall when they started really having symptoms? I know I am early still, just 6 weeks yesterday but other then some tenderness, the occassional ride on the emotional rollercoaster and tiredness, I feel fine. And people keep asking me how I feel, so its like they expect me to be feeling something, so now I feel weird that I'm not. Crazy as it sounds, I don't really recall the early weeks of my first pregnancy; it was 5 years ago and a very stressful time so I just don't remember. Mine started hitting around 7-8 weeks. Everyone is different though. Enjoy it while you can!
  6. Almost all the WC's take forever to get back to you. Have you tried talking to the one at Dreams?
  7. Congrats! I can't wait to see her. Are you going to write a birth story?
  8. So the hotel they hold the final rose ceremony at in Banff is where DH took me the night we got engaged. We stayed two nights and it was so amazing. It was cool to see it again.
  9. How the heck have I missed this thread?! I am so sad for them but can't say I didn't see it coming from the beginning.
  10. maybe the stress of your wedding will change it again I was two weeks late for mine and actually took a test in Mexico. I wasn't pregnant and started the day before we left.
  11. Good luck! I am sure everything will be amazing.
  12. While TTC we used our basal body temp and charting to find out when our fertile period was. Which would be what you would do to avoid your fertile period. It works really great. I don't know how much you know about charting or about looking for fertile symptoms but if you want to know more I will be happy to answer any questions.I know a lot of girls use this to TTC and TTA (trying to avoid)
  13. I already said this on Facebook and in Morgan's thread BUT HAPPY HAPPY anniversary!!!
  14. Happy First Anniversay to Morgan and to you Erin!!! I hope you both have an amazing day!
  15. Thanks girls!! I woke up this morning to a bunch of long stem roses spread out all over the kitchen with hershy kisses mixed in. DH had to go to work early so he must have done it while I was sleeping. My whole family is getting together for a Fathers Day/My Birthday dinner. Should be fun! Thanks again girls.
  16. You will have to make sure to get a picture of the two of them in their casts. Poor things.
  17. YAY welcome back Andrea. Love the pics Bisha. SO cute!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Well I had my appointment this morning and the Bp is still on the rise....150 over 90. So he had scheduled a C section for Tuesday at 9:30 am. We have to be there at 7:30. I am so excited there is a light at the end of the tunnel. He told me to take it easy over the weekend and try and hold out until then. YEY!!!! YAY! That is so exciting that you have a time frame. But BOOO for bad BP. Take it easy this weekend and keep us posted!
  19. Mel- I want Ed to come back too. My mom and I always pick our two favs at the beginning he and Kipton were my two. He seemed to have it together and had great job etc etc.
  20. I wouldn't pay it. I don't like letting other people handle things for me though. I like to do things myself. So, that is why. If she doesn't want to deal with the things she is getting from the fee then she should do it for sure!
  21. You looked amazing Jen. Everytime I see DC reviews it makes me all teary. I can't wait to go back there and visit.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Reluctant Beach Bride Hi ladies...I am a 2nd time Mommy to be and it is VERY early in this pregnancy, I just found out and we are so excited, looks like it was a weddingmoon conception for us. I have been reading the last few pages of this thread and everyone is so far along, I feel silly for chiming in already. Good luck to all you ladies, I hope you are all feeling well. Congrats and welcome! You are not silly, when is your first appt?
  23. When my BFF got married I was her MOH and I put together a slideshow for her. We were at her Soon to be inlaws going through pictures trying to find some of her FI and we found a few of his first wedding pictures. It really got to her too. We had to make sure all the flowers and colors were completely different lol. It's just one of those things. He is with you because his ex and him didn't work and he LOVES you more than anything in the world. And no material or colors or flowers will make him think of anything but you on your day
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