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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. Ok girls just bumping this to see if anyone else wants to go. I will have to call and make a reservation by wednesday!
  2. Congrats! Good luck to you! And just remember if it doesn't work out there are a ton of other houses just waiting to get bought Here are some good vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl Jessica-that is so funny about hello kitty!!! hahaha...everyones decorations look sooo good! I wish we had a bigger tree, but this one will have to do for now. Abbie-my mom has a big pickle for a big prize and a minature pickle for a little prize-its sooo cute. Kat-I love your siggy pic too...your hair is fab Thanks! About this pickle thing... what is the deal with it and how do I join? I love prizes! Quote: Originally Posted by lauren no decorations here we're non-practicing jews but i grew up with a 1' fake tree. when my parents moved, my father decided that he didn't care what my mother thought anymore - since he grew up with a real tree, he was going to have one...then my sister moved out and got a tree...dh won't let me have one tho, and since we don't have/want a menorah, we're the only unlit house on the block. My Dad is Jewish. He always participated with our Christmas holiday. Even now (my parents are divorced) he comes over with Christmas presents. We try to go over and light the candles with him to support him too.
  4. YAY Jenny! I am so happy for you! Now it will really be your DREAM wedding.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian She even asked me once if I wanted the "collectible Hello Kitty 'adult toy'" (aka vibrator) for god's sake! It's totally crazy. OMG!!! OK that is slightly overboard ha ha ha
  6. OMG Erin! Give her tons of kisses from me! I use to have a Choc Lab. His name was Brodie and he was HUGE! He also had green eyes which I guess isn't very common and they looked SO pretty against his chocolatness! She is too cute I love her!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by bridetobe959 Thanks for the help everyone I knew I could count on you ladies! Im still back and forth but Im thinking I could always wear the short one to the AHR and TTD or I can start off wearing the long one then change into the short for easier dancing. wow decisions, decisions! Well, if you can afford both dresses, problem solved! Go for it!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Casey, Kat & Ashley - guess what! I just found out that we'll be having an "encore" to our current show at the gallery THAT night (Thursday the 18th!). If y'all wanna meet at our gallery for a couple drinks and then (maybe) go out for a later dinner or something afterwards that would be great! Just lemme know... unfortunately I'll probably have to work, so I won't be able to get out earlier than 8-9ish (probably go in around 6:30 or so? - not sure yet it hasn't been planned 100%)... Also, my surgery got moved up to Tues instead of Thurs. But not sure I could travel out to Grapevine so soon... I'll let y'all know Hmm all good news! That would be fun to meet you at work! Ive been wanting to check out your gallery! And I hope your surgery goes smooth and you are feeling amazing by Friday night and craving Mexican food HA HA HA HA
  9. I like them both BUT I think the second one makes you look longer and really hugs your curves well. I think the first one is super cute and different though. I just think the second one is a little more bridal looking. I don't think you can go wrong either way! Does one of them make you feel more bride like?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ Off topic but your siggy pic is fierce Kat! Love it! Thanks lol! I have a bunch of pictures that just crack me up! This is one of them.
  11. Erin I totally know what you mean about a new tree. This is our first Christmas at our house and we have 10 feet ceilings in our living room here. So, our six foot tree looks tiny! We are going to try to find a deal after Christmas on one somewhere. We just don't have the extra money either right now. I will post a picture of our cute lil mini tree soon!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by DallasAshli Aahhh, I want a cat! We have lots of friends who are allergic and since they often come to the house, we aren't going to get one Kat - I love your sassy pose in your new siggy pic!! Aww that is nice of you not to get a kitty because of your friends! And thanks! That picture cracks me up!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie by the way, one of the the 5 lber's came and chased the 15 lber away. she was jealous! OMG how cute is the five pounder?! So cute! I love that picture!
  14. I feel so bad for his kids. They have been through so much because of him. I'm glad he is getting what he deserves *finally* but I do wish he would have smartened up a long time ago for his kids sake. I guess it was bound to happen though so that the wrong could be right and his ass would get put in prison.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JGAMMAGIRL77 Okay, I'm a bit lost. I dont' understand how many points I need to be able to view attachments but it seems that I do not have enough points. Can someone provide me with some insight? Thanks, Jessica You need 50 points to open each attachment. You seem to have enough Quote: Originally Posted by deefalvey These templates are great, but I have a question...I have seen posts with templates for the sleves that these boarding passes go in. Is there somewhere where I can just buy them already folded and ready to go? I don't know if you can or not. I had mine made by Sarah. She is a member on the forum. She did a great job!!
  16. lol Yes Kat has a Cat. His name is Lucian the Werekitty. (he use to be a big trouble maker as a kitten) His spot is on the footstool with a blanket on it. He is quite protective of it and when anyone tries to use it for something outlandish such as putting their feet on it, he makes their life miserable lol Fast asleep-- Big Yawn And going back to sleep
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin Hi all, I missed my period this month, so I just took a pregnancy test last night (well, I actually took two just to make sure) and it was posotive! I'm still in shock and feeling very emotional about it. I didn't think I would get pregnant this fast!?!? But, I'm really excited!!! It's just that it's still very early and I just hope everything turns out well. I'm thinking I'm a little less than 4 weeks. I made an appt today to get a pregnancy test and my doc's and to get checked up. I'm having a lot of cramping, is that normal? Normally, this is when I would be on my period, so I'm guessing that may explain the cramps. I did notice out-of-the ordinary stomach cramps (very minor ones) from the very beginning, so I hope this is just part of the pregnancy and nothing bad. But I already have noticed my boobs getting swollen and extremely sensitive! And, I can tell I've been extra tired lately. Any way, I'll keep you all posted! OMG Congrats sweetie! That is great news!
  18. OK Abbie I am about to go take a picture of my cat. He looks just like yours only not quite as "fluffy" lol
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J Thanks, I am just trying to focus on all the good people that will be there and hopefully that attitude rubs off! So this is totally off subject BUT I was just wondering... If I were to take my husband to breckenridge, do we fly into Denver? How far of a drive is it to Breckenridge?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J I confess that I am worried that my mother will be rude and stuck up to everyone at my wedding including many of the people that I care deeply about like my step mom who has been kindly and selflessly helping me plan. You know after my MIL and SMIL got a few beers/wine/fruity drinks in them.... They were dancing together on the dance floor HA HA HA I know you are worried but there is nothing you can do unless you want to talk to her about it. Just try not to worry about it sweetie! You can't make people be anything else but themselves. Good or bad.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl Rrrrraarrrr!!!! Yep! We are not bringing protection on the trip.... HA HA HA There is something about making a baby that just makes me go crazy Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 I confess that I picked up my wedding band yesterday and have been wearing every chance I get! As soon as no one is around I pop it back on. lol Awww isn't it fun?!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by kevsgirl You are sooooo right Oh and then wait until you start TTC if that is in the plans! Then it's really va va voom!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl Haha, y'all are too funny...I have shaved my legs recently, but my confession is that I quit my job last week and I still haven't told my future in laws (we are close). I feel guilty but I am just waiting for the right time...FYI-they aren't into housewives...I am looking for a new job though! EEK. Although it really isn't their call if you are a housewife or not. So don't feel guilty! Good luck with the job search.
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