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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. That is such a great dress!!! I am waiting to see what the summer colors are going to look at but that is the perfect sihlouette and JCre can be worn again and again. Your BM's are so lucky! Congrats!!!
  2. Thanks Katrina! I really like JCrew's collection. I am waiting for a swatch for their summer 08 collection. I want blue for the BM dresses and they have a bright aquamarine for the summer. I hope it is not too bright. I want more ocean than aqua
  3. Where did you get your bridesmaid dresses? I found a dress on the Dessy website, but I could not figure out the price from the legend. I wanted to know if anyone can give a me an example of how much their BM dresses ranged. I hope to keep it under $200...with the trip and a dress this could get expensive...
  4. I have never ordered online. I usually go to a department store that has a mac counter...Nordstrom, Saks, etc...Good luck!! I think you will love the half lash - I completely forgot that I had them on and they never felt like they were coming off. It was such a relief.
  5. Sondria there isn't a studio in Dallas. Unfortunately it's in Houston. I think Houston has 2 studios. I think there are multiple Manhattan locations, OC, Chicago, SF, maybe Seattle, Scottsdale....
  6. I love this idea - I was goin to send an introductory email to everyone to introduce them all but this is ever BETTER I think I want to make one...Great job Jenny!!!
  7. Too funny! I am currently a level 6 student too! It's a great workout, but like anything you have to do it 3 times a week for it to be effective. I use it as a variance in my workout. My FI even bought me a pole for the house for my last birthday. He got one dance out me. I told him if he wants to see the tricks he's got to help pay for me to learn them S-Factor classes are really fun and if you live in a city where it is offered I highly recommend it!!! You will be amazed at what a release and how therapeutic it is. It's all about movement and not at all about stripping. The kicker is how many amazing women you will meet there. My classes are filled with women who are engineers, nurses, mothers, lawyers, writers and all truly inspirational. We get weekly assignments which help us decide on our music and clothes. As I write this I just got my assignment for the week: Level 5/6: With no assignment this week, the possibilities are endless! Travel into the deep emotional core of your Erotic Creature by letting your clothing and music nurture your imagination. Use the safe haven of your S Factor studio to allow you to be truthful and raw in your movement. Youll flip for the Helicopter or embody the Spinning Descending Angel. Amen! *Next weeks assignment is: 70's R&B" ~ Ooooooweee, it's gonna be groovy! And your love of music will evolve...it's a really fun activity. I am thinking about hosting my bridal party there for a party.....
  8. Are there any s-factor brides out there?
  9. I adore Bittersweet Symphony...Back when reese & ryan were totally IL. That is the same song from grease. I was thinking of Billie Holiday's version. It's very romantic and blues-y. Here are the lyrics: Blue moon You saw me standing alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own Blue moon You know just what I was there for You heard me saying a prayer for Someone I really could care for And then there suddenly appeared before me The only one my arms will hold I heard somebody whisper please adore me And when I looked to the moon it turned to gold Blue moon Now Im no longer alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own And then there suddenly appeared before me The only one my arms will ever hold I heard somebody whisper please adore me And when I looked the moon had turned to gold Blue moon Now Im no longer alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own Blue moon Now Im no longer alone Without a dream in my heart Without a love of my own
  10. Lucky you have a FI with an open mind about these things Savannah! My FI thinks everything is silly. Everyday I hear about how the wedding industry is a huge scam and I am just another victim. Well I LOVE it! I think your jumping of the broom will be wonderful - what are your colors?
  11. Mac #7 is nice but it's A LOT of lash. I would recommend Mac's half lash #20. I am actually wearing them in the picture below. I don;t think you can tell that they are fake, but they are a lot less to manage than a full lash. It gives you that sort of Angelina Jolie eye (very thick towards the outer corner). You also don't feel like the inner corner ispeeling up if you tear up (i always felt like the inside corner of fake lashes comes undone after a couple hours... MAC Cosmetics | Lash
  12. I LOVE Lost Without You and Can't help Falling in Love...These are great ideas. I haven't even thought of this! I am so behind!
  13. Can you include it inthe cocktail hour (if you are having one)?
  14. My friend used Blue Moon and I thought it was so beautiful...I would like to walk to something unique so I'd love to hear what past brides have walked down to...
  15. I was a huge Fab Five fan and I LOVE Hail to the Victors song even though I did not go to Michigan. I thinkt hat is such a cute idea!!
  16. Congrats!!! The Mandalay is really nice. The pool is really great too, but it fills up EARLY! Last time we stayed there there was a huge line to get a seat. If you were there 30 min after it opened you had to find a seat by the wave pool which is a simulated beach. I love the beach when i am on a beach vacation, but if I am at a pool I like nice, solid ground to walk on...If you are gtting spa treatments I highly recommend trying a different hotel. The Mandalay spa is so noisy!!! Try the Grand Spa at MGM. It's great and not as expensive as some of the others!!! Las Vegas Spas Luxury Spa Packages Health Club : MGM Grand Hotel & Casino
  17. I am not sure if anyone uses Shop it to Me but it is an amazing site and coould come in handy for those looking for wedding attire for BMs, MOB, or anyone attending the wedding for that matter. You sign up by selecting your size, preferred clothing brands and Shop it to Me sends you an email every Tuesday and Friday with a links (and pictures) to clothes/shoes/accesories that are in your size and ON SALE. It's sort of one of those finds that you hate to know about because it can be addictive, but it's super cool if you don't have time to search for deals or if you don't like to shop. Shop It To Me: Better than Sample Sales -- Free personal shopper for sales on clothing and accessories
  18. My FH and I are not jumping the broom. Since my FI is not Black he thinks it's inappropriate for him to participate. I don't agree with him, but I am letting him get away with this because it is a small detail that is not that important to me. I think if it is something that you would like to include in your ceremony it is totally cute and you should have your officiant read a short description of the meaning of jumping the broom so all your guests understand the significance. The other thing that is really nice about the broom if you do a small one, it can be beautifully decorated and framed as a unique keepsake of your wedding. My friend had hers mounted in a glass case with a picture of her and her husband which now hangs in their house. It's really pretty so I say go for it. It's an AWESOME DIY project!!!
  19. kendra, you and your FI should not have to worry about this sort of thing. Threre is no written law saying you have to have a bridal party. Each and every one of the people you asked to participate has the option of declining as well. Hopefully they can still make it and share your day, but in the end the only people you need there are you and your FI
  20. I forget the name of the clubs we went to in Cabo (we had a REALLY good time). But for a nice dinner you must go to Mi Casa. It's realy delicious authentic mexican and it's a celebrity hangout as well. When we were there we heard Jennifer Aniston had eaten earlier that night. And it's really colorful and fun. They have a little store in the front you can shop at and there's also a patio in the back that is nice to sit in if there is space. Check it out! http://www.loscabosguide.com/micasa/index.html
  21. I could not believe that when it came on today. I work on a trading floor so the buzz when news comes out is really something. I remember he was heavily prosecuting prostitution rings when he was attorney general. Turns outhe was probably getting freebies and kickbacks the whole time. Is it any wonder people are so turned of by politics? And what kind of example is that for your three daughters? His poor wife. Why must the woman always be strong and "stad by her man?" UGH!!!
  22. I am a little late. I read the lovely bones years ago, but I am stdying for a test next Thursday so no pleasure reading until 3.21.08 I definitely would love to join the book club for the next book!
  23. Welcome to the forum sophie!!
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