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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. Christine! It all looks amazing. Very cool! Congrats.
  2. That is great news Kelly! I am so excited for you. Make sure to keep us posted.
  3. You are included in the 20 people. I did tell her that since we were not at the cocktail hour (we were taking pictures) that we shouldn't be charged for the two of us so she agreed. Kids are half price.
  4. When I bought my dress it was perfect, when I picked it up it was too big, so I bought a bra thingy to fill it all in. When I got to Cancun it was too small again but fit without the bra thing. WHEW thank goodness.
  5. You looked amazing! How cute is your son walking you up the aisle?!
  6. I wonder if it was the same lady they had there when I was there. I didn't catch her name but she knew my order too. She was great I loved her.
  7. Mmmm our food was so good. I can't remember all of it but we had scallops as an appetizer and the lobster bisque as well as the surf and turf. I only got to get a few bites of everything though because we were so busy. Mmmmm it was So good. Also, every morning you guys have to get an omlette from the omlette lady. Mmmm they are SO good.
  8. We had the creme brulee and it was excellent! My Mom still raves over the entire meal we had. Really the food is amazing at the whole resort.
  9. So sorry about your m/c Calia. I had no idea. Big hugs to you! I would do what the girls have said. Tell them you have a lot going on right now and have decided to take a break from working for a while. Let them know your last day and that you will be on the look out for someone for them to hire and if you find someone you will send them their way. You don't have to give them the details. Be strong for yourself. You will be in a much better place if you do this.
  10. We put the fans out at the reception. I think the flower girls will be fine with the flowers. Just don't have them throw out fist fulls at a time. If they just toss a few at a time they won't be an issue.
  11. HA HA you guys should send that picture to Claudia and ask if they still have that cake topper. They should still have my toasting flutes and cake cutter as well!! As for the tables, I don't know the size of them. I know that we could have tables that sat 6 or 8 people. So, they have different sizes. You can do whatever you want for your table. Ours was kind of like a cresent shaped table.
  12. Michelle, There was a girl on here named Dawn. She got married a few days before me and we ended up becoming really good friends. She left that cake topper for me and I used it after she did. As far as I know they still have it. I left it there. You can pretty much do whatever you want with the flowers. They are pretty flexible. I really didn't plan anything until I got down there and had my meeting with Claudia.
  13. Why don't you find out and keep it a secret from him? Just because he doesn't want to know doesn't mean you shouldn't know...
  14. I just watched the bonnie hunt show and Jason and Molly were on. She totally called them out on something and they didn't say much but they basically confirmed it. Molly was going to be the Bachelorette Jason found out and panicked. That was one of the reasons he made it happen so fast.
  15. I just chose a cake style I liked then picked the flowers to coincide with my bouquet. I really wasn't that worried about the cake because I had heard that it wasn't that good anyway. My cake was REALLY good though. Everyone loved it.
  16. Yeah, I just heard that this morning. Who is in for her?
  17. That's awesome! I don't usually watch that show but Jewel and Ty Murray are on it. They live in my same small town and we cross paths a lot. So, I kinda know them but I don't like go over for dinner at their house or anything lol.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR What about when Jason was describing Melissa as " the pefect wife" and "the perfect mother" and "even her looks were perfect" and then went on to say that Molly was "middle of the road" in everything (or something about being "the middle")! I think I know what he was trying to say, but not sure I would have been to flattered! I know Ann! There is something else about him that I never noticed but Ryan did. He said whenever he is around the girls he is always so grabby with them. Like he grabs them and pulls them into him and forces himself closer to them. Ever since he mentioned that it really bothers me. He was doing that with Molly on the Ellen show...... Oh well. I hope everyone ends up happy. I am glad Melissa has moved on and isn't wasting her time crying over spilled milk.
  19. Nikki I was just thinking about you today!!! I am so glad to hear it went amazingly well! I can't wait to see pictures of it. Congrats!
  20. OMG he is gorgeous! I can see why you fell in love! Congrats!!
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