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Everything posted by msasfraz

  1. i am using a platter as well where my 20 guests in Jamaica can sign. For AHR I am looking for a plain guest book that I can added seashells and crystals to. This will be placed at the entrance under my crystal tree...
  2. courtney, was their charge with RIu for steaming dress off site? my dress is pretty poofy.... one of the pick up styles... kinda superstitious about posting a pic.... but let's just say its pretty big..
  3. i bought the flowers from Hobby lobby... in the flower section they have the regular sized calla lillies ....directly under that they have the smaller calla lillies.. they are real touch as well...really inexpensive...
  4. i agree with becks... i wouldnt even do the flower b/c if the program will be attached, im thinking the flower may be get damaged when people are actually trying to use the fan? i was going to add the flower but i think by not adding the flower i can save some time and just add a shell to the fan in some way... good luck.. Becks are you excited and ready? your day is coming very soon......
  5. My theme heavily centers around seashells for Jamaica and crystals for AHR. Here is a pic of the outside of the invite with aqua pochette cover and mango/salmon ribbon [using different shades of mango throughout events] Pic of satin ribbon, seashell and crystal detail... not a very good one... Inside of invite... seashell characters for border and used Meaculpa script for print purposes Here is a pic of inside and outside of invite together. I tied the ribbon so that guests can slip off the bow detail and open the invite. The plan was to purchase small gift boxes to wrap invite in but i am having difficulty finding cost effective boxes for 160 invites.. trying to factor in the cost of shipping... so i will go with ecru outer envelopes to match the color of the metaillic ecru invites and the ecru rsvp cards... They will all be sealed in bubble wrap envelopes purchased from Office depot 3 bucks for 12. Let me know your thoughts.. Thanks ladies
  6. i say bouts b/c its just too much to spell.... ur so funny catandecleo... really needed that tonight... having issues w/ bridesmaids...
  7. cystal thingies are the bridal spray's from hobby lobby... they were like 1.47 w/ additional 50% off... they have about 6 per pack... i used 2 bunches per bout...
  8. thanks this helps out alot... i am actually doing the crystal tree for AHR... this will be at the entrance by the guest book...
  9. So can you set up the frame from KOhls with your personal picture in the middle? did you guys order from online... i don't think we have a Kohls here...
  10. We also used mywedding.com... i love all the features and its free... Norris & Chiquita - wedding website by mywedding.com
  11. try mygatsby.com.......the paper choices are wonderful but by a sample kit so you can actually see the paper choices and textures and also a sample of the design such as pocketfold if desired....
  12. I have spent about $410 for 160 invites... $230 on paper from mygatsby.com & hobby lobby..[couldnt decide at first] $50 for printer $50 for shipping boxes $30 for bubble wrap envelopes $50 on shipping [estimated] I know it sounds like alot but i wanted really nice and different invitations than the norm... hopefully i will submitting a pic w/in the week... waiting on the printer and the shipping boxes..
  13. very unique.. you did an awesome job..... i have gained inspiration.....this is my project as we speak w/ a little help from a local printer.... Cudos to you...
  14. My theme for AHR is seashells and crystals... want to use a crystal tree set up for entrance way... where guest sign book... where can i get a tree and crystals like this?... trying to avoid having to string crystals myself...
  15. My idea is to decorate cake table w/ flowers on cake and then the infamous I DO letters around the cake.. I want cake like the first image and I DO and candle set up like the second... How big do you think the letters need to be? Also for AHR i am using the mirror looking W for our cake topper... wanting use the we do letters there... should i use wooden there or trying to find letters to match the Gold cake topper lettering. No pic sorry..
  16. really nice pics... love the flowers... i choose calla lillies as well... Congrats!
  17. I purchased my flowers and bags from Hobby lobby [50% off sale]... and seashells from Micheals... i used an iron on transfer for the logo... the logo took a while for me but i finally got it...
  18. Thanks to all of you I have finally finished my groomsmen bouts, FOB, FIL bouts... I only have my hubby's bout to finish... Here are my finished OOT bag design w/ tytag... still working on the remaining filler items-- im very proud i was able to get my design to flip after wasting 8 sheets of paper... Ok off to working on assembling invitations... to be continued...
  19. my bad ladies.......i was pulling up the colored shirt... i went back on and found the one referenced in the thread.. i just bought 2 ... trying to getting 3 more different credit card numbers to tweak the system.. hahhaha! yeah!!!thx
  20. man i mad i missed the deal.... i just tried and the discount is 9.97 of total price...coming out to 21 bucks.... thanks for the site... i will know not to wait next time.... thanks again
  21. okie dokie... im getting this DIY thing down... i created the image in powerpoint so ill try to save as jpg... ill let you know how it goes...
  22. sorry for posting in the wrong thread.... i will be more cautious before posting in the future.... just was really excited to get the news out to everyone... wanted to make sure my Jamaica ladies were aware of the sale... sorry...
  23. see some of my oot items i picked up: hand sanitizer - 4 for $1-- Dollar Tree wet wipes- 3 for $1-- Dollar Tree notepads-- micheals $1 bin blue water bottles- dollar tree Still have to get : first aid kit alka selzer/ tylenol/ lip balm create tshirts candy w/ cellophane bags to go inside of water bottles
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