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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. Totally know what you mean. I love my sunglasses!!! We're getting married aound 4:30pm so the sun will be out, but I am hoping that since we are getting married underneath a hupah-like structure we will be a little protected. Crossing my fingers....
  2. I am so glad I am not the only one...Afetr years of playing basketball and catching the ball with my fingers instead of my hands, my knucles are crazy and all out of whack. I would probably be a 6.5, but with my injured knuckle on my ring finger I am a 7. Dean tried to get me a 10 (probably thinking closer to my shoe size) and the jeweler looked at him like he was crazy!!
  3. I totally agreee with Nrvsbride and CONGRATS on your weight loss!! that is really impressive. I think the most important thing about clothes is fit - if something fits and is made fo you it makes all the difference in the world! More difference than the details of the garment. I think once that dress fits you it could change everything. Good luck!!!
  4. I'ver never seen it but it looks like a perfect TTD look. I'm curious about the designer since I'll be looking for something to trash too!!! Good luck Becky!
  5. So cute...It's giving me tons of ideas. I love monograming. It could get serious!!!
  6. All I have to say is travel insurance has never been such a priority for me. But cleary now it is a necessity. And I am a terrified of flying....so when I see news stories about maintenance issues it makes me very nervous. Sorry if I freak anyone out..... Maintenance concerns latest headache for fliers - CNN.com
  7. Oh that's the movie with Norah Jones - I LOVE her. I am not a huge fan of Jude Law, but i know my mom will come with me to this one...she loves ALL movies.
  8. That is sooooo cute! I love it. I am looking forward to my NY shower. I am having a NY shower too since half my BM's and friends are NY/DC.... The drinks are fabulous!!!!
  9. #1 - i love the idea of a push gift. I just like presents #2 - If they really needed $$ for the baby room in Puerto Rico then Jenny from the Block needs to get her back on stage
  10. Congrats!! I love graduating, although I don;t know how we graduate here. I read a thread on it once, but I still don;t know. I just remind myself that it's about the journey Congrats!!!
  11. Congrats!!! I can't wait to see your pics. Glad everything went well!!!!
  12. Oh....if you guys could pull this off your guests would fall out!!!! I think it would be such a treat and a change from the norm. Go for it!!!
  13. Girl, if you can sing I say go for it!!!
  14. That is great news. Funny how things have a way of working our in the end...Congrats!!!
  15. Quote: JessicaLovesBrian Re: Jessica Alba's Baby Name Revealed but, lol, i'll save my jessica alba bashing for another day. i know baby names are a personal choice, but sometimes i'm just like "wtf?!" Today 01:03 PM I am so glad I am not the only person why does not like this girl. everytime she opens her mouth she sounds dumber and dumber. did anyone catch her interview in Elle? I almost wrote a letter to the editor. She considers herself an "A-List" Actress...and she complained that whenever she signs up for projects they end up "dumbing down" her role after she agrees to the project. she said this has happened more than once, so I am wondering...at what point do you do something about that? hmmmm.....
  16. Welcome to the forum alex...can't wait to hear about that engagement story and officially congratulate you!!!
  17. That's a great idea Maura...i am going to look at itunes tonite!!
  18. welcome Martha - Beautiful photos!!!
  19. nikkianddean


    welcome to the forum Emily! You should get plenty of info from all the LC brides here! Congrats!!!
  20. Quote: BarefootBride Re: Ethnic Brides...How 'Bout Makeup?? The other reason why I have stuck with Perscriptives is the way they decide your color. they do this color test on your skin to determine your undertone (something like that) to pick which color is best for you. Some stores also do custom blend and make foundation just for you! I think Prescriptives is supposed to be really good for your skin. If you have a P-counter near you I think it's definitely worth checking out. What time are you getting married? If it's high noon that could be very different from sunset as far as how your face will react to the heat...
  21. I think I may be the only one who is sick of this show....It's totally scripted and they don't even say anything!!! I would think that living in LA and having a job at Teen Vogue and semi-dating Brody Jenner would be interesting. But i am soooooooooo bored. I cancelled it form my DVR recordings last nite. Laguna Beach was so much better!!!!
  22. The dress looks gorgeous on you! (It was my personal fave too) Congrats!!!!!
  23. I think I am going for blue since my bouquet witll be white and it will really pop! And blue is the color of our wedding
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