I just got engaged a week ago the night before we left for Zihua. We have not set a date, but we have decided that we want a wedding at La Casa Que Canta. We were shooting for Feb 09, but they only accomodate wedding parties of 10 or less during the high season so we may consider April 09. If anyone has info on weddings in the Zihua area, particularly at Casa Que Canta, I would love to chat.
We stayed at Amuleto during our vacation and that was an amazing experience. I would consider Amuleto for the wedding - they have a garden that is so lush and magical. I think space would become an issue. Amuleto would make an excellent honeymoon. We stayed in Suite #1 and we only left for dinner - it was a paradise! I will post pictures soon for anyone interested in a honeymoon/vacation at Amuleto.