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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW I'm going to Disneyland!!!! SHUT UP!!! So am I!!! Saturday with one of my BM's
  2. I have a sorority sister who I used to be very close with, but for various reasons we are not so close anymore. She planned to get married last summer and did not invite Dean becuase they were short on space (this was an acceptable reason since we all know the stress of wedding planning) -- but then she added that Dean and I were not married or engaged (only living together). She sent me a note and said that if one of our other sorority sisters' finaces/husbands could not make it then Dean would be welcome. well, the wedding was cancelled. now it's my turn to send out invites. She is very secretive and I did not know her bf's last name (they are still together). Hi T, I hope you are doing well. I am sending out save the date info and I wanted M's last name to include on the card. Thanks! Nikki HER REPSONSE: Jeffrey That was it. One word. What would you do
  3. I agree. If it's in the budget it's a total "DO"!!! With such a small group it's fun to include everone in as much as possible!!!
  4. I agree. We are under contract to pay the final balanc for our photogrpaher about a month before the wedding. I thought this was standard for most vendors. the last thing I want to think about at the wedding is paying anyone!!! I just wann have fun!!!
  5. Those are really nice - simple and sweet! So glad you like them. But I really loved your invitations too!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW I would just send her a card not a gift. That seems perfectly appropriate!
  7. What a beautiful wedding!!! You looked amazing and I loved the BM's!!! Congratulations Mrs. Wilson!!!!
  8. Bethenny was HILARIOUS. I would love to have her at a dinner party!!!
  9. I would probably send a small gift to a wedding i was invited to. Something very small, but just to say "thank you" for inviting me even though I was not sure why I got an invite
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl for our at home wedding we are going to have a big sombrero, you know how the big wide brim rolls upwards? we're going to put a few "sample" envelopes in it, like with our names written on it, so people know what it's for. does that make sense? That's a great idea Abbie! I always think that is why the deli i go to has money in the tip jar -- it's always theirs!!!
  11. Desperate Housewives of New York City...do you you watch Jenny?
  12. So glad to hear everything went well. Congrats mom!!!!
  13. I loved DHNYC and I was obsessed with Bethenny's concoctions. So I went out the other night and ordered a skinny girl's margarita : 2 oz of clear Tequila (100% agave, Patron Silver) (count 1, 2 while you pour, no need for measuring) A splash of fresh lime juice A splash of Cointreau, Grand Marnier or Triple Sec Combine all ingredients over a glass of ice Garnish with a lime wedge and salt (or sugar) if you'd like. Makes one serving Let me tell you - I could only finish about 1/4 of it. The bar that I was in charged me $9 for it and I thought - wow if I was really partying this drink would last me the whole night. I had to drive that night so I only had a little bit. It was delicious so if anyone needs a diet friendly drink you should try this one!!!
  14. How about: Brittney - Uncut and then you can have the "for your eyes only" on the sleeve
  15. congratulations Glenda!!!! I am signing up for Season 2 now. I wanna be a HOT mama like the Season 1 girls!!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by K&Rwedding Please let me know if you have any questions and I am totally open to doing someones for them. I have a little time on my hands these days:) Famous last words What an amazing offer!!! I am going to give this DIY thing a try and I will file this thread somewhere in case of emergency
  17. What a great contest!!! I like that you can donate to your fave charity. Very cool!!!
  18. I think he will look best in whatever he feels the most comfortable in I think putting him in teal with the rest of the guys would be great for your pics. What are the other options for the shirt? Do you think he wants to stand out? What color are the pants?
  19. You look absolutely gorgeous in your dress!!!! you must be so excited!!!! I don't think my dress bustles, BUT nothing surprises me when it comes to the cost of anything wedding related!!!
  20. Jenyy!!!! I hope everything went great!!! I can't wait to hear about the wedding. And pics!!! I wanna see pics too
  21. I finally updated my siggy - at the last minute. The last pet I had was a goldfish long, long ago....So in rememberance of John Henry (that poor GF), here it goes.....
  22. 2 weeks - you must be SO EXCITED!!!! No purse for me either. I am going to gladly bestow my treasures upon my MOH. Lucky girl!!!
  23. Congrats!!! Which hotels are you thnking about? Cabo is so pretty....
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