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Everything posted by PenMarie

  1. We just went last Wednesday and had a great time! I highly recommend Fehrenheit, but maybe try to go when you first get into the park to try to cut down on the line -- I think we waited 1 1/2 hours, which I wish wasn't so long. I just watched a show on Discovery, I think it was, which said Fehrenheight had the steepest drop of any coaster -- meaning, instead of going straight down at 90 degrees, it goes down at 97 degrees -- so it's actually going straight down and back in a bit...great ride!! I also really like the one wooden coaster called Lightning Racer -- it didn't tend to whip your neck around as much as the other wooden coaster towards the back of the park. I wanted to get on Sidewinder and Storm Runner -- my neice was game for Storm Runner, but my nephew said "uh uh" to both...ha! We went in and went straight to the back to try to avoid the crowds and hit a few rides before the lines got long. We were able to get on Lightning Racer in the middle of the day a few times in a row with no line. If anyone here has never been to Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH (about 30 minutes west of Cleveland), I highly, highly recommend it. They've got more roller coasters there than any other amusement park, I believe -- and while Hershey is a lot of fun, I've "stood" next to coasters at Cedar Point that brought tears to my eyes. My favorite there is the Raptor (feet dangling coaster) -- you come down off the first incline and it looks like you're going to go right into the lake....front seat is the BEST for this one...oooooooops, sorry to hijack. Have a GREAT time at Hershey Park!!...we live about 45 minutes from there, and the weather is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous this weekend!!
  2. That's just TOO CUTE!! -- I couldn't stay mad at him either...he sounds very sweet!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by luckygirl On a positive note: GO MICHAEL PHELPS!!!! WHEW WHEW MARYLAND BMORE AREA!!!!! GO TOWSON!!! luckygirl, I work in Towson...I remember about a year or so ago when they had the parade go through town for Michael, everyone put ribbons on their outside doors, and County Exec Jim Smith proclaimed it Michael Phelps Day!!!....how cool to have someone w/that kind of talent right here where we are! I can imagine Towson is gonna EXPLODE when Michael gets back to town!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Oh, i totally want to go. I'd have to fly though. And I was invited to a wedding in Ohio a few weeks after that I'm not going to. So it would be completely wrong of me to still make a trip to Ohio to see ferrets. Is there another ferret bash later? That would be awesome if BDW club ferret had their first annual meeting. Erin and Morgan-- yes, anyone can attend an AFA-sanctioned ferret show...everyone is welcome, even if you don't have ferrets. The Ohio show is a 7-hour drive for me one way -- FI usually stays behind to watch our guys, and I only take two along to show since I'm judging the specialties the whole day...just too far and expensive for me to go this year, unfortunately -- and w/my guys getting so old and not being able to be vaccinated for shows, I just can't justify going if I can't show, too. Here's a link to the remaining AFA shows for 2008 American Ferret Association: Ferret Shows & Events Too bad you couldn't coordinate your friend's wedding with the show and meet up with Erin for the Columbus show, Morgan -- it really is a great show...ferret breeders, ferret shelters, and lots of great ferret vendors, too. There are usually about 400+ ferrets at this show and our home show in York, PA...very cool!! And at the Columbus show you'd be able to see your FIRST ferret dress-up live -- as they usually have a costume contest while the real competitions are going on throughout the day.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by MichelleK Hello Ladies! It took me a while to get my username and password to work, so now I can finally post something! 1. Name-Michelle 2. Where are you from- White Marsh, Maryland 3. Where are you getting married in St Thomas- Marriott Frenchman's Reef 4. When are you getting married-December 13, 2008 5. who is you WC-Laura, from the resort Small world, Michelle...I work in Towson, MD, about 10 minutes from White Marsh -- have lived in Pennsylvania since 1981 and always commutted to MD for work. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  6. naaaaaa....believe me, these silly guys make us laugh just as much as everyone here. One of the largest ferret shows of the year is coming up at the end of August -- the Ferret Buckeye Bash in Columbus, OH (it's the one that's in the PBS special). This will be the first show I've missed in 6 years, so I'm kind of bummed -- all but 2 of my babies are too old to vaccinate anymore so I probably won't be showing much after this year....can't wait to see any pics you guys come up with after this show.
  7. hahaha, Morgan...I told my breeder 'cause the "weed ferret" pic from a while ago that I knew is a ferret from one of her breedings....trust me, the ferret people would LOVE this thread!!....we all know we're slightly weird and HAVE to laugh at ourselves, too...hehe
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Nibblet's friend Charlie... in drag... again! Hey, Becks, I know this girl, too. Her name is Sara, and she lives out in Washington state...not sure which of her ferrets she has dressed up there. She actually just emailed me yesterday to order a playpen hammock hanger my FI makes for the playpens we all use for our ferrets at the ferret shows...small world.
  9. that's such sad news to hear about Beate, Tammy...that poor little baby girl. As the others have said, the thank you card the shelter sent was very sweet....I'm just so sorry to hear she didn't make it -- I hope Beate is resting peacefully.
  10. I didn't read all the responses yet, however, I did read and agree 100% with Maura. I also think your fiance was dead on when he said this girl talking to you by yourself was a power play on her part. First, you sound like a very sweet person. Unfortunately, this whench sees this and can most likely tell from your actions that you hate confrontation -- she's using this against you to bully you and make you feel like crap. Just listening to your story where she turned it around to be BOTH of your problems and you were standing there sobbing and she's still bashing you...oh, that made my blood boil --- she's lucky it wasn't me she was talking to or her teeth would have been down her throat and I'd have been fired and probably in jail. Most importantly, this person IS making your work environment one in which you feel threatened and unsafe --- this is unacceptable, and your employer should in NO WAY, shape or form allow this to continue. I'd do what Maura said and make sure you use "key" terms if you decide to go the email route --- and, nope, I don't believe I'd cc this Mary either. Someone mentioned getting Becks input on this as well, since she's in HR -- good idea...between her, Maura, and the other girls, I hope you'll be able to set this little B**TCH straight!! I'm sorry you have to deal with an ass like this -- with some people, the only way they can make themselves feel good is to belittle others and make them feel like crap...people like this need to be knocked down a notch. I hope she gets exactly what's coming to her!
  11. wow, this is hard -- they're both beautiful dresses. I voted for #1 -- love the mid-section of the dress, and really like the back and just the overall cut of the dress; not big on the applique at first, but I think it'll look nice once the dress is fitted and pressed. Dress #2 -- really love the front and the back of the dress; the cut and the lack of any embellishments on the front bottom half of the dress I think make it a tad more plain if that's what you prefer.
  12. I know exactly how you feel, Shay -- we think of our ferrets and our puppy as our babies, and it's devastating when one of them leaves us. I love the picture you posted of Harrison -- how precious was he!! I'm so sorry for your loss, and pray he's resting peacefully.
  13. Innova EVO dog (chicken) Grain-Free Dog Food, Cat Food, Ferret Food & Dog Treats – Meat-Based Pet Food – EVO Pet Products We also use this in our mix for the ferrets...the EVO ferret food is a too rich and little too high in protein for our older ferrets.
  14. Innova EVO dog (chicken) [url="http://www.evopet.com/[/url] We also use this in our mix for the ferrets...the EVO ferret food is a too rich and little too high in protein for our older ferrets.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I think those are the same rules for toddlers. EXACTLY, Erin! That's why I always say having 15 ferrets is like having 15 2-year olds running around our house..ha!...LOVE the Ferret Property Laws -- too funny, and soooooooo true!!
  16. I've never been, but have heard of others who've gone and loved it...sounds like a BLAST! I love Reba, especially her older stuff!! Brooks & Dunn are really good live, too! Have a great time!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan And special guests, Boom, who lives with the weed ferret. awwwwwww, Morgan, thanks so much for posting the pics I sent you of some of my babies...I just love them sooooooo. Boom isn't one of mine (his mommy is a friend of mine), but I thought the ladies here would like his "outfit". He actually lives with "Penelope the Good Purple Ferret Fairy of the North" (aka, Ting) here on this thread, but "weed ferret" is close enough...hehe
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by jamisoncollette Penmarie, can you please take a picture of your furbaby with dreds or a rasta hat? It would mean so much to Morgan! haha!...you guys are too funny!!...I'd love to make Morgan happy with a pic like that, but unfortunately, no dreds or rasta hats at our house. If I ever take the time to figure out how to post pics here (I'm so impatient), I'll post some pics of our kids -- unforunately, I doubt I have anything nearly as cute/funny as the ones in this thread....LOVE "Cletus", Morgan -- almost spit my tea out when I read the name you gave him...hahaha
  19. I'm not on there much, but at least I figured out how to do a slideslow of some of my ferrets on there... MySpace.com - PenMarie - 43 - Female - SHREWSBURY, Pennsylvania - www.myspace.com/penmarie I think that's the address.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA Dudes - I see this guy walking his ferret everyday when I drive home. I totally want to invite him to the forum just so he can participate in this thread. very cool, Kate!!...my babies LOVE going outside -- they especially love camping!...kind of hard with 15 ferrets and a dog, but somehow we manage..ha!
  21. awwwwww, God bless her little heart, Tammy. We've spent over $2,500 on vet care ourselves since April, so I hope even little donations will still help. Going to the site to donate in memory of my 3-year old baby boy, Kookie (hope that's okay) -- we lost him yesterday afternoon to lymphoma and are completely heartbroken. Lots and lots of prayers and hugs for this little girl.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I also LOVED the notebook. I ended up loving The Way We Were with Robert Redford and Barbara Streisand. WOW, great pick, Rachel!...I have this on dvd myself -- you reminded me how much I love this movie!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK Legends of the Fall (watched this one Fri. night hehe) Romeo & Juliet (1968 Franco Zefferelli) The Notebook What are yours? Any suggestions? I don't really have any suggestions I can think of now...but I had to comment on your pick of "Legends of the Fall" -- that movie is worth its weight in gold just for Brad Pitt as Tristan...love the beginning when he comes riding in on his horse with his long blonde hair flowing in the air...he is to DIE FOR!!...daggone!!
  24. Those are the kind of people that will suck the life out you...poor kid.
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