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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. I am a mommy now! FF is really great, it helped me so much. Is your baby living with you yet?
  2. I just want to agree with cubsfan. I literally planned/changed everything once I got down there! They do this every day and they have it down to a science. I know it's stressful but just have faith it will be amazing!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Trice Hello Ladies, I'm just checking in. We are expecting our first child May 7, 2010. Congrats!!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SheaS Hey ladies.... It has been forever since I have posted, so I don't even know most of you. Anyways, I am wondering if any of you have looked at the Chinese baby gender predictor, and if so, was the predicition right? I don't believe in stuff like this, but coincidently enough, it has been right for everyone I know! Please let me know if your results were right or wrong! Chinese Gender Chart to Determine Your Baby's Gender Thanks! I'm not sure if mine is right or not. I think I concieved in Jan like the 30th but my dr thought I concieved in Feb. If I was right then the chart is right if the dr was right then the chart was wrong. But since I was charting my cycles I am pretty sure I was right.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*~Margie~*~ Thank you for the info Angel. I read over the link but this is different. Its not effecting my legs or back, TMI alert but it literally feels like the baby is clawing at my cervix to get out, or like a knife in the same area. The pain is all internal in the lower pelvis and cervix area. Sounds like Round Ligament pain. UGH it's the worst. I had it a lot too. Esp when I made fast movements. Like jumping out of bed etc.
  6. Sorry it took so long to post girls! Ashlyn is a doll but takes up ALL my time! She was 8lbs 12oz and 20 inches long. I had to be induced but it all went well and we are enjoying every moment of her!
  7. Aww thank you Abbie!! You are the sweetest! I was just going to Nom you but Ann beat me to it!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C thanks ladies...she has had all that hair since she was born now its just getting longer. Kat i can understand the since of releaf of a plan. the doc even said i looked happier once he gave me date. Were you induced as well?
  9. Actually I feel really relaxed.. Maybe because I have a plan now? I am not sure. It feels kinda weird having it plannned out because I have been so anxious about when/how she would arrive. So, knowing I have to show up at the hospital at a certain time makes it so strange to me.
  10. Thanks girls! I am still here. I went to the dr yesterday and I am getting induced Thursday morning if she hasn't made her appearance by then! I guess she knows she has a good thing going inside me and isn't ready to give it up. But the eviction notice has been given!
  11. Around eight pounds as of last tuesday. But those things can be off two pounds either way! I'm hoping I go on my own tonight but it's not looking too good. I'll know more after my appt tomorrow as to the game plan.
  12. I'm still here and still fat lol
  13. I am still watching as well. I was super bummed that it was a rerun this week.
  14. Thanks girls! I am doing OK. It is uncomfy to be this big and it sucks trying to sleep because my shoulders and hips start hurting (since you have to sleep on your side) but it should all be over soon! I have been pretty lucky not to have too many complications so I hate to complain about the minor ones. My back is about ready to snap though lol COME ON BABY!
  15. lol I know I am huge. I went to the dr on tues and he said "wow this baby is ginormous" EEK that is not what you want to hear.
  16. I take my pics on Fridays so here is my picture from last friday at 39 weeks.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by cougs kat, get out of this thread and go have your baby already! LOL! LMAO! I wish she would come already! She's stubborn like her mama apparently
  18. Yep still here and still pregnant! UGH! I think I have a little drama queen on my hands.
  19. Our Air conditioning worked well but our water heater went out! They had it fixed pretty quick though. I also agree that the rooms could use some updating BUT seriously the views are so amazing and the service is so great that it makes up for all of it. You don't walk in the rooms and think what a dump but it's def not amazing in there. I would pick Dreams again if given the choice.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM w00t YAY for not being sued! lol
  21. I know!! I am hoping I will go tonight! Send out some labor vibes!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride So - I just thought I would update all you ladies that Jake is the new bachelor!!! (like we all knew he would be!) The new season is starting in January! UGH I might pass on this season
  23. I love all the colors you picked! It is so classy and beautiful. I can't wait to see your pictures and hear all about it! Now just relax and enjoy the ride!
  24. I think this might be a little creepy. Also, you might have problems with security or freak people out. I would say get there before everyone else to board the ship. Then you can get on and hide before they get on. Or at least have one of your friends keep everyone back a bit so they can't see you.
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