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Everything posted by Kristy!

  1. Did you get that crazy thunderstorm last night too? The lightening was insane! I was driving home from the train station, couldn't see a thing, and then there was a tree in the road! Luckily no one was coming the other direction. That was a bad storm. Sorry, I got a little side-tracked. Anyway, my SIL runs to the basement everytime there is a thunderstorm. I have fear of thunder and lightening as well, but it's not as bad. I think this is pretty common so there has to be suitable treatments out there for it. I agree with the others...if you want to try hypnoses, then go for it. It's not like it will make your fear worse.
  2. I just went on bedbathandbeyond.com and these cleaning slippers were on the homepage. I am not a neat person (although I wish I was) so I'm thinking these would be a great way to clean the floors without even thinking about it. Has anyone seen these before or used them? Bed Bath & Beyond Product
  3. Sarah, I'm sorry. Are you sure you're eating enough? Sometimes that makes you gain because it slows your metabolism way down. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. That's super frustrating. Hang in there! I gained 0.2 of a pound which I am very happy with. I thought it was going to be worse.
  4. I'm sorry, but 10-12 is a 2XL?! Are these people crazy?! What's a small equal? A 2T? It's like if you're not a stick figure, you're not allowed to look cute. Grrr....
  5. Not to add another one to the mix, but have you looked into St Lucia? There are direct flights from JFK now. Sorry, I'm a little biased!
  6. I love that first moment idea. Hmmm, something to think about.
  7. If I have BMs, I will have them carry a single ginger lily. I want to use a local flower.
  8. This forum definitely isn't the same without Maura.
  9. I don't think labels have become an acceptable way to send invitations yet. I feel like I keep reading that.
  10. Legally I believe that you're supposed to print addresses. Who knew? Obviously that's not enforced. I say go with whatever you're comfortable with.
  11. monicaswave you have described our relatinoship to a T. The only difference is that I sometimes get turned down! He likes it better when he initiates it. The only way I can get things going but trick him into thinking he actually starts it is by wearing lingerie. He's always been like this, so I doubt it's going to change. Grrrr...
  12. I actually have the opposite problem. I want it all the time and FI is fine with once every week or two. It's drives me crazy!
  13. Who's motivated for the new week? Let's show those scales who is boss this week!
  14. I love brown rice sushi. So yummy! Great job Glenda! I lost .8 this week. Woo hoo! It's a loss! I feel like I should've gained though, so I'll have to work extra hard this week to keep next week's numbers down. Keep working hard ladies!!
  15. I was in a wedding party for one of my best friends last year. We just went out for one night in Rochester (about an hour and a half from her home town). One of her BMs would not go in the car with us and insisted that her BF drive her. HE WAS AT THE BACHELORETTE PARTY THE ENTIRE TIME. At some point she left and I didn't even notice for about an hour. If your BM doesn't want to be there for one night, let her go. It's better than having her there pouting the whole time.
  16. I understand dealing with May 2009!! I already have the villa booked where we'll be having the reception and staying (along with our immediate families and close friends) and the date is set in stone. Airfare cannot be booked until 330 days before the flight, but I'm not worried about that. Flights to St Lucia don't exactly fill up the first day. We're actually ditching the STDs and going for super early invitations. I hate how invitations just turn into a formality. If people need to know 10 months in advance so they can plan according, then I'm going to invite them 10 months in advance. I know many probably disagree with me on this, but if I'm going to work really hard on boarding pass invites, I want them to be more than just a formality. Oops, sorry for the rant. Anyway, back to the point, I wouldn't bother sending out a save the month. I would wait until you have the actual date--and it's definitely not too early to set that. Don't let people make you think it is. And feel free to send out STDs as early as you want. No harm in that!
  17. Alyssa, sometimes it just depends on when you weigh yourself. I doubt you've actually gained 6.4 pounds. Next week when you weigh in, you'll have a huge loss. Don't let it stress you out (on top of everything else). I bet it's just a matter of timing.
  18. I'm so sorry Alyssa. Everything will work out somehow though. Hang in there!
  19. Hey Lauren, you got engaged at Rockfeller Center too?
  20. "...why cant women be easier to read." We like it that way. =)
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