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Everything posted by vcannon

  1. I am not much for appliques but... The dress is beautiful and very delicate/romantic.... I would go with your first choice..
  2. vcannon

    new to forum

    November will be our 10th wedding anniversary. We are excited, My husband and I have known each other since I was 15 and he was 18 so this is really exciting that our friendship grew to 10years of marriage. We had a great friendship for 7years before getting married. We were to stubborn to realize we were actually in love. Who knew it would lead up to 10years great married life. Congratulations to all you love birds out there and Happy Valentines WEEK..
  3. vcannon

    new to forum

    Hi New Friends!! Just joined the DW forum to get some info on resorts and help with choosing where to renew wedding vows. All the information is posted is absolutely fab. Seems like there are alot of Dreams=Tulum Brides out there. Is there any Barcelo Maya Colonial Brides out there? Can't wait to chat some more. Until next time.
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