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Everything posted by amyrak

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I was a horrible bl2 buddy. i stayed in touch for the first two weeks and then i stopped. If you were a horrible buddy Danielle then I was even worse I think I'll pass on that this time. I think we pretty much chatted on this thread anyways so I felt like everyone was my buddy
  2. Wow..lots of people this time!! That is good. I'm hoping to do better than last season. I'm rejoining my gym again so now I just have to make myself go there They are running an awesome deal right now though buy 1 year membership get 1 free!! Wahoo!!
  3. I went straight from work last night to a friend's house rental on the lake (she is visiting from CA and lending me her veil..yay) Anyways stayed the night with her after a night of fun. Got home today and Greg's like...I think you got some kind of package. YAY!! I got my gift from Jamy (Starchild) I got a very cute personalized shirt to wear in Mexico. I love it and already tried it on and it fits great!! I also got a Macy's gift card too which is awesome I think Greg and I are going there tonight anyways to look for the guys outfits. Thanks again Jamy! You did great!! Greg thought it was pretty cool too
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I want to send a big thank you to Amy!!!! I got my gift Tuesday night but was having camera issues. I hate to post without pictures, I knowhow you girls are! Glad you liked it Erin and it made it safely!! For those inquiring about the palm tree frame I got it at Kohl's. They had a bunch of beachy style frames (let's just say I got 3 for myself or gifts, including the palm tree one) They had a good sale going on then but they always do so check it out girls!!
  5. Wow..cute bracelet..liking it!! I'm hoping my elf got hers as UPS says it was delivered on Tuesday...
  6. Ok, I sent my money in to Ann...now I am committed. I promise to do so much better this season. I too gained weight over the 4th which is not cool!!
  7. I've had the Smart Start before (but I liked to call it Fart Start..hee hee) I like frosted mini wheats 6 grams of fiber. It has more sugar than some I'm sure. I like the kashi go lean ones too. I usually have one of the individual bowls for breakfast every day with fresh fruit (banana, blueberries,etc) It usually keeps me really full until lunch time.
  8. Such great quality pictures..you look stunning and very happy!!
  9. I too agree with the posting your pic anytime on Wed. I don't have access to a computer at work and I'm running around like crazy as it is in the morning to have time to upload and send before leaving for work. I need to send my $15 though
  10. Congrats Christina!! 24 lbs that is awesome!! Did I miss the before and after photos?? Would love to see the progress for motivation for season 3!!
  11. UPS says my person will get their's tomorrow...so somebody should be expecting a gift tomorrow but I won't tell whoooooo
  12. Yeah, I had a feeling it was going to be who it was...we'll see how it goes. Was nice to see Shayne and Matt on the after show
  13. I think I'm in again. I hope to lose more than 1.5 lbs this time though
  14. I'm mailing mine out tomorrow!! I forgot to take it today after I got it all ready last night. I hope my secret elf likes it as it's hard to get for someone you never met before You all have gotten really cute gifts so far!
  15. Congrats to all you guys that did so great with the losses!!... I think I only lost like 1.5 lbs ..which is crazy right?? But at least it kept me from gaining. I'm hoping that now that it's closer to my wedding I will step up my game. It's just so hard with all these parties in the summer with good food and drinks. Was really upset though when I went to take my pic this morning my camera wouldn't turn on..so I stuck it on the charger hoping it would charge up enough while I got ready for work. Still wouldn't come on. I told FI to see if he could get it to work. Well, he just tells me now that somethings up with the battery and he researched online that it has happened a lot with this particular brand/model..anyways I have to send it back because I just got it for Xmas..so hoping I can still play next season. Ok enough of my rambling...
  16. I really liked 3 best. I loved the sweatheart neckline on you. 1 was also pretty too. I agree it's between those 2.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I kind of feel bad for him. He is sooo not my type but he was all about her. Was it just me or does she look like she has gained a lot of weight? And her makeup looked really dark. When I saw her on the Men tell All I was thinking OMG she is pregnant and they aren't going to know who's baby it is HA HA HA that would be so messed up. Well, she did say she wanted to have kids right away..lol
  18. WOW!!! Can I just say SHOCKER!! I can't believe she kicked Howdy Doody Jeremy to the curb. I am really surprised. I have no idea who it is going to be at the end. I think Jeremy's ego was crushed...
  19. OMG it's coming to an end already?? And in 2 months I see I haven't done squat but go up and down!! I'm hoping getting closer to my wedding will motivate me for next season.
  20. Very pretty dress!! You will be fine and if the shop owner said to order that size..seems as she would know. You have plenty of time to work on fitting into it. I have confidence in you!!
  21. I think Promise not to Tell is by Harlan Coben...very good book!! I like Harlan Coben books too... edit..just looked it up and it was Tell No One..close though.
  22. I have 2 tickets to see Counting Crows/Maroon 5 with special guest Sara Barielles. The concert is Saturday Aug 23rd in Milwaukee (summerfest marcus amphitheater) I am unable to go anymore so if anyone wants them I'm just trying to sell them for $120 (which is less than what I paid). They are in the covered section 5 Row Q. PM me if anyone is interested. I have the hard copies of the tix so available now.
  23. Wow..remind me to never get on the scale on Monday again... I almost had a heart attack when I thought I gained 5 lbs over the weekend. Got on again today and had lost the 5 lbs..crazy!! I haven't been very good this whole season maybe if we do a season 3 it will be closer to my wedding and I will be working harder at it. I did a crazy workout yesterday though because of what Monday's scale said and I was sweating like a pig! Hoping to lose something this week..at least 1 lb that's not much to ask right?? ha
  24. Wow..you look amazing Becky!!! Love it!! That was pretty fast...now I'm jealous mine's not in yet!! Congrats on being a beautiful bride.
  25. Ok, finished watching it and I so want to know what Graham wrote in his letter. You know what though..he was a jackass to her at the hometown date. I don't blame her for not picking him but I really do think he was the only one she truly was starting to fall in love with. Can't wait for the men tell all show!!!
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