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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. Molly didn't seem to happy on Ellen to me. maybe it was just all the pressure they are getting for their relationship. She just seemed different though. And on ATFR when Chris asked her if she was moving to Seattle she almost busted out her YES! Then when Ellen asked she was like "well eventually"
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Angel Congrats Lizz!!!! Can't wait to see pics. Well ladies I'm still in Cancun and READY to go home. Two weeks is long enough for me. Watching CNN and HLN before going to bed is making me have nightmares. And I never have nightmares. Every bad thing that they show I have dreamt about. It's crazy. I can't wait to go home. I am going to miss my omelette every morning. But anyway, enough about my drama how is everybody doing? MMMM their omlettes are really good!
  3. I haven't but have you looked into any of the other Dreams hotels? I got married in Cancun and the flight was super cheap from Texas.
  4. So, Molly's eye makeup is becoming less and less. Think somebody finally told her she looked like a raccoon?
  5. You know this thread makes me really love the fact that I have DVR. I am so obsessed with recording stuff and fast forwarding the commercials.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin OMG, I FELT MY BABY RIGHT NOW! It's so strange, but I feel like light punches on my lower left side. I don't know if the baby is just moving around or actually just kicking or punching me, but it feels like I have a waterballoon in my stomach pushing against my body (if that makes any sense). Ahhh, it's such a cute little feeling! Awwww that is sweet! YAY for baby punches!
  7. My DH mom stayed at a different resort. She just brought her invitation with her. I think she got there a couple hours before the wedding. They let her right in and no day pass needed. Here is a picture of my cake-
  8. I better get one too!! YAY for your AHR
  9. I'm waiting for Ellen to start right now. I watched the one with Chris. I kinda feel bad for him. I think he really thinks Jason is an idiot too but can't come out and say it.
  10. I hate that she apologized to him... I mean she is so nice and sweet so I get why she did it but he didn't deserve that. She is right he should have been upfront about it all so she knew what to expect. I mean obviously she knew something was up but he should have prepared her.
  11. I don't think it was staged either Ann. And, whatever I am glad they are happy that is what really matters in this world. Obviously he did Melissa a favor and I'm sure she will have 100's of guys knocking down her door soon. She is a sweetheart and has a lot to offer. I am not a huge Jillian fan but I started to like her more as the season progressed. I am sure I will watch because I am a sucker like that, but I just wish they would have brought in "new blood"
  12. For some reason I CAN'T stand the pampers commercial. I think it is Pampers anyway. Where he takes the diaper off the baby and he is peeing all over the room. I don't know why but it makes me SO mad.
  13. All my male dogs started between 6 months and a year. My Mom's male didn't start hiking his leg until he came to my house and saw my dogs doing it. Now he always does it.
  14. JM-- maybe you can photograph Jason and Molly's wedding ha ha ha ha
  15. Just wanted to send a hug out to you all!
  16. Jenny you look amazing! I can't wait to see the rest. Congrats! Oh and great job as always JM
  17. Jenny! YAY! Have a beautiful day! We love you and can't wait to see pictures!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY Ive never tipped. My guy also is a co-owner in the business, so I never really thought about. frankly I get sick of tipping everyone. I wish they would just charge what they want to charge and be done with it. I agree! I don't mind tipping people like waitresses or the dudes that take my luggage. But I get so sick of tipping people like my hair lady or tattoo artists that probably make more than I do on salary alone lol
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