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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. So cute. I love showers in the office so we can meet the FI! Have a great time!!!
  2. Quote: Re: Liquid Diets.....Anybody tried one? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Obviously I'm biased, but people deprive themselves of health everyday by eating too much high fructose corn syrup, caffeine, fat, and the list goes on. The cleanse has outstanding health benefits but again, I don't suggest using it as a diet. I AM SO WITH YOU ON THIS!!!! People have very negative ideas about fasting becuase it is "not good for your body" but what's the diffedrence between depriving your body of all the tooxins found in everyday food and comsuming super processed food? I did the master cleanse in college for about 10 days and lost the same number of pounds. I have to say it is not for everyone. It's not for me anymore either. I tried it again 2 years ago and I broke out in a terrible rash all over my face. I think it is safe, but you have to make the call if it is the right choice for you. The weight will come back just as fast as it left if you do not change your regular habits. Good luck!!!
  3. Quote: Ok I feel like such a boy becuase I have NO idea of what you are talking about. I put on press powder eye shadow (done wrong) and lip stick and liner. all else is GREEK to me I'm with you there. I am just lazy. Today I have no makeup on whatsoever. Normally I wear mascara and lip gloss. My face gets shiny and I always worry that makeup will smear since i touch my face without thinking, so I just don't waer it. i am planning to take lessons at mac for the big day so i can do it myself. BTW- twelve piece : the makeup looks great! I think the look is perfect and natural
  4. Got in an hour this morning. It felt GREAT! I think dress shopping is really motivating me here...
  5. I picked #2 because you have such a pretty face and it does not look like the hairstyle will get in your face too much. While I think #1 is really elegant and matches your dress i also feel like it's a destination wedding and wearing your hair down kind of lends to the more casual feel of a destination wedding. HOWEVER, I think you can go with #1 since it seems like a "loose" updo and not so uptight. Sorry if that is not so helpful, but #2 is my fave followed closely by #1!!!
  6. Quote: Re: First Dress Appointment - 3 Finalists (PIC HEAVY) by the way! i can't believe they let you take pictures in it! that is great! not one store i went to let me do that until i bought it! Thanks Allison!! You know I LOVE the lace. I have an appoitment to try on your dress next week. #2 from this group was my favorite to wear because the lace is so....romantical I am scared about wearing satin because it could be really unforgiving later - but I was surprised how much I liked it in the pics... That's interesting that you couldn't take pics...even at ML? Like I said in my original post, Annie (who was helping me at Saks) was just a DREAM!!!! I wish they carried ML just so I could buy the dress from her and be BFF's... I can't wait to meet Fabiana and tell you all about it! I'm already madly in love with her from a distance....
  7. Quote: Christine Re: First Dress Appointment - 3 Finalists (PIC HEAVY) I like #1 but I know how Satin can act, so I picked #2 plus the lace is so pretty and reminds me of a mantilla Christine - we are totally on the same page. The satin looked the best to me when we got home, but i have seen so many satin dresses mid-way thru the reception and it falls victim to wrinkles, wrinkles and more wrinkles!!! It's so tempting because it feels like buttah
  8. I really like the flower - especially if you are thinking about incorporating it in other parts of the wedding! That looks really nice!
  9. That's a great idea! My friend's husband is doing the same thing for us! The idea came after the dj for her birthday party flaked and her husband had to dj the place himself. It was one of the best parties EVER and I asked him to do the music for our wedding when the time came. I think it's a great idea. My only concern is - what if something happens to the ipod? the other day mine froze for no good reason
  10. The new dress is awesome!!! So glad you found something that you love. Can;t wait to see you in it!!!
  11. I have been thinking about the same thing. I want my fi-fi to wear a tie cuz i think it looks so cute, but he has a tendency to get hot indoors, so i am not sure how that will fly...I like the look of the tie and jacket. But he is free to take it all off for the reception
  12. The dress looks gorgeous on you!!! I LOVE the back - so beautiful!!!
  13. Congrats Michelle - welcome to the forum!!!
  14. Bienvenidos!!! Happy planning
  15. Lisa!!! Congrats on your engagement!!
  16. So yesterday was my first dress outing and it was soooooo nice. If anyone in the SF Bay Area is looking for their gown, I highly recommend making an appointment with Annie Russell at Saks. She was so nice and really understood my vision (I made an inspiration book of things I have pulled from magazines) and she did an AMAZING job of pulling some really beautiful gowns - I am ready to cancel all the appointments I made all over town because I had such a great time with her. When we left she gave me a card which contained a drawing of each of the dresses tried on with the designer, and price. It was so special and it is going in my book!!! I have a favorite in this group and my mom's favorite is different, so I am curious to see what the ladies on the forum thought.... #1 #2 #3
  17. That was so cute!!! I cannot decide what is my favorite - the watermelon fish bowl or the water cascading over the gifts. Too Cute!!!!
  18. Did an hour before I came in this morning. I love a good morning workout. And this latest push has been great, I wne to my first dress appointment this weekend and I was so inspired when the 8 zipped up! It was a huge boost for my self esteem!!
  19. Motivation is different for different people. There are a couple things that motivate me. I lost about 25 pounds on WW about 5 years ago. Since that time I have probably lost an additional 5-10 ( I fluctuate a lot) by cutting sugar from my diet. That can get pricey sometimes only because when I follow a diet higher in fat/protien i tend to eat a lot of fish (which can be expensive). If you are interested in WW I can mail you my materials. IMHO I do not think it's worth paying $15/week to have someone weigh you when you can buy a scale and do that for yourself at home! All you do is follow the book on point values for food and exercise. When I was losing the majority of my weight I would work out 45 min in the morning b4 work and I would walk home (about 40 min) in the evenings. I would say a really easy way to drop weight and inches for a lot of people I know is cutting sugar (white bread, sweets) or WW. If you PM me with your address I will happily send you my WW books including the fast food guide. In the meantime here are a few other sources for inspiration.....
  20. I like the palm tree in the main section. It looks like there is something missing in the one with it only on the stub. Congrats - they look great!!!
  21. Yeah, I don't think I would be offended as a guest. I think if you host something informal like cocktails that would be totally appropriate!
  22. It looks hilarious. I have never done a "dance" inspired w/o video and I tend to stay away from group classes at the gym, but the commercial for that video CRACKS ME UP!!!
  23. Congrats Betsy!!! I can't wait to see all the beautiful pics. Have a great time!!!!
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