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Everything posted by amyrak

  1. OOh...I likey too..who is the designer?? I may have to snatch up a set for myself!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Never have I ever punched someone in the face Never have I ever been on BDW while at work
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by ochoriobride Oups....here is my dress Is this an Alfred Angelo?? I think I almost bought this dress...love it!!
  4. Gorgeous dress!! Love it...your pictures turned out great!!
  5. Cute dresses!! I'm looking at the hot pink shades myself...love it!
  6. Ok, I loved your jewelry so much now you got me shopping on Etsy. Love a lot of stuff there. I'm liking these pieces.. Etsy :: beakee :: Princesse Bracelet Etsy :: beakee :: Princesse Earrings Etsy :: beakee :: Petite Posy - Ivory Pearl
  7. That sounds like so much fun Maura....I'm jealous. I go to Sephora every time we go to Chicago and Greg just sits there moping around wondering how I can spend so long (and so much) in a makeup store
  8. I think it's hilarious that they are all driving theirselves nuts over the other pre-existing relationship left in the house (the guinea pigs) Sheila is thinking what if Matt is related to her and she doesn't even know..blah,blah..haha
  9. So, after my hair appt today I stopped to get gas. I'm pumping my gas and I usually try to clean out my car while I pump the gas so I go to step over the gas hose and my high heel catches on it and I totally tripped and fell flat on my ass!! I get up(quickly look around and luckily nobody else saw) look down at my pants and my left pant leg is all dirty and my knee is killing me. So, I lift up the pant leg and I have this big nasty scrape on my knee. I stopped myself with my hands so my hands are all scraped up too because it was kind of gravely. What a clumsy oaf I am!! I usually get these kind of scrapes from playing co-ed softball and we haven't even started yet. So I get home (show FI and he just shakes his head and tells me I better put peroxide on it) well I did and now it's all swollen too. So, I hate knee scrapes..waiting for them to heal sucks!! It's really going to hinder my workouts...arrrrghh!! Thank god my wedding isn't next week though that's all I have to say. Sand in the wound..not good. Sorry I hate grammar errors and just noticed I spelled knew wrong and can't change it!! too late for me..time to go to bed..
  10. Wow love all the info. Didn't know that about Sheila. Can I just say I had the biggest crush on Scott Baio and had my Tiger Beat posters of him all up on my walls!! ha I was chachinated. Ok, back to tonights episode..YAY Naughty Natalia is gone!! Can I say that I was surprised I was rooting for Sharon in the HOH... (I guess I always root for the underdog)
  11. I love it that you had it at your fav. Mexican restaurant. How cool!! Looks like a fun time, congrats!!
  12. LOVE LOVE LOVE that dress and you look stunning in it!! Looked like you had fun and what beautiful flowers too..were those real?? Love the color!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Denise40 Have you chosen any other colors yet for your wedding? I am favoring the fuschia. I love the brighter beachy colors, fuschia, teal, salmon etc. It would look great in the Fuschia. I think I'm leaning towards fuschia myself. 2 of my bridesmaids are coming in next weekend and we'll look at the color swatches again and they'll try it on.
  14. Yikes!! Just saw Macy's is having a 1 day sale..must hide my Macy's card.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka YIPPEEE Robin is gone I couldn't stand her! Shayne is hilarious bringing out her make up on the ski hill LOL I know I was cracking up too with the makeup. I can see one of my friends doing that.. She's kind of growing on me.
  16. Wow what a great deal!! Michigan City is close to me..too bad I didn't know about the contest. You are lucky!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by froggie1013 I just wore jeans and a tank top. When I do my after photo, I will wear the same outfit. I think for those who do multiple seasons, we should post all of our pictures at the end. So for all who do season 1, the before and after will be posted at the end of that season. Then those who continue into season 2, we should post all three pics (since season 1's after pic will be season 2's before pic). It'd also be nice to see total weight lost at the end, even though weight lost from the season 1wouldn't count in season 2. I just think it would be great motivation to see changes over a longer period of time. Does this all make sense? Yeah, I like that idea. Now when does season 1 end and who is winning so far and how much have they lost?? I'm too lazy to go back and read thru the postings (yikes if I'm too lazy to do that I'm really in trouble for this game) I'm kinda thinking of wearing this strapless dress in my before pic that is really tight on my hips and I can't wear anymore...so that way it's my inspiration to fit into that by the ending pic
  18. Hmmm...if we are posting them I have to rethink the spandex bodysuit I was going to wear.
  19. Ok, so what do you think on color?? for the beach... Fuschia (purply pink) Raspberry (reddish pink) Candy (bubble gum pink) I should do a vote thread but I'm not sure how to do that
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy I shopped a ton right before we left too. Don't worry - I was so glad I did honestly once I got to Mexico! We changed our clothes to go to dinner some of the nights so I was glad I brought some cute dresses and skirts to change into! Yes, but the only problem is I'm shopping 7 months ahead of time!! ha I know..I love dressing up. I don't get a whole lot of chances to wear sleeveless or strapless dresses since either it's too cold or we have to have sleeves at my work (besides the fact it would be too cold not too) So, I always go crazy before we go on vacation when I see a sale.... I don't think Greg knows what he's getting himself into...I'm already sneaking bags in the house!!
  21. Thanks all!! I love that I have my grandmother's diamond. It makes my ring so much more special. Greg designed the setting though and added some diamonds on the side and it was very unique and I love it..very surprised! It has such a special meaning behind it and it makes me feel like my grandmother will be with me on my special day in some sense.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Kryztan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I LOVE HEART LOVE "My Big Fat Redneck Wedding" not because I want ideas, it's just interesting to say the least. My personal fav was the bride screaming " Whar's ma teeth? I cain't git married witout ma teeth!" I'm from the south so it's ok for me to laugh. LOL! I saw that one and my Fi and I were cracking up! Ok I'm testing how much my TIVO can handle.
  23. I have a serious problem..I went shopping a couple weeks ago and bought some new shirts (like 5) and this new dress I couldn't resist from Macy's that I wanted for Mexico. The dress was $89 but I got it for $70 with a coupon. I don't usually spend this much on a dress but I just hate to try to wait for it to go on sale and your size be gone. So, I was feeling buyer's remorse (and actually decided I didn't like one of the shirts) so I went to return a couple shirts today...and to what do my wandering eyes see appear...clearance sale!! So, found a couple new shirts, another dress, and the dress that I originally bought for $70 was on clearance and sale for $34.99 so I got a credit!! Yay. So, now I have like 3 black dresses for Mexico. There was this one I almost got too but decided I didn't need another black dress. Oh, and I haven't even mentioned the 3 pair of shoes I got at DSW this past weekend. (Went looking for cute sandals to wear under my dress and instead found 3 other pairs..cute BCBG flip flops!!) We aren't going to be able to afford a wedding if I don't stop shopping soon
  24. Hahaha I didn't think so. I will have to consider this. I have some time to think about it. I am watching Biggest Loser right now to motivate me. I like a Wed weigh in. It's weird to see how much Allie has changed...really unbelievable! Ok, so our beginner pic do we send that to Ann too or do we just take it and keep it??
  25. Ok, my tivo is full now I'm going to have lots to watch this weekend!! How did I not ever know that the WE channel existed.
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