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Everything posted by Kristy!

  1. I'm on the Do Not Call list, but because I filled out DB's form, that was me voluntarily giving my phone number out. Now when a vendor calls (if I answer it) I have to ask them to put me on their do not call list. So obnoxious!
  2. I don't envy what you guys have to deal with. Girls can be crazy sometimes! But when you do find Ms. Right, you will appreciate her SO much more because of all the psychos you've had to deal with. Hang in there!
  3. So I've been really good about keeping my cell phone number off of marketing call lists. That's now been ruined! My mom was begging me to go look at wedding dresses back in January, so to make her happy we went to David Bridal just to get an idea of styles. (I am waiting to buy my dress a little later in the year after I've lost some weight and next Spring's styles come out.) I am very anti-DB (I like supporting the local bridal shop owners), but figured it was a good place to try on lots of different dresses. Since then, my cell phone has been getting flooded with vendor calls, telling me I've won everything under the sun. I don't care if I won a make-over from a local Mary Kay seller. Hello, I'm not even getting married in this country! Plus, aren't those make-overs always free? So I called DB two weeks ago and asked them to stop selling my info. That didn't work, so I called back yesterday. Turns out, they hadn't taken me off of their distribution list. (Shocker!) And the phone calls continue. So aggravating!!!!! I already wasn't planning on buying my dress there, but now I definitely won't. Ah, that's a little better.
  4. Yari, that is so scary. What an awful situation! Glad that's over with. I'm not worried about me, I'm worried he'd go after FI.
  5. I've gotten paper OOT bags from weddings and I didn't think twice about it. I agree about people not wanting to tote around something with your logo on it after they return home. If I do canvas OOT bags, I will probably do something with St Lucia on it instead of our names. That's not to take away from anyone else's work. The bags I have seen on here are fabulous.
  6. Oh how wonderful! Congratulations! It is so nice when you see all of your hard work paying off. You're gonig to help so many people.
  7. I would really like to do it and he'll find out at some point. At least I would know when he gets the news. I've talked to FI and he knows all about the situation. Ugh, I just hate that there's this nut job out there that makes me proceed with extra caution. Grrr...
  8. I'm definitely going to do the announcement, I guess I just want to prepare myself in case something happens.
  9. I haven't gotten too personal on this forum yet, but I guess that's about to change. I have been putting off placing our engagment announcement in the local newspapers because I'm a little afraid of my ex. We dated for over 5 years and then I found out he had another girlfriend for about 7 months. I confronted him and he went crazy. He took over 100 OTC pills and downed it with a bottle of vodka. I guess he had started using steriods shortly before that and it obviously was affecting his stability. We got an ambulance there in time and they pumped his stomach and he was fine. Fast forwarding a little bit, obviously I ended that relationship and moved on to my wonderful fiance. The problem is that I occassionally get text messages from the ex saying he misses me or whatever. I set up a block on my e-mail to avoid those messages. He disappears for a while and then like 6 months later, he tries to make contact again. I have not seen or spoken to him since 2004 and do not plan on opening that line of communication at all. I'm much better off without him in my life. A few people have told me that they'd seen him recently and he is really big, so he's definitely still using steroids. Here's what worries me...I'm afraid that when he finds out I'm engaged, he's going to go a nuts again. I don't live in the same town as when we were dating, but I'm only about 15 minutes away. I doubt he already knows because we don't have any mutual friends anymore. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
  10. Where did they get those tiny dollars bills?
  11. Thanks Sarah! I'm putting my money on you to big the big winner this week. Great job!
  12. I'm down 2.4 pounds this week! Way to go girls!
  13. I love those little blue sail boats with the tea lights. Too bad they don't go with my theme. =( Thanks for sharing!
  14. Ann I love it! You're laying the smackdown! Good luck tomorrow everyone.
  15. I think I've heard of people getting the shells from Michaels.
  16. That looks like it'd give a really nice glow. Hmmm, something to look into. Thank you for sharing!
  17. Look how fabulous everyone did! I don't want to see anyone writing that they only lost x amount. Be proud of all your weight losses! If you didn't lose weight, be proud of another thing you accomplished that week, like working out. We're doing so well. Keep up the good work ladies!!
  18. You must be so excited! Congratulations mommy!
  19. Do not close the credit card accounts. Mel is right. Long term, good-standing relationships are desireable.
  20. I'm so glad you resurrected this thread because I had no idea this was in the works. June 7th in NYC works for me. I'll see if the boy is interested. I have no idea what he'll say.
  21. I lost 3 pounds this week! I love the first week on Weight Watchers. Great job ladies!!!
  22. I am so tired of the same exact cookie cutter wedding everyone has. Out of all my friends and family, I was the last one to get engaged, 2nd to last to get married. (One of my best friends got engaged before me but is getting married 2 months after me.) I needed to do something different or I'd go insane. Plus I wanted the wedding to be what we really wanted, not involving all sorts of traditions we'd feel obligated to do. And then there's the issue of me being Protestant and him being Catholic. We both loved the idea of inviting just who we wanted (no cousin's aunt's half-sister's nephew or whoever) and having a fun vacation together.
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