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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. Welcome to the thread! There is soooo much info here! And if you have any questions we are all here for you
  2. Kelly that is a step in the right direction. The only step from there is buying a place so YAY!
  3. I did koozies, but they don't really serve cans or bottles unless you get a corona. (in the room they do, they have them in the fridge) I wanted them to have something they could use at home. As for the travel mugs I am really glad I didn't get them. I wouldn't want to carry around something like that and when you are there all the drinks are served in huge glasses and you can get rid of them when you don't want to carry something. If you have more questions let me know.
  4. I made all my arrangements when I got there. Jill- If you need any help with this thread let me know.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by samanthag I agree about Molly. She looks like she thinks she already has it. Ever since that overnight date! Someone needs to tell her just cuz she put out does not guarantee she's going to marry the man!!! I like Melissa. She was one of my favorites from the start. But I think not meeting her family will not be good. I like Naomi too but I was super shocked about what she said regarding her mother. I'm pretty sure that's why he pulled her aside right before the ceremony. And honestly I'm not sure if she's really ready for his life... And for some reason I just don't see him with Jillian. I don't think she's "girly" enough for him, kwim? All I know is that I'm working next week. I have a trip Mon-Wed and I'm willing to trade for a Fri-Sun in order to see this show when it airs! People will think I'm crazy for working on a weekend but I don't care! In fact, I'm going to work on that trade right now!!!! LMAO I love that you are doing that. You crack me up!
  6. I think she does too... SIGH maybe her family will suck! I bet Jillian's family will be a blast.
  7. Dude, I swear Deonna better not show up on the last episode. I think she shows up on the show when there are three of them and they go to like the bahamas. That is just my guess. I'm so mad at her and I will swear off this show if he picks her. But I don't think he will. I LOVE Melissa and I am So sad that her parents would do that to her. Ummm hello, it is ok to support your daughter. I'm not crazy about Molly or Naomi. I like Jillian a lot more than I did before. Molly just seems hmmmm I don't know how to descibe it maybe snobby?
  8. Oh I LOVE them! I love only the one color. So romantic and pretty. YAY!
  9. Make sure you get more than an hour. That isn't very long at all! And YAY for your Fi getting into it too.
  10. They use to call it a Wash the Dress session. That was when it was just going into the water. Now they changed it to TTD because people do crazy things like paintballing or riding dirt bikes etc. So, maybe you can reapproach it with pictures and keep calling it a wash the dress session lol.
  11. Girls you won't be disappointed! Jeremy is a great guy and very talented. He not only did my BD pics but also my wedding in Cancun. If you have any questions feel free to PM me!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Hartyt509 I think we are going to go off site simply because we wouldn't feel good about going to one of the other restaurants that they've already paid for in the AI package lol I wouldn't mind but FI won't have it lol I'm now desp looking for a place. FI's idea wait until get there!!! WTF lol Ok she responded and it only took 4 days lol The vid is $600 plus tax!! Holy crap lol I told FI and he said "F** that" lmao If i'm truthful I was only getting it so he could load it on to his laptop for afghanistan and his sister is really ill so she might want to see it but he'll have to just remember lol Marie, if that is all you want it for I would put a camcorder in someones hands and then show it to her. You could buy a camcorder for a lot cheaper than that! Hey that could be my job while I am there lol
  13. Kelly, I am so pissed for you! Why aren't you guys at least staying with one another? Seriously, why does he think he got married and then gets to keep on with life like nothing changed?! If he likes the condos I say take a day off go pick up his lazy ass and drive him to the real estate agent to put in an offer.
  14. Amanda, It is never too late to do TTD maybe if you plan an anniversary trip you can TTD then!! I wan't to do it again lol.
  15. I'm sure she will come around. You might have to set a limit with her, if she knows it bothers you she will keep doing it. And maybe he needs to actually tell her that he loves you and that wont ever replace how much he loves her it will only make it better because you make him soooo happy and that should make her happy too. She will come around just take some deep long sighs. Maybe you can all three do some fun things together and make her think it is your idea. She might be intimidated of you because that is "her Daddy" ya know?
  16. That is just crazy. Who cares if you are "friends" with your coworkers. As long as it isn't interfering with your ability to communicate with them when needed what does he care?
  17. I am sorry you are going through all that. I am sure that hurts that she isn't excited about it. It is something she will get use to though. Does your FI ever talk to her about it?
  18. So, I am trying to eat healthier. Dh however loves sausage so I am trying out some Turkey Sausage. It looks like the long Italian sausage. Anyway, any good ideas for sausage recipes?
  19. Golly Andrea! It's not like you leave in two days or anything! Get on it!
  20. Kate- Ryan started wearing his ring when we got legally married a few months before. I couldn't get him to stop LMAO. He loves his ring. I love to see him wear it too.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by InspiredBride I woke up needing to confess! I am seriously annoyed with my FI. We are renting a house with his 25 year old brother who JUST moved out of his mom's house for the first time when he moved in with us last March. So our lease is up, and last night I told FI I wanted to discuss our living situation. He says we should give his brother at least another year of living with us, because asking him to move out sooner would cause him too much stress. I told him I would really like it if we could start our married life out WITHOUT his brother, since I'm honestly tired of cleaning up after him (among other things). I said maybe we could comprimise and just ask for a 9 month lease so we could at least have our own place for our first holidays together. So FI says "I'm going to have to ask my mom what she thinks!" What!? Seriously?! You have to ask your mom what she thinks about where I should live? He said this is because maybe she'll have an idea about where his brother can live. HE'S 25 YEARS OLD!!! Okay, so I know I'm probably over reacting and we'll figure something out. But for now I'm just so annoyed! Dude you are not overreacting. I would be a bit bothered as well. If his mom is so worried about it he can move back in with her! You are about to get married. You are supposed to be able to get busy on the couch, the table, the bathroom etc. How are you going to do that with BIL sitting on the couch watching tv?!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride YAY!! Good luck in the baby making!!! For now DH says he just wants to "practice"!!! He's too funny!! Practice does make perfect I do recommend from my experience that about three or four months before you decide you want to start, Start charting. Sign up for Ovulation Calendar and Ovulation Chart - FertilityFriend.com or some other charting site and chart your temps and cycles. I wish I would have started this way before we started TTC. It tells you so much about when you are fertile etc. Some people choose to just do it naturally and whatever happens happens but apparently I am not lucky enough to be one of those people lol.
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