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Everything posted by amyrak

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl I'd be curious to see if anyone (maybe on the Bachelor message board) counted how many times Meeps said "like" on Monday's episode. Yeah, no wonder he didn't pick you, sweetheart. Ha..that's funny because when I was making FI watch it with me Monday he said the same thing. He couldn't stand it that she kept saying "like"
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Janet Just copy and paste the IMG tag that is below the one you want -- but delete the *s! Does that make sense? Ok, still don't get it. Was it the photobucket link that says no longer available?? Otherwise I don't see any IMG tags.. I'm kinda stupid with these computer graphics. I can never figure out how to put a pic on here either..I only know how to do links..
  3. Hey girls, how do I get that badge on my siggy?? too cool!
  4. I voted for 4th of July but I'm game for anything. This will be my first secret giver so I'm just glad to participate.
  5. Yeah, I'm not sure who he's going to pick. Chelsea seems like she is not really into him, like it seems awkward when they are together. Although it was funny when she put on her nighty for him..ha I can't wait for Women tell all next week..that is the funniest part to me. Wonder if sparkle blue dress bimbo will put her panties in Chris's pants??..haha
  6. Wow Tami you looked AWESOME!! You can tell you looked so happy in your pics. Did you like that Soana Island?? When we went to Punta Cana I wanted to take an excursion there but we never did... Welcome back and can't wait to see more pics!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. my dad often calls the week before my birthday. mine is the 15th of nov. but my sister is the 8th of oct. - exactly one month and one week earlier. so my dad screws up on a regular basis, forgetting whose is the 8th and whose is the 15th! i just tell him he's old and that's why he forgets That's so funny..my sister's birthday is the 19th so she is a week early than mine too...thing is my mom's birthday is Feb 19th so dad knows that we are both in April and that one of us is the same date as my mom. One of his best friend's has the same wedding anniversary so he always reminds my dad of that. BTW right now I'm making FI watch Bachelor with me for his punishment...
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Oh Amy!!! First of all, smack him a little bit for me. And second, a little ditty from me to you: Happy birthday to you Your sweetie's a poo! He'll figure it out soon, but for now we yell boo! Okay... that was pretty bad. Sorry I couldn't come up with anything better on the fly. Have a happy, happy birthday!!! Like I said it's the thought that counts!!ha ha..thanks for the laughs! Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Oh no! Well happy birthday Amy! FI better step it up! Birthdays are not meant to be forgotten until you turn 40. Then it's a count down. Tell me about it!! That's ok..right now I'm adding a bunch of stuff to our registry that he'll probably hate but I wanted..ha Prices to pay....
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne My Dad forgot my Birthday one year. I was about 18 and had just returned from Mexico (senior trip). My friend's parents picked us up from the airport so I was already a little sad that my Dad wasn't at the airport. Came home, grabbed my old boyfriend from down the street and brought him back to my Dad's house. We were going to go out for some dinner with friends so I yelled up the stairs to my Dad asking if I could have $20. He yelled back (VERY GRUMPILY!) "FOR WHAT?!?" to which I replied "...my Birthday...". DEAD silence LOL And then he immediately softened up and said "oh... oh yeah, ok. sure, here you go" LMAO BAD DAD!!!!!!!!!! Funny thing is my dad usually doesn't even remember my birthday (and for the first time in many years he forgot my mom's birthday this year) Usually I send her a card to remind him but mine got their late. Anyways he was in big trouble..one of his friends helped him out so he snuck over to the neighbor ladies (at their trailer park in FL) and borrowed a card and tried to sneak it on the counter..but mom knew!! We always know. but anyways my dad this year got me a separate card only from his htis year and wrote something really sweet in there...so not sure if he's getting all sentimental because his little girl is finally getting married!! ha You know it's funny too because I'm already thinking of plans for his birthday because it's the day before our wedding in Mexico. Oh well..I guess that's just how he grew up. I think his family at least calls him but they don't make a big deal about birthdays in his family. But when you know how much it means to me you think you'd know better to at least tell me Happy Birthday and get a card.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. grrr. i hate when they don't get it, it's not the actual card or present now, it's the principle! i say milk it. for a LONG time, like till next april 28th! anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Yeah, they just don't get it!! At least he should remember our anniversary because our wedding is the day after his birthday. I just think that kind of stuff doesn't matter to him. Thing is I had already told him that I didn't care about going out to dinner because we had company all weekend and he took my parents out Friday, my friend/BM out Sat & Sunday...so we had leftover pizza from last night for dinner. Can't wait until people at work say?? So what did you do for your birthday?? "Ummm...I ate leftover pizza and drank myself into a drunken stupor because FI forgot my birthday..thanks for asking though" Actually I don't think it's possible he forgot (he has a reminder on his phone) I just think he thought he didn't even have to acknowledge it because I said we didn't have to go out.
  11. Ok, so he comes in and I can see the birthday card and then he goes in the kitchen..I'm not even looking at him I'm just writing to you guys and in between slamming my drink. So then he goes, "Come in here I have something for you...." I'm like "No, it's too late now...you've lost the whole point of it" He hands me a card that is a picture of a piece of cake on the front .and then reaches in the fridge and goes and to go with it--and he pulls out my favorite kind of ice cream from our local custard place. He tried to say he bought the card before..I don't think so. So, I say thanks and give him a kiss and then I say I have to get back to bashing him on my BDW website..ha He's like..no you wouldn't do that..I'm like yes. It's just very hurtful sometimes. It's funny because last year he didn't have as many reminders and I was actually going to be gone on my birthday for my friend's bachelorette party in Vegas..and he hid a really pretty pink sapphire (he knew I liked that stone) with diamond ring from Helzberg in my suitcase along with a b-day card. Which was very sweet and the card said the next ring will be bigger...so that was even sweeter!! Because I knew it meant he was thinking of proposing soon...So, he just doesn't get it that all I really wanted was for him to tell me Happy Birthday or give me a card without me telling him. So, now he goes upstairs and I stay downstairs watching Oprah and
  12. By the way..thanks you guys..you all have made me feel great for all the Happy Birthdays and encouragement!! You are the best! I think I'm going to go make myself a stiff birthday drink
  13. Ok so he looks in the fridge and sees the leftover Panera bagels I brought into work for my birthday treat (yes weird..we bring treats in for our birthdays) and he's like..what is this?? I can't help it and say "It's leftover from work today what I brought in for my birthday" He says jokingly "your what" I then say in a loud pissed off tone "my BIRTHDAY!" I think he got the hint then. So, he takes the trash out and I go upstairs to vent and take a cool shower. I get out and now he's gone..I'm sure to the store to buy me a card..but he doesn't get it that I don't really want it now. The point is that you thought of me yourself to get me one or even say it without being prodded..so now it's just going to piss me off!! Not sure what to say...
  14. I don't know how he can forget it seeing as my parents were here on Friday and gave me birthday cards, my friends have mentioned it even yesterday. No Happy Birthday so far today and even this guy I can't stand at work told me Happy Birthday!! He gets home late, we are eating leftover pizza and he keeps talking to me and I'm giving him the cold shoulder. I don't think his family made as big of a deal about birthdays as my family always did...so he thinks nothing of it. It totally irritates me!! I mean I didn't expect a gift because we are trying to save money and he just bought me a nice ring but I at least expect a card or a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
  15. Steadman (Oprah's boyfriend) was on our flight to Vegas once and in the airport bar..I said to the bartender (because I'm a big Oprah fan) "Hey, that looks like Oprah's boyfriend.." He's like it is..he's in her all the time. So my friend asked if we could take a pic with him and he's like..sorry I don't do pics..I'll tell Oprah you said Hi..ha Yah right Steadboy... It was funny though my friend that we were going to Vegas for her bachelorette party saw Vince Neil in the CA airport (I think Van Halen or something) and he let them take a pic with him..ha I met Oprah while watching a taping of her show. Sinbad is from around my area and I saw him in the mall once. We also saw the Osbornes at Vegas once. FI and I were trying to see the car show at the Wynn and went to go in a door and it was locked and they were standing outside it waiting for their car so they probably thought we were just trying to walk by them but we didn't notice until afterwards..lol
  16. Hey, who is already registered at BB&B and wants me to refer them. I was researching on registering there and it says if you are referred that person gets $25 off of a $50 or more purchase for every referral. So, if someone wants to I'll put their name down as I know nobody else. PM me...
  17. Yes, finally after a long break this week (well, I walk on my 2- 20 min breaks at work every day) Today I did the Biggest Loser Cardio Max workout Level 1&2 ..still can't make it to Level 3 yet..in fact I feel like passing out after Level 2.
  18. Since I didn't see this until today.... My parents stayed with us last night on their way back from FL up to the Upper Peninsula of MI..they left early this morning so now I'm waiting for 2 of my bridesmaids to get here we are going to try on their dress. The one is my friend from TX so she's staying here tonight and tomorrow night so we'll probably take her out for dinner and drinks!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by luvnthesun It's great to hear from another Valentin bride!!! It's a little scary going into it not really knowing what to expect from the resort, but I am WAAYYYYYY excited!!! It seems real close and far away at the same time. My dress will be in in 3 weeks -- so I guess that's when I 'll know it's getting close!! I will definitely share pics with you when we return!! When is your wedding date again
  20. Hilarious fun pics..your friends remind me of mine somewhat..back in the day I think I was the girl that made out with 4 guys in one night...ha.. Thank god those days are over
  21. Yeah, I'm not sure who is going to win.. Here's how I think the votes will go though... Matt- Ryan Josh-Ryan Sharon-Ryan Sheila-Adam Chelsia-Adam James-Adam Natalie-Adam But all could change depending on what they find out from watching the tapes. I think it's kinda funny that Matt is totally ignoring Natalie in the sequester house, knowing that if Natalie was in the final 2 he would be kissing her butt hard core
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 I saw some really cute bride related blue panties at Victoria's Secret if you are interested. I'd love a pair for my birthday (it's Monday) thanks!! haha just kidding..I'll have to check those out!
  23. Ok, I have to get on this thread and shoot the shit with you guys..HA! Ok, I notice a lot of you girls in the Biggest Loser comp are doing this colonix thing..I may have to get in on it because if you do this and crap stuff out like those pics you guys are going to be kicking my booty in this competition. So, maybe I'll have to get in on this colonix too and kick my own booty. Yeah, I was kinda glad to hear that if I do this I won't be crapping my pants because that really worried me with summer and all I want to be able to wear my white pants to work without getting a case of the sharts.
  24. Yeah, that one guy just seemed a little to into taking pics of the stuff. I think 2 or 3 was enough!!
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by CarrieRN How are the maraca pens? I am planning on ordering those and some of those tropical shirt notepads. Were they cute? I am also planning on getting flip flop playing cards. Yes Maraca pens were cute. I got the flip flop note pad..didn't get playing cards as I heard they were small...I may buy some regular though. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson Things that I have done: -sent out STD -made & sent out invites -wedding website -booked trip -confirmed wedding date -decided on wedding dress, MOH dress, one BM dress & FG dress -have fabric to make MOH & BM dresses -FI shirt, GM shirts & RB outfit -favor boxes -favors -photo guestbook made -signing mat -GM gifts -BM gifts (waiting for some items to arrive, but they are ordered) -cake topper -something old - Grandma's wedding ring -something new - will be my dress -something borrowed - Nanny's pearls -something blue - larimar bracelet Just wanted to say my old is my grandma's diamond, my new is my dress too!! Only thing left is my blue...hoping for blue underwear..ha
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