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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. Aww I hope matt likes her. Have you tried Hyland teething tablets? Ashlyn has already started teething. Her bottom teeth are just barely poking out. And they have seemed to work ok for her.
  2. OMG Congrats Mrs. Martin! My friend was super tired and sick with her first pregnancy. She is pregnant again. Her baby will be one in April and she is due in August. She said this pregnancy is really different. She isn't as tired or sick at all.
  3. They live in Saskatoon. If you come back down here you have to go to Babes in Granbury. MMMM they have the best chicken ever.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Tam My Mom uses Christian Dior 60/80... you should look up face creams on this website: Shop Paula's Choice Skin-Care: Paula's Choice Skin Care & Cosmetics. Not sure if you've heard of her, but she researches tons of different products, what's good, what's bad, high end, low end etc. Paula has been around for a long time and really knows her products. She's also on tv all the time (Dr. OZ actually yesterday) but I have seen her for years. Totally off topic, your daughter is adorable! And, I actually know people who live in Stephenville and Lipan!! My in-laws and their kids. This thread is like super old but thanks for the input!! That is crazy that you have family here. NOBODY knows where Stephenville is and even less know about Lipan lol. Have you ever been here? My Inlaws live in Canada. They came down a few weeks ago to get out of the snow and it ended up snowing the whole time they were here lol.
  5. Aww Thanks so much. She is a sweetheart.
  6. Aww Twins will be so much fun. I always wanted to be a twin! My Grandma is an identical twin! So fun! Anyway, my neighbor has three year old twins and she got a night nanny to help her. She also had her Mom come and stay with her for the first few weeks. You can SO do this. Just think of how fun of a journey this will be!!
  7. Aww I am sure all is fine. I hate it when nurses/drs stress you out for no reason. They shouldn't have even said anything to you. Keep us posted and try to stay calm, your Dh is right.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan OK so I know it's a little early, but I have to blab to someone -- DH and I are pg with our first! Yay! We're only 5 weeks along, so I know anything could happen but its sooooo hard not to tell everyone I see. Obviously we are both very excited. We're planning to wait a little longer maybe 8-10 weeks till we start telling people. He almost let the cat out of the bag at work yesterday. Our parents don't even know yet! I see my family MD on Wednesday for labs and whatever else happens at the first appt. Woo! PS. Kat - your daughter is gorgeous and I love her name! Thank you! I was hesitant to tell people as well. But DH couldn't wait so we told people (close family and my best friends) at about 5 weeks. Then told the rest of the world after we saw the heartbeat.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by carolina24 Hi ladies!!! first of all CONGRATS to all of you!!!! so I went to the doc for a pre preg exam and she gave me a bunch of prenatal vitamin samples...i've heard horror stories about them, and from searching on here, it's mostly true. doc wants me to start taking them now even though we're not trying till after the wedding in sept, but i know of so many people that start them after they find out theyre pregnant and with all the side effects i just don't know? what do you think?? which one's are easiest on your tummy? thanks! What horror stories have you heard about Prenatals? I never had any problems with them. I hope you don't either. I started taking them two months before I got pregnant but they say you should start three months so that you have the build of of folic acid etc in your body when you get pregnant.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by bnbrmy FI and I started ttc over a year ago. We had no luck. Recently I had horrible stomach pains (turned out to be kidney stones) but in the process of trying to figure out what was wrong I was told I had a cyst on my left ovary. It is pretty simple to get rid of. Birth control is very effective in removing them, I know about 6 women who all took birthcontrol to remove cysts and every single one of them ended up pregnant within two months or so. Since I found out about the cyst we have become engaged. Now I'm in a situation of do I still try and forget the wedding or do I wait and go ahead with the wedding? Our wedding is in jan. of next year. It seems like we have waited a lifetime (anyone ttc surely understands this) and I don't want to wait any longer. But I would either be giving birth around the time we are planning the wedding or I would be pregnant. So I'm a little confused. I told FI the other night I had something to show him and he rushed home so excited. He thought I was pregnant but I just wanted to show him a bookmark I made. lol. We are both ready to start a family. so I really don't know what to do. How long do you have to be on BC? If you could hold off TTC a few months you could always get married while pregnant. So, if you hold off until say July you would only be like six months prego when you got married. I know the wait feels like forever but I promise as soon as the baby gets here you will forget how long you waited.
  11. I couldn't find a BD pic that I was comfy posting lol so here is mine!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM Thanks everyone for all this info! I never tracked either but it looks like Im going to start needing to. I recently got off BC and i knew my cycle would be off but it was like 35 days this month...needless to say im going to need to start tracking otherwise i will thing Im pregnant every month When I got off bc my cycles were so messed up! The cycle I got pregnant on I ovulated on cd 35! That is a long cycle.
  13. Here is sophie on Amazon. That is where I got her from. It's a bit cheaper on there. Amazon.com: Vulli Sophie the Giraffe Teether, Brown/ White: Baby
  14. It sounds and looks just like a dog toy! Except it's made from plastic that is safe for babies. It took a while for my dog not to freak out every time it squeaks.
  15. lol! Sophie is that giraffe that you can barely see at the bottom of the picture in my siggy. It is a teether that us supposed to be like the best ever! It's easy for babies to hold and it squeaks a little.
  16. Thanks Amy! How are you doing?
  17. Thanks girls! Ashlyn is just starting to really like Sophie. She will grab her and shove her in her mouth then forget what she was doing and drop her lol
  18. Jenn he is so cute. I am SO jealous of all that hair. Ashlyn is still a baldy.
  19. I saw that on Ellen too but totally forgot about it. I had no idea who it would be with though! That is slightly shocking.
  20. Thanks! I love your pictures your skin is freakin' flawless!! I like Teddy and I hope he and silver hook up. Dixon does remind me of Carlton. I never realized who it was!
  21. Amanda- LOVE your new siggy! Is that a BD pic? I hope Jenn is off the show too she sucks. And Ivy is so annoying. Annie needs to dye her hair really bad and it was driving me insane the whole show and Jasper is a creepy little dude!
  22. Stacey even if you don't want to full out take your temps and chart completely I would def at least track your cycles in terms of when you get your period etc. See if there is some pattern like if your cycles are consistantly 30 days etc it will help later because you always Ovulate about 14 days before you start your period. So if your cycles are always 30 days you know you are going to be fertile between day 12-17. Also, if you are on the pill I would stop a month or two before you plan to start TTC because sometimes your cycles will be really loopy after you get off. I stopped taking the pill in May of 08 and got pregnant in Jan 09 and every cycle I had was over 40 days!! Some where as long as 60 days. There is a free course you can take on fertility friend that is really helpful in terms of watching your Cervical Mucus and watching for "signs" of ovulation. I'm excited you two are thinking about starting!! It can be super frustrating but it is def rewarding when it works out!
  23. Jen I have heard of that happening so often! I hope it all works out for you. I just sent you a PM on FF as well.
  24. Thanks so much. It is amazing how much babies change your life. They are jsut amazing. sunset81 Ovulation Charts That is my homepage on FF I think you can email me from there. If you have any questions email me for sure. It was really hard for me to navigate at first.
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