Quote: Originally Posted by hmueller19 So our thoughts on these replies...
On the bags, funny - I know that another bride (Katherine I think) had gotten bags from the hotel or her travel agent did. I sent the picture back to Claudia, and to our travel agent, to ask if they still have them and how to get them...
On the tequila - seems VERY pricey... We could get it here for much less - but how to get it there? There has got to be another way, maybe just buy it when you get there.
Steel drum band - We checked out both websites - but neither seems like a steel drum band. I know she quoted us a band a while back - not sure who she had in mind. This is the reason for our Caribbean Trio question today.
On the rehearsal dinner - We have heard multiple stories on this from other brides. It all seems to depend on party size - so I asked for more clarification. Anybody heard anything about the "Adult Only" bit at the end?
Wedding time - I know its summer - but this seems VERY late in the day. Sunset seems to be around 7:30 in July, so maybe not - what are everyone's thoughts on this?
Just as an FYI - we have the Ultimate package, to put the menu questions in context...
Translation time - seems very short (1 week) Anyone heard otherwise?
Attachments - she sent a bunch - if anyone wants any, please let me know your email and I will send along...
We have older questions that I will post as well, just for info purposes... Hi hmueller! I'm gettting married in November and have tried to contact Claudia..you all have been so helpful! I was wondering if you could e-mail me the attachments she sent you...also could you e-mail me your pics from secrets capri? We're staying there for our honeymoon. Thanks so much!!!
[email protected]