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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by happyone I love them! My good friends got engaged at Ocean Beach in SF. He wrote "Marry me, Kristen" in the sand. How funny. Cute idea for STD's. i love that story!!! My engagement story was sooooo..........different
  2. I hate earthquakes!!! We have learned since kids that we have earthquakes everyday, just not big enough to notice. I am always thinking that a streetcar going by is an earthquake. Super Scaredycat here
  3. I have to say I love this thread! I think I might consider this. everyone has such great things to say. And who really wants all that inside them anyway? I want to be a champion pooper
  4. Quote: "DANGER IS MY MIDDLE NAME!!!!!" LMAO!!!!
  5. Those pics were gorgeous....I could look at wedding pics all day. i never get tired of it
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jkcz0702 Congrats! We are in the process of looking for one so that is great you are done!! You should totally talk to Natahaniel. He has been absolutely amazing and I read phenomenal reviews about him in the Santa Barbara area I am so looking forward to working with him!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Krystalranee Congrats! They look great and what a stress relief. May I ask you what you included in yours? What type of information did you choose to include? I was thinking about going the magnet route. I wasn't sure if I should include our travel agents card so the guests can start booking their trip. I'm looking for a little guidance, I've hit a wall. I included the date and city along with our travel agent info on the back of the postcard. I will send out a formal invitation in about two months and I am thinking about developing a website in the meantime... I was really dragging my feet because everyone was asking when/where/who/what....Hopefully this will do the trick
  8. This has been a big week for me...I just mailed our STDs - I am so excited!!!! They are quite simple so I hope it gives everyone the vibe of a casual beach wedding. It had to be very casual because Dean thinks STD's are useless Here is a picture of the front. I took the picture at Ocean Beach in San Francisco. I can't figure out how to post the back, but I'm still working on that... I got "Love" stamps from the post office. I them!!! I am so relieved to get these out and have people start booking their trip!!! STD_N&D.ppt
  9. Good luck!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 No baby stories... other than my brother was a month early (induced) and still weighed 12 pounds and my Mom had him natural.... lol... 12 pounds natually - YIKES!!!!
  10. Yeah, I work in Investment banking, but playing with the kids was a lot more fun. Just not sure I could handle the salary cut...i am STILL trying to figure out what I wanna be when i grow up. We had this great poster of 1001 occupations. One was an egg inspector!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz We had about 16 kids in our office today. I took them up to the heliport where the helicopters land when they're bringing trauma patients to our hospital. They were very excited about it. Liz - what do you do? That sounds cool. We work in the Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco, so the kids got a tour to the top floor of the building!! It was really cool for all of us
  12. Wow - I am glad everything worked out for you. My thougths go out to Robin and her family... Fortunately you have another great photographer to take beautiful pictures of your wedding!!!
  13. Did anyone bring their kids in? We just had a kids lunch and I got to lead an interview of our parents in the office It was very fun.
  14. I have a heart on my left ankle and my middle name on my right inner ankle. And then I have a butterfly on my lower right pelvic bone. I was thinking about getting a second butterfly on my left side to make them a pair
  15. I am sooooo excited for this!!!
  16. OMG - Carol that water is unbelievable in the background!! Fabulous!!!
  17. so sorry to hear that Yari. The family is in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by heatherjones Wow there are a lot of us. I battled anorexia for about 10 years when I was younger, then once I hit 20- I got really depressed and gained close to 100 pounds- making me around 240. I know- wowers!!!! Thankfully I met my fiance then and he put me on the right course. Now, I'm down to 192, and I have about 35 pounds to go. I'm pretty tall and I am built like a football player [my dad used to be a pro] so I'm not suppose to be too skinny. ~~ Heather - That is an amazing story!!! Congratulations on commiting to a healthy lifestyle!! I think you have the right attitude and you will be a beautiful bride. Sounds like you have an amazing fiance too!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by nathanielthompsonphoto Yeeeee Haaawww! I am so thrilled about Nikki and Dean's wedding! Nikki has already been so nice to work with. And, one of the coolest things about their wedding is that I get to do a site visit ahead of time. My wife and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary in Ixtapa this June. Nathaniel - I remember you said you were celebrating your anniversary, but I did not know it was your 10th anniversary in Zihua/Ixtapa. 10 years is so inspiring and I am so glad that you guys are spending it in a place as romantic as Zihua/Ixtapa The number 10 holds great significance for me - I knew that there was something very special about you when we spoke. You know when things start happening and you get that feeling like: this is MTB (meant to be)!!! That is exactly how I feel now. ps- i LOVE the new pic in your siggy!!!
  20. Congratulations Heather!!!! I am a Feb 14, 2009 bride and we're getting married in Zihuatanejo, MX. I have done WW in the past and I originally lost about 30 pounds on it so I know it works. Right now I have cut sugar from my diet in an attempt to get a little leaner. We're going look great in that dress!! 09 brides rock
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 I find the old adage "if it's too good to be true, it probally is" is very true and most of the time applies to lose weight quick. I agree with Jamy losing weight is all about behavioral changes, healthy diet, and exercise. I think it was my WW leader who said it didn't take a few days to gain the weight so it's going to take time to lose it. I second that!!! All the patches and pills make me nervous. I believe you already have everything you need to lose weight!! The only thing I need is a little motivation and perserverance
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