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Everything posted by thomastaci22

  1. Our gifts to the GM are the suits they are wearing in the wedding. I am still not sure what to do for my girls. I have for them so far: A straw beach mat Photo Album Straw beach bag Jewelry for wedding I want to get them something that will be there "big" gift, but can't really spend a whole lot of money on them. I was thinking about maybe doing the robes, or possibly a Vera Bradley Cosmetic bag. ANy other ideas?
  2. We are buying each GM's suit and tie for the wedding. We got them nice suit that they will be able to wear again...and it saves them money by not having to pay for them themselves!
  3. If he is anything like my fiance...you will end up picking his outfit anyway! I told Josh from day one that his attire is totally up to him. I told him I didn't want to know what he would be wearing and I don't want anything to do with it! Well...after I finally dragged him out to the store to look for suits, I was the one who ended up calling to order them and calling to get them tailored! Goes to show you...some guys just can't live without us!
  4. This is the order of how our reception is going: 1) Bridal party introduction 2) Bride and groom introduction 3) First dance 4) Father/daughter dance 5) Cake cutting 6) toasts 7) serving of the food We are going to do everything right from the start, so that the rest of the reception can just be dancing and having fun...without having to keep bothering everyone for something else. We are not doing the bouquet/garter toss
  5. I did 2 separate STDs...one for the actual wedding and one for the AHR (since a lot of people from the AHR are not invited to the wedding). I ordered 25 magnets for my STD for the wedding and ordered 100 postcards for the STD for the AHR. All together, I only paid $26!! Check out vistaprint.com and sign-up to be an insider. You will get Emails when they run free product specials. I was really pleased with the turn-out on both of my STDs!
  6. We feed our dogs Royal Canin, which is a premium dog food from England. My brother-in-law is a sales rep for them, which is what turned us onto it. Our dogs absolutely love it! It is a little pricey (about $40 for a 35 lb bag), but they have breed-specific food. For example, they have a boxer food, lab food, german shepherd food, minuature food. Our dogs love it and we have noticed a big difference in their digestive system since we put them on it
  7. Hey there! I was MOH in two weddings lasy year (my sister and my BF), and they were back-to-back weekends! YIKES! Anyway, I started each of my toasts with a quick introduction and how I know the bride. Then I went into my first memory (of my BF) and my favorite memory of my sister. I tried to make them both a little funny, without seeming like I was fishing for a laugh. I said a little bit about the grooms, got a little sentimental with both of them, and then wrapped it up with a simple toast. I think both of them went over pretty well...especially since I had a little to drink beforehand!! GOOD LUCK!! PS...I had a few notes written down on a scrap piece of paper in case I got lost...I think that is better than reading the entire thing straight from a piece of paper where it is all written out, word for word...that may just be me though!
  8. Hey girls! We are going to print out invitations for the AHR soon...do any of you have ideas on the wording? I think it would be cute to come up with some type of poem or catchy saying and you guys are all so creative, so I turn to you! Any ideas/suggestions would be great!! Thanks so much! I don't know what the monkey means, but I like him!
  9. When we got engaged, my sister made me a "Wedding Binder". She had all of the dividers labeled things like "My Dresses," "My Flowers, "My invitations" etc. It has really come in handy in keeping everything somewhat organized (or at least in the same place!).
  10. O-H...I-O!!! Welcome to the forum...I love seeing another Ohioan on here! What part of Cleveland do you live in?
  11. I just found out that I did not get a job that I had made it to the final interview round for! I even took a 1/2 day of vacation off my current job to do a ride-along with someone in the position that I was interviewing for!!! GRRRR!!!
  12. Hey girls! We are putting together the wording for our invites to our wedding...finally! But I can't figure out what words should or shouldn't be capitalized?? For example... ...on the Nineteenth day of September two thousand and eight at eleven o'clock in the morning... Is that correct? Or is the year capitalized? The time? The day? HELP!!
  13. Hey girls! I just have to share this with someone! Josh just called and told me that his dad has FREE tickets to the SOLD OUT Reds game on Saturday...right behind the dugout and they are playing BOSTON!!! I am so excited!!!
  14. I was really impressed with mine as well. I was actually afraid that they were going to be really thin and cheap looking. But I loved them. I have gotten a few back in the mail and there were a little damaged, but nothing terrible. And I just sent them by themselves.
  15. Oh m y gosh...this thread is awesome! I have plenty to share but need some time to think of which ones I am willing to expose!
  16. For us, it is hard because with FI being a firefighter, our schedules are very different. I work M-F and he obviously doesn't. So there are times when I come home from a long day of work and he is ready to head out and do something. It is hard because I am in the middle of my work week and sometimes it is his Saturday night! We have gotten a lot better though, and he is understanding of me wanting to stay home and relax. I have become understanding of his wanting to go out...but it is still a difficulty we are faced with.
  17. Welcome Laney! I see your location is San Diego...are you close to Pacific Beach at all?
  18. Happy Early Birthday! Mine is on Monday, but unfortunately will not be enjoying it too much. I work from 6a-3p, and then will be spending the rest of the evening at team camp with the high school team that I coach...woo hoo!
  19. Wow...that was great. I know that is isn't appropriate, but just didn't know how to go about. I know that I cannot require everyone to be there for the dinner, and I wouldn't expect that even if we were picking up the tab. Maybe I will just stick to pizza at the pool! Thanks so much for your help!
  20. I found a picture of the location that we are getting married. Then I had it printed at Meijer and on the back wrote them each personal notes which ended in my asking them to be a bridesmaid/MOH...it was cute and sentimental. I think they liked it...
  21. Hey girls! So I am trying to put together an "intinerary" or a "what to expect" for the day before and the day of our wedding in San Diego. I am having some trouble coming up with the right wording though. Here is what I mean. We are having a ceremony rehearsal the night before the wedding, after which I would like to have a "rehearsal dinner" for everyone that will be there. However, we do not have the money to host the event on our own. I was thinking of just telling everyone that we will be having dinner at "such and such place" and that everyone is welcome to join us. Here's the thing...how do I say basically "you can come, but we aren't paying?" I know I can't require that everyone be there... Any suggestions?
  22. If you are still awake...this is one thing that always works for me. I think I heard it on a movie once. Anyway, if you really try hard to stay awake...keep your eyes open (while laying in bed with the lights off). I ALWAYS fall right alseep when I do this! I hoep you can get some rest!
  23. So I am beginning to wonder if I really need programs for our ceremony? It is going to be such a short ceremony and by that time, everyone will know who everyone is (after the shower, bach party, time in San Diego, etc.). Is anyone NOT having a program?
  24. We are getting married at Scripp's Park in La Jolla, which is right outside the city of San Diego. It is a beautiful place! It is not right on the beach, but it sits on top of a cliff that is oceanside...check out this link. I am using San Diego Destination Weddings to plan my wedding and so far they have been wonderful!! http://sandiegodestinationweddings.c...rippspark.html
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