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Everything posted by Myda77

  1. Those are very nice! I love the RSVP card. Did you make the brochure holder yourself or did you buy it?
  2. I am considring using these also, for the cocktail hour. I will also not be personalizing them, just cute designs with colors that match our theme.
  3. It really is ridiculous sometimes I feel like saying I am having an anniversary party or something.
  4. A friend had sent this to me from youtube.com and I thought it was hilarious! My fiancee was dying lauging when he saw it. It's amazing how as soon as someone hears the word wedding attached to an item the price immediately jumps 50% higher! If you can't open the link, go to youtube.com and type "wedding cake" into the search box. Enjoy! YouTube - "Wedding cake" from Man Stroke Woman
  5. Thanks for posting. I am definitely a DIY misfit, but getting better everyday!
  6. Thanks. I will try and email them directly if that doesn't work I will have to call.
  7. I have been trying to get wedding information from Sunset at the Palms in Negril for 4 weeks now and I have not received a single response from them. I have sent 3 emails. I know they may be busy, but an email acknowledging that they received my requests would be nice. I hope this is not an indication of the services they would provide. Should I just call them? Can someone send me the wedding info if they have it? Thanks!
  8. I know they are a little pricey. I really shouldn't but I can't help myself
  9. Just thought I would share. I found this cake cutter set online and thought it was sooo cute. I had not even thought about getting this, and it wasn't even in my budget. I will have to a squeeze it in there somehow Here is the website Hand Beaded Wedding Cake Server and Knife Sets
  10. That is crazy! I would have tied that balloon around my wrist in a double, no triple knot. It would be amazing if he ever saw that ring again.
  11. The first one and the third one look amazing on you. I am partial to lace so I would say #3. The mermaid style looks nice on you.
  12. I went to the Running of the Brides held at the NYC Filene's, annddddd I found a dress!!! I will have to say though it was entirely by luck. It is by Pronovias, I am not sure which collection it is from, and I only paid $500 Let me start off by saying, I was slightly disappointed by the selection available, but it could have been because I got there at 12:30pm instead of when the doors opened at 8am. According to a salesperson I was chatting with there was a better selection at that time. I went with a friend who was also looking for a dress, and I met my sister and cousin there. There were racks and racks of dresses, but most of the styles I found there were not very current and alot of the dresses looked trampled on. There were many people trying on dresses in the middle of the sales floor, but luckily there weren't many in the dressing rooms, so I was able to try on a few comfortably. I honestly couldn't even remember some of the designers they carried, there was no organization, just dresses on racks so I had to comb through them one by one. Alot of the women were very territorial but I guess that is too be expected. I found my dress hanging in the dressing room all by it's lonesome and couldn't believe no one and grabbed it yet. I was very lucky, because I was ready to give up and go home. My friend had no luck and ended up leaving empty handed. In conclusion, I will say to go, you can find something if you have patience and look throughly and also bring back up, it comes in handy. You may want to go earlier when there is a better selection, but if you aren't too picky you can wait and go later with less stress. Good Luck, and I hope this helps!
  13. That sounds like a good idea. I will have to look into that. Thanks!
  14. About Coyaba, I love the resort, but I don't think they can handle the amount of guests I think I may have. They told me they can only accomaodate about 100 people, I am hoping I don't have that many, but I don't want to take any chances. Do let me know how it goes though, I would love to hear about it.
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