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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. I was doing laundry earlier today and I just looked down and noticed that I spilled a drop of bleach on my black cotton dress Anyone have any miracle cures Can I dye the part that got discolored? I am so sad about it...I really loved this dress
  2. looks like you guys had a great time Laura. I LOVE your grillz - that is hilarious!!! And your makeup looks fabulous!!!!
  3. I thought it was supposed to be Palmilla or Esperanza.....It was gorgeous!!!
  4. I don't think you are expected to bring anything to an engagement party, but lots of people bring something small - maybe a bottle of champagne. You might inquire if the couple is registered anywhere and get them something small from their registry if you really want to bring a gift.
  5. I have never heard of renting a dress...interesting. Kind of like bag, borrow or steal for wedding dresses?
  6. hope you have good news to share!!!
  7. LOVED IT!!!! I can;t wait to see it again. And I am going shopping. I need to step my game up on a daily basis Ummm...my new dream item is a walk in closet!!!!
  8. sarah -your dresses all look so amazing on you! I can;t wait to see the final prodcut with hair and makeup- you're going to be gorgeous!!!
  9. welcome to the forum Lakeitha!! happy planning
  10. Michelle, you looked beautiful!! welcome back. Can't wait for more pics
  11. welcome to the forum aramintha!!! maui sounds like a lot of fun!!!
  12. I say ask her. It can't hurt and it will probably bring you guys closer together. I think it would be strange to have her there and not standing with you. I think if you ask her it will mean a lot to her too. If she hasn't said anything, she is probably thinking about it...
  13. ooohh...a wedding in africa. Now that's a detsination!!! Welcome to the forum and happy planning!!!
  14. I think it is a personal decision for the couple. If you can fit it in your budget I think it's a nice thing to do. But if you can't do it then I would include that in the information you send out in your invitiation and your website if you are planning to have one. At a wedding I went to guests paid the day pass and I was totally fine with that.
  15. have a wonderful time with your family and congrats on 25 years Denise!!!
  16. how romantical!!! i love surprises! Can't wait to hear where it is!!!
  17. nikkianddean


    welcome to the forum Heather!!! Happy planning! You'll find tons of info here!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Men's Warehouse has a beautiful white linen suit that we looked at. We decided though, that if they were going to purchase a suit, they would get more use out of Khaki. I would say have the men wear white suits with a colored shirt, like the pic Rachel posted. The BM can wear a different shade and the groom can wear white. I need to get to the men's warehouse!!!
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