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Everything posted by msasfraz

  1. Thanks geology rocks for the updates to my info.... i printed them already so i'll simply add a clarifiying note prior to mailing today.... The luggage tags were used from a template on here... i bought the 1.47 id holders from walmart and the tie thingy from home depot.... thanks guys working on program and ceremony verbiage...flower girl tshirt....bride panties w/ rhinestones and MOB attire and accessories... my mom is such as procrastinator.....
  2. i just pm'd you for a really big order... hoping you can help... wedding in 12 days...
  3. I haven't seen any reviews in the last 3 weeks for ROR. has anyone gone in this time frame? I am getting pretty darn anxious to do the do!
  4. here is my pre-travel brochure picture and template for RIu and luggage tags.... Hopefully this can help someone b/c the ideas were pulled from several sources on here. Thanks Jamaica ladies! Pre-Travel Brochure -9.12.ppt
  5. the tshirts look great! you just inspired my DIY panties, tank top and hoodie.... are you guys getting shirts for the mom's?
  6. ARe you having AHR? if so i would do just flowers on top of cake in jamaica and go for full effect of 3 letter cake topper w/ swvarsoki crystals... i m looking for on eas we speak for AHR in 10/11.... i will just do fresh flowers with cake in Ocho rios....
  7. thanks for the email address... i have been asking chandalyn about florists info for weeks now.... i haven't had any luck when trying to contact from the website... thanks soooo much...
  8. i applaud your sanity throughout this disappointment... we are kinda in the same boat b/c we live in Louisiana and were hit w/ Gustav and about to be clipped by Ike this weekend.... i hate living in the south... why in the hell would i schedule a wedding dead center of hurricane season.... well hopefully no more storms until after the wedding/honeymoon....
  9. mango is like an orange... i found some real touch ones that i already made my bouts and mother corsages with... im trying to go w/ the real thing for bouquet and gazebo decs so i don't have to transport there.....
  10. I was quoted $50 by Chandalyn for my wedding in 2 weeks...
  11. looking for more of the clear , aqua and mango/orange looking crystals....
  12. where did you purchase dress? what's the designer's info? this would be perfect for my TTD....
  13. Courtney how about your foot jewlry...i decided to go with a single monogram initial for bouquet.... send or post some pics... want to get bms and fg foot jewlry...
  14. how long did it take your jewels to come in from the first vendor recommended? i just ordered mine and my wedding is in less than 3 weeks... im kinda worried now...
  15. Hi ladies ..im back from Gustav hell!!!! we still don't have power at my house... using internet access at work.... i still have a million things to do before we leave in a few weeks.... im royally stressed.... hopefully no more hurricanes go to Jamaica or Louisiana so i can breathe a little....
  16. yari the extensions compliment you so well... it just looks like you got your hair curled... good choice.... is you stylist coming down w/ you...
  17. Just wondering if anyone has had contact or responses from Chandalyn since hurricane hit a couple of days ago.... just wondering... i know right now isnt the best time but I may not have power for the next couple of days b/c Gustav is expected to hit Baton Rouge, LA this time tommorrow.... i just don't want to seem insensitve but i cannot pretend that im not concerned with my wedding, right?
  18. do you have any pics of clear bouquet jewels or crystal like?
  19. I wish our Saturday bride the best of look and god bless... ur day will be beautiful b/c remember you are marrying ur best friend, lover and soul mate.... ill keep you guys in my prayers as we prepare in Baton Rouge for a second tour with Katrina's distant brother..WTF! this just sucks!
  20. thanks ladies..... i ll post final when i get updates on travel info from my TA.. working on ceremony program.
  21. Does anyone have bouquet jewels they would like to sell? aqua crystals or clear crystals or rhinestones....
  22. Try walmart... i just bought some id holders for 1.47 for 10... and just go to office depot for the loops... you may spend about 4 bucks total...
  23. Chandalyn just confirmed beach party is Saturday... we will just do rehearsal/welcome party at St. Ann's and do offsite excursion to club or Margaritaville Friday night... thanks ladies
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