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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. Then she had that tissue on her tongue and he had to pick it off then she tries to kiss him all snotty and gross and wonders why he pulls away?! WTF?! She was pretty funny though. A couple shows back they do the extra footage at the end and she was impersonating people. She seems like a nice girl just not GF material so much
  2. So, my final three are Molly, Melissa and Naomi. I think Jillian is going to be too boyish for him and Stephanie will be too oldish for him. Did you guys see what she was wearing when they did the songs?! I couldn't believe it. She has a rockin' body for having a kid I will give her that. What was with Shannon saying she was going home to French Kiss her puppy? WTF?! My stepson was laughing so hard when she said that I had to pause the show lol
  3. Also, here is my welcome stuff I used in case you guys want to use some of it. I also added a meet the guests thing I made sharedwelcomenewsletter.doc Funny Spanish Phases[1].doc Timeline[1].doc things todo.doc
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by quackquack Does anyone have a pre-wedding brochure or passport booklet that was used for Dreams Cancun? here is mine. I didn't add too much but maybe you can work with what I have. Good luck sharedweddingnewsletter.com.doc
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Isn't it shitty!!?? I had a few meltdowns. The day that we arrived (my TA had everything screwed up), the night before my wedding (my mom had a few too many & I was really disappointed in her), on the plane when we were coming back (thinking about everything that went wrong) & even last night again. My DH is soon going to commit me to the looney bin!! lol I don't know...it all just wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I just wish I had an undo button & could start over!! My mom did the same thing! I was so upset I was sobbing the night before my wedding. I got about two hours sleep and you can literally see the bags under my eyes in my wedding pics. Thanks Mom.
  6. Andrea, I really recommend getting the paid version of FF. Or another site if you choose. I have learned sooo much more by being a paid member. Just buy a month or something and if you don't like it it's only ten bucks. I bought a month then liked it so I bought three more months for like 15 bucks. Also, if you get someone else to join you and that other person get a free 30 days. I haven't used the TCOYF software but I have heard great things about the book so I bet it's great as well. Good luck to you and we are all here if you have questions.
  7. I'm not your friend!!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Andrea~ How are you TTCer's doing? I recently signed up for ff and have learned a ton! That whole cervix positioning stuff is so interesting! I've been charting my temp with a regular thermometer for the past few weeks to get the hang of it. Is there really a difference between thermometers? This one seems to be doing the trick. Do you all take it while lying in bed? I get up and walk three steps to the bathroom to take mine. I can see this will be a roller coaster ride already! Oh you have to email me... sunset81. Then I can stalk you! You have to take it before getting up!! And you need to get a Basal Body thermometer. It is more accurate and sometimes you need a little more accuracy. good luck!
  9. When my BF was getting married we went to her local DB it was a mess and they were soooo rude so I swore I wouldn't ever go there when I was dress shopping. So, when my turn came I ended up going to my local DB and LOVED it. They were so nice and catered my every need even when I didn't have an appt they did their best to fit me in. I think it is all in the store you go to. I am sorry you had such a bad experience though. Esp, since it's supposed to be such a great experience.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by soccergurl3 I have a major confession: I am dreading pretty much everyone that is coming to my wedding right now: For instance,1) My bridesmaids are more worried about how they are going to have the most beautiful dresses, what their hair will be like to knock everyone off their socks then caring about me on my day! 2)I am completely PO'd at My dad, because he is making up some BS excuse why he isn't allowed to get a passport because he hasn't paid my mom child support. When I told him that he only needs his Birth Certificate, he makes up some other excuse that it was financial. Then I told him i would pay for his trip and now another excuse. He can't admit to me that he doesn't want to go because my mom and her new husband will be there! 3)Everyone including my mom, dad and brother are against the marriage in the first place. They have all been divorced and are telling me that if I don't think i can see myself with him for the restof my life( which i can completly can) that i shouldn't get married. 4) My whole family is bitching over the cost of the wedding! It will cost them 2200 to come and it makes me mad because when i talked to my mom and dad last year they said that they would both pitch in 10K for the wedding, but now that it is a destination wedding they won't even pay for their airfare and accomodation 5) My bridesmaids have asked random people to come to my wedding, who I barely know and am not friends with because they think that they could have a blast in mexico....excuse me but i was the one that sent out the invitations not you!!! It just seems like everything is going wrong and everyone has alterior motives. This is about my fiance and I and noone else! But no one seems to get that point....so frustrating!! Screw them! They are going to miss out on a great trip!! My Dad didn't go either. It kinda hurt my feelings but he did give us a lot of money to help out. So, whatever. I am sorry you are so down about it. Just give it time. People will jump on board or they won't, the people that do won't complain once they are on the beaches somewhere As for your bridesmaid, tell her you don't mind her inviting people but do to rules at the hotel you can only have so many people at the wedding/reception. So, as long as they don't think they are going to the wedding it should be fine. Keep your chin up and we are here if you need to vent
  11. OOPS I missed it too! Sounds like it was an amazing birthday though!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I just caught up from last week - good show!!! I cried when Stephanie met up with her daughter Sophie & I love that Natalie is gone!! Shannon is a nut job & dispite being rough around the edges I like Meghan - I think she is getting a bad rep. My fav is still Jillian though - go Canadian girl!!! I really wish they wouldn't preview the good parts before they show it though - I find it really takes away from the show. Can't wait for tonight. I like Jillian, I just think she is a little looney and not his type. She is pretty funny though. I like Stephanie a lot too but again think, not his type. She is too Old (not physically but mentally) I think.
  13. I agree about the movie. I was having to explain a lot of it to DH. He was like why is he holding his nose? I know it was a lot to put in one movie but they just left out soooo much.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I confess that I cannot bring myself to post pics or write a review of my wedding because I have such mixed reviews about it - and our whole vacation. I just wish I had a do-over. First off Welcome Back!! Second, that sucks! I had some bad stuff happen on my vacation too. Just try to filter out the bad and focus on the good If you need to talk email me! I can't wait to see your pics though
  15. I just watched last weeks episode! I was in Cali and missed it. I still really like Melissa.
  16. The bathrooms are a bit outdated. The rooms aren't dirty but they aren't amazing either (at least I didn't think so) It is not a disgusting hotel though. The grounds are kept very well and are very beautiful. The rooms could be updated but whatever IMO the rest of the hotel makes up for it
  17. I agree with Debs. As hard as it may be she is your family now. And your Dad obviously loves her very much and would want to share that with her. I would be the bigger person and invite her as well. Just for the sake of peace if anything.
  18. The same crap happened to me. My mom and brother booked about a week before we left. Dh groomsmen booked the day before we left and bought their outfits the day they left. My Grandma couldn't make it because of health reasons. My BM ended up pregnant, my sister couldn't make it. I could go on and on. But you know what? Even with all the drama and the people that couldn't be there, I had the time of my life and wouldn't change it for the world. Everyone there raved about it being the best vacation of all time and that we had to do it again every year. As sad as it is that some people can't make it. Try to put that in the back of your mind. Hang in there!!
  19. I can't wait to see your pictures. I love looking back at pictures from where I was married and seeing where you guys were when you took the picture. Makes me miss it all. I can't wait to go back and visit.
  20. I just went and read what you linked. What a wonderful man your Dad was. You were truely blessed to have him in your life
  21. I'm so sorry for your loss At least like you said he is out of pain. I know that doesn't make it any easier though.
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