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Everything posted by msasfraz

  1. i went ahead and purchased from the web.. .thanks so much for th links...
  2. Can we start a sticky thread like the ROR wedding date thread for cakes? I am so unsure as to what cake I want and what they have actually done for previous ROR brides... moderators is this ok to put here?
  3. I am using this company referred by my TA ... I spoke to Representative and he knows all the hotspots and has already compiled a 6 hour excursion the day after our ceremony to Bob Marley musuem, Dunns River, eating, shopping and free frall pics as we desire-- $60 pp... We will also do an excursion the Friday night after reherasal dinner for $20 pp that we are covering... He is awesome... please check out his website..Welcome to Admiral Bailey Transportation Services Jamaica - Taxi and Tours Jamaica - Taxi and Tours Jamaica - Located out of Ocho Rios and Montego Bay, Jamaica provides Transportation Services throughout Jamaica - www.admiralbaileytransportationservi
  4. in early feb it was $1700 a couple to Jamaica.. now b/c of fuel charges its up to almost 2200 per couple...
  5. i used the transfer paper from hobby lobby in the canvas bag and tshirt section [not sure of exact name]. Make sure that you don't leave the iron on the image too long b/c the imprint of the iron will remain... trust me i messed up two bags as a result... im a hobby lobby freak ..got everything from there...its the image that was hard for me to complete...
  6. aqua and coral look awesome together.. i was on the fence but i used aqua, mango and platinum accents.... dresses will be mango, flower girl sash will be aqua and table decoration will have hints of aqua and platinum... perhaps favors will have blue ribbon or boxes or something...
  7. thanks so much for the site and the offer ... I just PM'd you dmarie17... thanks
  8. I want to do the wedding cake pull for my AHR with my 6 sisters and 2 best friends. Does anyone have any for sale? I checked online and they range from 16- 50 bucks... Want to get good quality but for minimal cost... please help ladies...
  9. i found mygatsby.com really quick, and reaosnable.... i did a 2 month search on stationery and puchased from mygatsby. They are running 10% off special until 9.15.08.....code is 9152008
  10. the bm dresses is gorgeous............i am doing aqua and mango orange........ see two colors featured in my invite.......I am using mango tipped calla lillies and white calla lillies.......
  11. Hobby lobby has those Vases that you are looking for in 3 different sizes.....Your set up looks great but I would be worried with transporting to the location...will you have enough room on your tables for the setup?
  12. For any ladies needing to purchase invitations or simply paper products, mygatsby.com is offering 10% off an order of $100 or more... I purchased my paper from there and complete DIY invites. Promo code 9152008.. expires 9/15/08.... Happy buying!
  13. I have the exact ring is Jenny K but i have princess cut diamonds on the sides... we did the emerald cut bagettes... it looks so nice together.... it makes it sparkle so much!!!!!
  14. really cute... i think i may use for ... ill look at michaeals and hobby lobby this weekend...... walmart also..
  15. it was up but under construction... it was definitely complete when the AHR invites were mailed this week....
  16. ok thanks ladies... i do have condoms at my FI request.... all the groomsmen except 1 are single... they are mostly EX-NFL players coming unattached ready to populate the world so he strongly urged condoms for them--- hehehehehe.. i thought it was hilarious as well...
  17. its not a must but its an awful nice gesture... we offerred to pay entire wedding party.. 2 out of 8 people actually accepted offer...
  18. I had the same issue w/ my matron of honor... go figure... we are paying 1/2 of wedding party's trip costs and we gave them a 30 day deadline... well i understand that she was having a newborn baby so i extended her deadline to 90 days just to have your deposit booked. After 5 months, I sent an email to all the people that didn't take us up on the 50% contirbution and we were going to purchase their wedding day attire as a gift... Well she was pissed and said she didnt need $100 dress she wanted 1/2 of her trip costs instead b/c she knew we were doing it for everyone else... i was royally PISSED... it was simply understood at that point that she was no longer in the wedding.... well 2 1/2 months later we made up... she's still not coming to the wedding in Jamaica but she is on the 'committee' who is throwing my shower... It was difficult to go thru this stress w/ my best friend behind money... You may have to bite the bullet and apologize and find out what it is you can do to help her.... its weird b/c we should be getting pampered and our feeling should be the main focus but sometimes we have step back for a second out of the wedding bubble... i almost lost a really good friend behind $$...
  19. thanks... so Chandalyn will allow you at no charge to plug in an ipod, b/c we were planning on bringing one down w/ us-- w speakers and all-- the docing station.... I'll ask her if she could supply a microphone to try and gauge if we need to hustle up one or not... thanks as always ladies...
  20. thanks that can be an added favor filled w/ candy at AHR .... yeah!!!
  21. For any of the past Riu brides, did any of you use a microphone for ceremony music and/or minister readings/vows? If so, is this something Chandalyn provided or did you bring along... Also where is the music set up if not suing the steel drum band?... trying to use a cd player w/ music pump thru IPOD....
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