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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. Beautiful work as usual Elizabeth!! Congrats to Cheryl & Patrick - that was one of the most beautiful weddings I've ever seen!! I love the colors and the party looked fantastic!!!
  2. seriously yari, that back yard is screaming for a BDW fiesta!!! It's gorgeous!
  3. I am so sorry to hear that My thoughts are definitely with you & the family.
  4. ugh...that is so hard. i would have preferred not to know either. I agree with Rachel - I would say if you are not that close to her it seems a little awkward to go to her with that info. Chances are if you guys know something, she knows too. She just may have not chosen to act on it. Sorry you are having to deal with having this info....
  5. I picked #3 because platforms usually are less painful. I feel like i can dance all night in them. and who doesn't like an extra lift
  6. I thought this one through and I am glad that I had a chance to vent here. I think my frustration with her is that this is not the first time she has done something like this before. The most recent occurance was my birthday. she asked me to change the date i celebrated it on last year and then after I changed it she still didn't come. In the grand scheme of things her wedding in October/November is not going to interfere with my wedding in February at all (crossing my fingers - hopefully she does not decide to honeymoon in February). Maybe there is no MOH wedding planning ettiquette. Maybe I made that up in my head And maybe I should be more thoughtful about her chosing my birthday weekend as a possible date for her wedding. She is working on a very tight deadline to get married before the year is up. and who am i to stand in the way of love ok, getting off my soapbox for the night...
  7. I don't feel like she is taking away my "thunder" at all. I am really happy for her and I totally understand being excited to start your life with your one true love. It just seems inconsiderate to me is all... I am looking forward to helping her with planning everything. We've already got plans to go looking for dresses, BM dresses, venues, the whole nine yards. I'm not going to make an issue of it, but I still think it's inconsiderate. Put it like this: I would never do it to her or anyone i considered a close friend.
  8. I am super pumped for TTD!!! All the pics I have seen here are so amazing and it looks like so much fun!!!
  9. Okay, so my MOH She and her bf have been throwing around the idea getting married since they have been dating for almost 2 years now. They got engaged this weekend and I went to meet her to check out the ring and everything else and this is what she tells me: 1. They are planning to get married this year (isn't it an unwritten law that when you are someone's MOH you don't plan your wedding before theirs?) 2. The two weekends they are considering are October 25th (my 30th birthday weekend) or November 8th, but it depends on the reception venues 3. Originally they were going to have a quickie wedding b/c of pressure from their family, but she revealed this afternoon that this has nothing to do with family issues, they just want to get married ASAP. I tried my best to stay happy for her because I did not want to take away from the excitement of her engagement. I just found it all very inconsiderate. She has never been an MOH, but this stuff seems like commmon sense. Or is it me turning into....BRIDEZILLA
  10. you were such a beautiful bride!!!! it looks like you guys had such a great time from your pictures and your reception dress was sooo pretty!!!!
  11. congratulaions!! you must be so excited!!!
  12. Great pictures - you look soo happy!!! Looks like everything went great
  13. I agree that 1000 is way too much. I am not sure what to say the effects of rising fuel prices will have on the tickets, but I would not bet on anything coming down...are you workign with a TA? maybe they would have some insight...
  14. it looksperfect on you!!! congrats on finding the one!!!
  15. great post amy!! i prefer lip gloss but i think i am going to have to break down and do a lipstick for the wedding. thanks!!!
  16. Ladies, I am celebrating a milestone on BDW 1000 posts and counting!!! When I started here I thought, what a nice place to get ideas for the wedding. But it has slowly turned into an addiction. I am logged on at work, as soon as I come home from work. I love to keep my finger to the pulse of BDW...if you will In any case as I celebrate my milestone post I just want to say THANK YOU to all the members for all your thoughts and feedback over my first couple months. Where else would I learn about BD pics, AHRs and how to become my own DIY lady-in-training? BDW rocks!!!
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