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Everything posted by Kat81

  1. The only thing that happened to DH's was he got sand in his pockets
  2. I had cold feet too before the wedding. We were buying a house and planning the wedding and I freaked out. Of course we don't know the whole story but go with what your heart tells you. It is going to be a hard process either way but know that we are all here for you!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette I confess that I just stalked my moms wedding. A friend went with me. My mom and I are estranged and she is remarrying 10 months after my dad passed. So a friend and I went and sat in the parking lot across the street from the wedding chapel. When we pulled up I saw all my sisters cars there, one who said she would not be going. So we sat there till they came out. Sure enough my sisters, BIL's and their kids were all there. And a few good friends of my dads were there to. I dont know why I tortued myself. Or why I care. But now Im pissed about the whole thing. Its not like I want my sisters to not be there for her. They are my moms stepdaughters. But I guess they led me to believe that they were against this marriage, and to see them there kinda hurt. It would of been nice for them to be upfront about going, and to even maybe call and see how I was doing. Because Im doing really bad. And can only imagine how the 1 year anniversary of my dads passing will be in 2 months. I'm sorry this is so hard for you. I wish they would have been upfront with you too. Maybe they just didn't know what to say. Or maybe they weren't going to go but decided at the last minute to go.
  4. Maybe find a blank card with a cute front. Then you could write whatever you want on the inside. I think you should write something from your heart. That will make it more special
  5. I hired Jeremy Gilliam Photography He is a great photographer and it ended up being a better deal for me to fly someone down there then to hire some of the photographers down there. Good luck.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by kate.com Congrats Kat! What kind of camera did you go with? I have the same idea in mind... Thanks! I got a Nikon D300. It is a little more camera than I needed buy Dh didn't want to get one then have me outgrow it in a year. It's a big investment. I need to start using it more. I have just been too exhausted lately to want to do anything.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Congrats Kat!! How exciting Thanks!!!
  8. Mummer- Nothing is wrong with you. People just want things at different times. My OB was just telling me last week that he and his wife didn't start having kids until she was 40. They always knew they wanted kids, they just weren't ready. Everyone is different. There is also nothing wrong with not having kids. I went back and forth with wanting children for a long time. I also thought I would never get married though so, things change people change. Yamille- Thanks!!!
  9. I agree. He doesn't have much to go off of. Try not to stress yourself. Some people just have to shit disturb. Let us know what your lawyer says.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J Kat I dont have an experience with the furniture but---ummmmm your ticker CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Erika
  11. Katrina he is so cute! I bet you can't wait to see him!! Not much has changed for me. I have put all my energy into our new house and TTC. Now that I am pregnant, I don't have much energy so that is great lol. I also bought a camera and am trying to learn how to use it before the little Pumpkin gets here. I am pretty boring.
  12. I don't really understand what you are being sued for. For opening up a practice on your own? And if your DH's ex friend is on a disaster mission he will mess that practice up faster than anything and you will get all the patients anyway. If you are being sued for a breach of contract but they sent out a letter saying the contract was void as of March 1 then I don't really see what grounds they have to sue you.
  13. That is so exciting Yari. I can't wait to find out what you are having!
  14. I want to do the same as Alyssa. I want to do some of our TTD for our bedroom. I would also like to know where you got it done.
  15. Thanks girls! Bisha- I bet that was so scary for you! That happened to my friend once and they went to the Emergency Room and they had her drink a can of coke. As soon as she did the baby started moving all around. She was freaking out too. I am glad all is well though.
  16. Thanks so much! I am feeling ok. I haven't thrown up at all but I am always pretty queasy. I am tired a lot. I think I am pretty lucky though compared to a lot of what I have heard. We had our U/S on Monday and we got to see the heartbeat and the little baby moving around. Pretty cool.
  17. Hey girls. I hope everyone is feeling ok. I just thought I would join you all finally. I am due Oct 25th. YAY
  18. Seems like everyone has baby fever
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Ohhhhh, I want to read this thread SOOOOOO bad! I just started the first Twilight book yesterday and am already on page 360, I can't remember the exact page number, but that's about right! I tried to stay away from it, cuz I hate when people get all hype about something, I stay away from it just because. But I am in LOVE with Edward!!!! I hope it continues to be as good as it is so far and I can't wait to come back to this thread after I read them all. Next week, probably! And since I am in love and all, I am kinda disappointed Robert Pattison to play Edward in the movie. He is attractive and all, but no where near as attractive as I make Edward in my head. The books are always better anyway. The books are way better! let us know when you are done with them.
  20. MMMMMM Ok now I have to post to save these, so I can make them on Easter. Oh Tammy, between cupcakes and Chick Fillet you are going to make me the fattest pregnant girl ever.
  21. Sarah only used her for her BD pics. She didn't really have to deal with her. I know after I saw Sarah's BD pics I was going to hire her for my wedding but she was really pushy in her emails and made me feel uncomfortable so I went with another photographer instead.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie My mom bought our bedroom for our early wedding present. I love it. I would highly recommend them to anyone. Thanks! Quote: Originally Posted by Blkatz we bought our sofa and our bedroom set from them and both are really great. We get tons of complements on everything Have they held up really good? Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I think a lot of it depends on how much use something will get. My mom bought a new couch at Ashley and a chaise at a another furniture store (i don't remember the brand) that was on clearance. The Ashley is already showing wear, i guess it's been a year or 2, while the chaise looks as good as it did the day it was delivered. I look at furniture as kind of disposable, at least in my family. I have 2 hundred pound dogs and a 375 pound husband. We are hard on stuff! I would rather buy a cheaper set now, knowing we might need to replace it in 5 years, than buy a $5000K set and possibly end up in the same situation of needing to get new stuff. Erin that is kinda how I feel.
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