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Everything posted by KHarrod

  1. KHarrod

    Hello ^_^

    Welcome!!! Im sure you will get great ideas from this forum.
  2. KHarrod


    Welcome tot he Forum
  3. I hope that they have a great selection since it's in Tysons Corner. I'm still undecided on what type of what I want to wear.
  4. Thanks for sharing the positive feedback!!!!!!!!!
  5. How soon should I contact her after my wedding date is confirmed to reserve the reception site?
  6. Are any of the Brides in the DC, Maryland and Virginia area going to the Running of the Brides at Tysons Corner on April 4th? Has anyone here ever been to one before?
  7. Welcome to the Forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. KHarrod


  9. Welcome Angela, I'm getting marrid in Ocho Rios in Sept. 2009
  10. CONGRATS!!!!!!!! Everything turned out wonderful, can't wait to see the pics.
  11. Welcome back and I'm glad everything turned out well. Can't wait to see the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Great, thanks for the info, I will stick with Ocho Rios. I just hate that it's a two hour drive from the airport
  13. Has anyone here heard of any wedding that took place at Riu Negril? I'm considering it because it's closer to the airport than Ocho Rios!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. KHarrod

    New Bride

    Welcome MissToya, I'm getting married there next year and I'm from DC.
  15. Your dress is beautiful, great deal on the price.
  16. Beautiful dress, that's the type that I'm looking for. Who's the designer, if you don't mind sharing?
  17. I went on their website and put in my information and they sent me a confirmation. MY TA was also able to get me the time that I really wanted. So, maybe your TA should call again and put pressure on them before the date that you want is gone.
  18. I finally got confirmed and I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Congrats on your engagement and Happy Planning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I know that my previous profile had Dreams Punta Cana, but now I have booked and confirmed my date at Riu Ochos Rios. That's the reason I was concerned with the in room theft.
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