Quote: Re: Liquid Diets.....Anybody tried one?
Obviously I'm biased, but people deprive themselves of health everyday by eating too much high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, fat, and the list goes on.
The cleanse has outstanding health benefits but again, I don't suggest using it as a diet. I AM SO WITH YOU ON THIS!!!! People have very negative ideas about fasting becuase it is "not good for your body" but what's the diffedrence between depriving your body of all the tooxins found in everyday food and comsuming super processed food?
I did the master cleanse in college for about 10 days and lost the same number of pounds. I have to say it is not for everyone. It's not for me anymore either. I tried it again 2 years ago and I broke out in a terrible rash all over my face. I think it is safe, but you have to make the call if it is the right choice for you. The weight will come back just as fast as it left if you do not change your regular habits. Good luck!!!