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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by blkladylaw The First Time I Saw You from Dreamgirls movie soundtrack. Not the original but the new one from the remake with Jamie Foxx/Beyonce. It has special meaning as a few years ago that is how FI said he felt when he met me. I thought about using that song too. It reminded me of what Dean said when he first saw me. He stared at me walk down the stairs at the train station for 5 months before we actually met. I liked the jaime foxx one by himself. It is such a beautiful song - it's will be perfect to walk down the aisle to your true love
  2. welcome to the forum katy! happy planning!!
  3. Oh...my heart really goes out to you on this one. Hopefully after this is over you will be able to resume your friendship it sounds like she has a lot of other thigs going on because a big fat "not attending" is not a normal response. Let me know if you need a drinking buddy and I'll hop in my car and come up to Napa!
  4. i think it would be easier to get them all the same thing. I love the tiffany luggage tag. Love tiffany and love to travel in style!!!
  5. congrats kim!! welcome to the forum
  6. Hi Ladies - One of those super deals on TravelZoo just sent a packsge to Cabo. The hotel fetaured on the trip is Posada Real and I was wondering if anyone has ever stayed there. I could use a quick get away right about now.....
  7. welcome to the forum. happy planning!!!
  8. great post jen...no NYC wedding for me though Is that the same as the Today Show wedding?
  9. Heidi that's awesome!!! what a huge night for you! the deck sounds fabulous!! I know the excitement of a garbage disposal. congrats girl!!!
  10. great idea! My dress is very streamlined, but I would be very interested in how this works!
  11. to the forum. happy planning!!!
  12. welcome to the forum!!! happy planning!
  13. wow!! I agree with the ladies here that you should call ASAP. Have you considered a site visit?
  14. The welcome books your mom made were such a great idea. Thanks fo posting the stuff your guests used. This is really helpful!!!
  15. congrats on leaving a place you did not like. So many people feel trapped in unhealthy environments so that took courage!!! Good luck on your interview!!!
  16. Well, I have declared it SATC Friday in my office this week as an alternative to Jeans Friday. I told everyone they can interpret "SATC Friday" any way they like, they just better look fierce!!! I have not decided on my outfit yet...trying to determine whether a black sequin jacket is daytime appropriate so Friday night my gf's and I have tix to the midnite show. We are going out for cosmos before at a nearby bar..probably the Redwood Room because it reminds me of NY the most here in SF...Friday nite's outfit will definitely be off the hook I think we should post pics of our SATC weekend here on Monday!
  17. congrats!! those are gorgeous pictures!!! theBM dresses were so pretty and your dress looked amazing! I really liked the beaded detailing and the flowersin your hair!!!
  18. congrats Jen!!! I knw Jamaica - I hated it there. One day i might tell you about my experience at Jamaica Hospital - I would perform surgery on myself rather than go back to that place EVER!!! are you having fun with your new signature?
  19. I think whatever is meant to be will be. if you get preggers b4 the big day - oh well!! nothing changes!
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