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Everything posted by Virg

  1. Great question! I have heard about Drysol and I thinking about trying it as well for Our Wday
  2. ASh, MY Co-MOHs and I are spending the morning getting massages before we get our hair done :-D SO EXCITED!
  3. That's great Ayita ! I think my resort only has square or rectancular tables, which kinda sucks, but what can ya do! I think I wil do what you did and have people sit at the ends too
  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my dress!!! I want to wear it all day!! But, turns out I have one more fitting, she has taken the dress in 4 inches all over...lol looks lie I have to stop loosing weight Don't worry, there are pictures... Here it is ladies!
  5. Yes, The tip cards are for stuff we leave the housekeepers. The picture on the CD is from Misti Abner, a photographer on this site. She was nice enough to send it to a few of us while she was on a DW shoot
  6. It is just the Bride and Groom moving, so we will tell the wait staff to have plates and settings for the 2 empty chairs per table. So my futur husband and I just go to the next table!
  7. I was flip flopping back and forth between having a seating plan, or not. We have a medium sized group joining us for our DW 24 + us. So 26 in Total, which is an awkward number to sit I find. The usual questions: Do I want the stess of a seating plan? Or do I want everyone to partner off with their cliques? For a U shape reception you have 1 table of 10 and 2 of 8 – which I kind of large and uneasy for conversation. That and I have been at head tables before, and I find the conversation stale and not so entertaining. That and in my French Canadian (Quebec) culture, there is rarely a bridal party (witnesses are family members, and head table is for immediate family). That and I wanted to be able to talk to everyone! I mean out guests are going all this way for us, and a vacation, but still...And why should our wedding party get all the fun and attention of the bride + groom! So I was venting to my MOH and said “ I wish I could just to a Musical Chair reception”...we both laughed it off and then pouf! Epiphany!! We will have 4 tables of 6 = 24 Each table will have 2 empty seats for the bride and groom! After we are done eating one course, we rotate move to the next table! We get to talk to everyone! No one feels out of the loop!! Musical Chairs reception seating plan!!! I hope no one thinks I'm crazy...
  8. BTW, the spa Brochure mentions to MElia Santa MAria, not the MLD.... hopefully it is the same prices. remember 1CUC = 1.08US now!
  9. I HEART YOU!!! I was thinking about this today, you read my mind!
  10. I just found this. It is from Bentley's online store, prices are in Canadian. They also have it in stores Travel Accessories - Wattage Converters / Plugs Adaptors - Low Prices for Luggage, Backpacks, HandBags, Accessories - Onlinebags
  11. Why risk it? They have a kit at Bentley Luggage here in Canada that has a pack of them for all over the world, I think its 20$ or less. Much less than the cost to replace your camera, ipod, or straightener!
  12. My goodness! That picture looks funny, must be the cropping. So much for feeling skinny!!
  13. I needed something fun to dance in, I mean it is the Caribbean in June/July... Not only did I get a great deal on this dress 34.99$ at Winners (Canada's version of Marshal's). I FIT INTO A SIZE 7 !!!!! So Excited!! What do you think ladies?
  14. That is just crazy!! What a ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS JERK! I am so sorry you went through this...
  15. That is just plain mean and un-sisterly!!! WOW!! I would definetly avoid her in cAbo, maybe find a reason to make her pay something... like her hair! YES! Let her know that the 75$ your FI gave her was an advance for her hair, since she is vacationing on your dollar....
  16. thank goodness that got cleared!! I also got my flowers for Chrystal. She was great to deal with.
  17. Here is the link for the Ebay store! eBay Store - Factory 21 Promotional Items: Shot Glasses, Steins, Trays They are called - Factory 21 promotional items
  18. I cannot find the flower font that is in my Mongram, I did not make it myself so I have no idea. I want to put it on T-shirts for our bridal party, and the pritner doesn't have a clue... I checked all the "nature dingbats" I could find on dafont.com and there is nothing Anyone know it?
  19. Congratulations!! You both are really fabulous! you are so fabulous, you are fantabulous!
  20. I need some help ladies!! The flower in my monogram, is it a font or clipart? I am going to get the monogram put on a Tshirt, and the guy need a more high resolution version. Please help me find the name of either the font/clip art !!
  21. Is there a how to guide to apply these falsies stuff? I really like Maybelline Collossal (sp?) Mascara, makes my eyelashes seem...well...collosal!
  22. I have not thought of this... I have never worn either. Wouldn't even know where to begin! I'll take any suggestions on types and glues.
  23. oh wow!! Everything looks great! I hopep you had a great wedding day! I wish you Love, Health and Happiness!!!
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