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Everything posted by msasfraz

  1. thanks butlergirl........i have scrapped the centerpiece idea... i planned on putting my flowers from the gazebo decoration as centerpieces.... 2 flower arrangements with candles, petals, and seashells on the table... do you think that is too much..... what about with a really tall vase?
  2. i got them and im trying to upload photos tommorrow... they look okay... im going to spray paint them a little b/c you can see the glue thru the rice paper in spots.......my 4 BMS and my mother and MIL will have one......I was also thinking about purchasing additional for all the women guests to have....... this will be at the end to see if it is in the budget... but would it still be different if every lady had a parasol? ceremony is only for 30-45 mins at the most.......
  3. Has anyone register at Lowe's/ Home Depo/ Walmart for Home improvement gift cards? Does that sound tacky to request gift cards? We were thinking adding that to our insert labeled "Venue Directions & Gift REgistry". I will have the list for Dillards, Macy's, Bed Bath & Beyond, Sears, JcPenney but i also wanted to put a section labeled "Home improvement gift cards"... As far as Bridal shower registry... Vicky and Fredericks.. but did you put your sizes on the insert for the invitation or asked for gift cards there as well.... Trying to avoid being tacky or the makings of early bridezilla...
  4. I bought 32 inch from Asianimports.com... the other websites are backordered indefinitely.....rcvd the umbrellas and they are fine... i am going to spray paint them a little to cover the glue on he sticks...
  5. where did you purchase the shipping boxes from? i need 160 for 5 x 7x 1 invite..... all the sites i have found are pretty expensive.....trying to stay w/in budget...
  6. thanks....i think im going to go with the regular print....i didn't realize most printers will apply thermography when their paper/cardstock has been used.....
  7. i would love the answer to that... im thinking more on the lines of 20 stems.......i was looking on flowerbud.com and they were selling a bunch of 20 calla lillies for $80 which was a replica of the bouquet...... just a thought.....really depends on how full you want your arrangement
  8. Way cool stuff........... i never thought of adding shells to my bouquet... do you think shells, calla lillies and crystals would be too much?........sorry no pic to show for an example.
  9. thanks...... i am using the foot jewelry for me, bridesmaids and flower girl at the ceremony.......flip flops for poolside cocktail reception ....and sexy sandals for dinner @ mammee bay.... but will keep the flip flops handy for disco perhaps thereafter....
  10. were those fresh flowers used? my plan was to bring my own flowers but use whatever add ins they have to make the arrangement look full ... using mango and ivory calla lillies.....what do you think...
  11. Risha you will still be there for my wedding on Saturday...also Frank already knew you were my referral...hope we can see each other before you leave for some added inspiration...
  12. how about the weather for Sept 2007 brides? my wedding is the last weekend in sept 2008 and i have been concerned about the hurricanes...need some comfort past riu brides
  13. congrats.........waiting on review........
  14. u were very pretty.... the lagoon set up appears very private.....can't wait for more .......
  15. thanks for the website...ill check target first... do you know if the dollar items are featured on their website
  16. While on vacation this weekend i found some mini liquor bottles for 1.50- 7.99 ... consisting of rum, whiskey and patrone in Destin Florida.... i plan on adding to the OOT bags... the patrone was 7.99 per bottle and thought could be something a little extra for just the groomsmen... nice size bottles.. ill post pics later tonight... Anyone know of distributors or webstie where i can purchase more girlie bottles like amaretto, martinis, margaritas and such....
  17. how many would you get? but it would be so different and cute... i love it... perhaps even adding the floating candles and sand and seashells around the bottom...
  18. I am trying to get thermography print [raised print] on my invitations but i purchased my own paper from mygatsby.com. Office depot can print the thermography type but only on their own paper. Anyone have any ideas where i can go to get my DIY invites the store bought flare?
  19. I have decided to purchase flowers from an outside vendor. My question is what does or can Chandalyn subsitute for the freebies we were suppose to get? Is extra tulle offerred? Also can you choose where the sand ceremony table is located?
  20. Thanks for referring Frank Blackpearl, he's awesome and so enthusiastic...... i think we are going to book him for our wedding the week after yours... so you gotta come back w/ great info!!
  21. so Butlergirl, the way you had the tulle wrapped, drapped and hung from the gazebo was the free setup? If so i really like... i have copied your pic and Courtney's pic as my choices...
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