Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy Okay, now that V-day is over. (I'm usually ambivalent about it but FI does such a great job with "homemade" special-ness that it's hard not to like it.)
I have to get some confessions out:
#1 - I hate my sister. The only time she wasn't making my life miserable was when she moved to Texas for a few years. I grew up with her calling me fat (I wasn't) trying to steal my boyfriends, making fun of me in front of everyone for now reason, trying to fight me when I grew taller than her (serious fist fights), she once lied about something so serious that she got us both removed from our parents home and we had to live with my grandparents for several weeks. She works about 1 day every 3 month and lies about it so my parents won't kick her out of the house that they are paying for (if it wasn't for my nephew she would be on the street). And now, she's mad that I won't pay for her to go to Cancun, DUH I don't want her there. But, I feel horribly guilty about it (and about hating her, I mean, she's my sister).
#2 - I like most of my FIs friends but I dislike most of their wives. They are so traditional and 1950s wives with jobs that it annoys me. An example, we were discussing the fact that I'm not legally changing my last name. For work it's staying the same an in our personal lives I don't care either way so it's easier just to keep it all the same. To my face one of the wives said, "If I was a guy I wouldn't marry someone that wouldn't take my name." WTF - really, THAT'S a deal breaker for you? And why would you tell me that?
#3 - I'm really sad that neither my FI nor myself can remember how we met. We've known each other since high school and we know that we met through his cousins and parties and such but we don't have a great story about the first time we saw each other or anything like that. Grant it, we didn't start dating until 14 years after high school, but still makes me a little sad to only have the, "How we reconnected story."
Sorry this is so long, just wanted to get a few things off my chest today.
You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family. It is not your responsibility to pay for your sister to go to Cancun. I wouldn't feel bad at all.
Some people are ignorant. They never think outside the box. I have the same problem with some girls. They just think there is one way to do something.
I think that is a cool story on how you met. Most people don't know eachother that long before they finally "get together" I think it is cute you have known each other forever!