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Everything posted by victoriah

  1. Thank you all for replying. It's really nice to see such kind people willing to respond and offer advice. I really appreciate the welcome! I plan on going to some bridal shops tomorrow and I'll post a pic of the dress when I find it. Don't laugh but this will be my fourth (and final!) wedding. haha I have FINALLY found "the one". The hard thing is that I'm 37, 5'4 and weigh 97 lbs. I'm hoping to gain 20 lbs by April but I seriously doubt that will happen. That being said, it only makes the wedding dress shopping that much harder. We're already spending sooo much on the trip and since it is my 4th wedding I don't want to spend tons of money on the dress but I also want to find one that won't make me look so thin. I guess the best way is to go out into the bridal shops and let the experts help decide which style will look best on me. Anyway, after all of that unimportant rambling, thanks again for the info!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by monicaswave Welcome Victoria! Can I ask where in Belize are you getting married. Belize was a destiantion I looked into so I am curious to see what location is hosting your wedding. I am sure it will be lovely. On Ambergris Caye at Pelican Reef Villas
  3. Hi. I'm Victoria. My fiance John and I are getting married April 10 in Belize. I'm getting excited about it but have yet to find a wedding dress. I have no idea what I want exactly and I've searched online for hours and hours and can't seem to find a whole lot of choices when I google island dresses, beach dresses or destination dresses.
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