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Everything posted by amyrak

  1. Ooh..love the Maggie Sottero one..cute!! Didn't see those when I went shopping...
  2. Ok, you girls are all doing so good!! Here’s my list (I know I'm forgetting things) What I have done: Trip Booked Boarding Passes sent out Wedding website up and running My dress bought Some OOT gifts bought (travel candles,totes,maraca pens,sticky notes) Bridesmaids Beach bags bought for part of gift (paying for hairdos or massage in Mexico their choice) Have hairdo idea and bought kit with pics and instructions Borrowing veil from friend (got my borrowed!) Bachelorette plans (renting a house on a lake in Traverse City for the weekend!) Need to do: Register at BBB, Macy’s and possibly Target Bridesmaid dresses (this weekend we are finishing shopping and will finalize) Men’s attire (FI will be handling this but I will have to periodically bug him) Need to get sandals for wearing with dress after ceremony on beach More OOT items (aspirin,travel mugs, and whatever else my eyes spy ) Find AHR site and details (this won’t be until March or April 2009 ) Get all items done for a legal wedding in Mexico (translation of BC I think??) Flowers possibly getting silk ones for the wedding Finalize all details with the W/C at the resort.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Opice34 Ooooo....maybe I'll join the BDW Biggest Losers too! That would be great motivation for me! I honestly wanted to wear my trusty SPANX to go dress shopping, but I'm sure that'd be a little weird!! Do you have your colors picked out? Ummm...I wore my Spanx..wanted to be able to fit my hips thru those size 8dresses they think everyone can fit in! My sister was basically tucking my fat in the dresses while we were trying on. I just laughed with it. We had a fun time. Good Luck
  4. Yeah, I'm glad we already got our tickets but it was weird...one of my friends called today that said our TA called to tell her that due to gas prices being so high that the price of their trip was going up and it was $40 higher and if they didn't pay in full by May 2nd it may go up again. I'm not sure if this had something to do with they booked the charter flight?? Because we have a NWA flight and she didn't contact us and we haven't paid for our trip in full yet. So she is all stressing out because she planned on making payments and not having to charge anything to her credit card.....aargh!
  5. Ok girls help me out here because I always just insert links because whenever I try to insert a picture it never shows up. How do I insert an image correctly??
  6. YAY!! Another Valentin Imperial Maya bride! Welcome! I'm getting married there also, but not until Nov 27, 2008. There is not much info here on that hotel so I can't wait to hear how everything goes for you and see pics. How are your plans going??
  7. Wow..I was thinking the same thing and to think Shayne was going into tan withdrawals..is this what she's going to look like later in life...wow..scary. The whole mom thing was an actor..crazy...new that was too hard to believe.
  8. Looks like you had a great time. And you are never too old to party!!
  9. Carrie, I'm so excited to hear about your review since you will be the first bride to review this hotel. I'm getting married here in Nov so very curious because there is so much of the unknown. Welcome!!
  10. I walked over 6 miles today! Once again this nice weather we are having is motivation enough. Tomorrow will be softball practice and we walk on our 20 min breaks at work.
  11. I know...he says that's what his friend did when they went to his wedding for Jamaica and I guess they probably took the jackets off when pics were done. I know it sounds crazy but none of his guys ever wear suits so it's just not practical. Wonder if they could rent suits. Besides a tux being black they probably aren't going to be too much hotter than a suit anyways.
  12. So, did anybody try to contact any of the tuxedo places in Mexico?? Just curious...
  13. If you count spring cleaning?? then yes I exercised today!! It was so nice here in MI today for once. I washed all the windows inside and out, cleaned out some clothes out of my closet, other spring cleaning. Took the flannel sheets off our spare bed and put cotton ones on as my parents are coming back from FL and staying with us a few days. And then the normal housework....I'm beat!!
  14. That is a very cool idea with the logo candles. May have to steal that one!
  15. Yeah, same here..I didn't feel a thing but everyone at work was talking about it. Of course I can sleep thru the loudest storms sometimes if I'm really tired. Pretty scary that we might be getting more though. That article was pretty interesting about the top 10 states for earthquakes. Didn't realize Alaska was over CA...
  16. So glad Hobby Lobby isn't open on Sunday or I would be busting my butt there to find those parasols...ha There's always tomorrow I say!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by S2BLennon Those are phenominal! I was just there to get more supplies for our STD's and I missed them! Might have to go back! Yeah, I was just going to get invitations also..and funny thing..I was able to find something else
  18. Got these cute beach bags at Michael's today to put all my bridesmaid gifts in. They were 50% off this week so they were $9.99. Pretty cute I thought. They also had sailboat ones too but I didn't care for those. Or smaller ones for $6.49 with cute flip flops on them and other designs..also cute but went for the bigger ones.
  19. Bedroom Trisha we have this same comforter in our bedroom. It's so soft and cozy. We actually ended up buying the blue set for our spare bedroom. I will have to take pics and post tomorrow..too dark tonight.
  20. I wan't to play!!! I haven't read thru all the posts so if there are any available for my Nov 27th wedding I'd love to carry on the tradition.
  21. Yeah, girls don't do that gross kind of stuff but we can still be funny. My best friend sent me today a picture of herself sitting by the pool with a beer in her hand. So I sent her back a doofy picture of me (at work) flipping her off!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Ummm Maura- I'd be more worried about what Jose is doing with your eyeliner than forever having to picture your friends balls. That's just me though. haha Laughing my ass off here at work..hoping my boss doesn't come up while I'm reading this Too funny!
  23. Have fun chicas...I'm going to party like it's my bachelorette party tonight.. It's nice out for once here in MI!!
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