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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. Sleeping at 7am means that I am not working and my body is so used to getting up at 5 that sleeping until 8 is considered sleeping in late...i love it!
  2. Let the girls shine on their own walking down the aisle We are having an uneven bridal party as well - 5 bridesmaids, 3 groomsmen. All of the groomsmen are walking in together and the ladies are walking in w/o an escort. I have been to a few weddings where this is the case and I have to say it has worked out better (and less crowded in the aisle) than having the groomsmen walk down more than one girl at a time.
  3. What a dilemma! I totally understand wanting to have a lot of people in the wedding. I am having 5 bridesmaids with only about 40-50 expeted guests, but I won;t budge on that. The idea of assigning jobs is great. Maybe you can make your FI's sisters hostesses. Their responsibilities could include greeting guests as they arrive to the beach and pass out ceremony programs (if you are planning to use these). Not sure how you feel about readings, but that is also another way you can include friends in the wedding without making them a bridesmaid. Maybe they can read a favorite love poem or spiritual reading. 2 hostesses + 2 readings + 6 bridesmaids = 10 girls included. And you can have them all sit in the front and not feel slighted. If you decie you want to have 10 bridesmaids that is your perogative, it's your wedding I hope some of this is helpful. In the end your real friends will be happy to be a guest at your wedding. One of my very best friends to this day did not include mein her wedding and there were no hard feelings. And now that I am getting married I understand even more. Bottom line, as long as everyone important is at your wedding, everything will be perfect!
  4. Congratulations!! Welcome to the forum Ra'Shunda!
  5. Gorgeous!!! I can't wait til I find the dress of my dreams. I get so inspired hearing about everyone finding their dresses. Congrats!!!
  6. I was wondering the same thing. The place we are getting married offers bamboo mats to walk on and I thought that might help, but I have heard a lot of brides have skipped the shoes because it was too awkward to walk in. So I guess it depends on what's more important to you: not appearing shorter during the ceremony or walking comfortably. I am interested in what previous beach brides will have to say on this. great question!
  7. Quote: DougsGirl Re: Announcing the new BDW Starfish Journal Love it, and I think its an awesome idea. I love how the address will only be shared with other brides who have submitted their journal entry and pic, I think this makes it more special, like an elite club! I love this idea!!! I can't wait to get my starfish and i love the secret club too
  8. Good luck girls!!! The great thing is the uncomfortable sensation diminishes with each visit!
  9. Ohh...these things make me nervous...I am exactly 11 months out and so far I have: Set the date Confirmed the WC Confirmed the venue I have a test on thursday for wor and then this wedding is getting my 100% undivided attention!!
  10. Unfortunately, I went to Anthropologie yesterday after my workout and I was disappointed. The back of the dress had this elastcized patch that made it waaaaaay too casual. We're getting married on the beach, but it was a little too dressed down. Thanks for the feedback ladies...the search continues
  11. A photographer I am considering suggested 4 or 4:30 for optimal light!
  12. Dean HATES dancing. He used to go dancing with me when we first met, but that was when he was trying to impress me. And when I look back on it, he was sort of standing there and let me dance around him like a fool. Of all the weddings I have been to, the most genuine and romantic dances were the ones where the couple was just doing the 8th grade two-step. It was simple, they were looking into each other's eyes and holding each other really close. Choreogrpahed dances look weird to me. I would say unless you both love to dance don't do something you are uncomforatble doing. The other thing that helps is if the song really means something to you. For anyone out there that is a fan of the movie "A Bronx Tale", Dean and I are dancing to "I Only Have Eyes For You." I love it becuase Dean loves that movie and his test for me was the "if she unlocks the car door for you" she's a keeper (classic!). And then the whole parallel of the italian boy and the little black girl in love is too cute to pass up. And I love the words in the song....it's old school and I have not heard it at a wedding before.
  13. Oh, I got so sad when I saw that wording. Morgan, you could never be the queen of tacky: I had a sorority sister last summer who: 1. Asked for monetary gifts 2. Told me I could not bring Dean because we were not married or engaged -we were only living together. (To make matters worse she had been living with her (now) husband for 4 years and they had 2 children) 3. Had a cash bar at her wedding Rest assured you will never be Senora Tackmaster, cuz this girl has you beat hands down!!! These are great suggestions on the registry ideas. Thanks ladies!!!!
  14. I am so excited about the Anthropologie website!!!! Thanks!!!
  15. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!
  16. That is great that you were able to talk to your friend. I am sure she appreciated your bringing it up! The passports are just an idea fo me as well. I have ideas of grandeur, not necessarily the budget to finance it though
  17. We are getting married on the beach so I am thinking of wearing flowers in my hair instead of a veil. I have seen a few pictures where the wind is just not very forgiving...
  18. We're staying in Zihua for a week after the wedding. A friend is getting married in Hawaii in June. Since we have never been to Hawaii that might turn into the honeymoon after the friend's wedding
  19. you might also try http://www.preownedweddingdresses.com/ You might have better luck than some of the other postings since yours has never been worn! Good luck!!
  20. I agree that you will regret an elopement if it is prompted by someone's negative attitude. I say stop accpeting her phone calls. If you do takl to her and she starts up, stop her and tell her: We have a clear vision of what our wedding will be We will not listen to your negative comments If you are uncomfortable with this, you do not have to be a part of it. Unless she's paying for it tell her to hit the road.
  21. I consider myself pretty open minded and nontraditional, but that is scary!!
  22. Those dresses are going to be beautiful. I vote for silver shoes
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