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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. i love the idea of the flower balls. I have no idea where that wedding was, but it was really pretty!!
  2. I did not sednd an RSVP with my STD...it was really just to let people know what we had in mind since everyone has to travel so far. We sent the STD about 9 months before our date. I am planning to send invites at 7 months and the RSVP deadline is 4 months before the wedding. We have plenty of time to confirm our numbers to the venue, but I think with a detsination wedding you want to give everyone (including yourself) plenty of lead time. If you have a reasonable RSVP deadline it could give you plenty of time for DIY projects and other customized things you might want to do for your guests
  3. you are a brave girl morgan I loved your title...too funny
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah Congrats on booking your session! You'll have so much fun Here's a book I did for Jen (NYJen) with less than 25 photos... just thought it might give you some ideas Viewbook | Jen BD sarah - that book is incredible!!! Ana - Congrats...I can't wait to see your "Maxim" spread!!! It's going to be so hot!!!!
  5. Kristen that is so cool!!! I so hope you get it!! I bet MTV would get such high ratings for that show because WE WOULD ALL BE TUNING IN Good luck!!!
  6. morgan those are great!! looks like you had a lot of fun
  7. angela, your wedding is going to be so beautiful!! have a great time. i can't wait to see the pics!!!
  8. Alyssa that is so funny!!! you should totally get the eye patch
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel With a HUGE display above that says your weight so others can ridicule. LOL My worst nightmare. Seriously. I just don't see how it could ever become a reality. There would be so many civil suits...i mean it's so wrong on so many levels. whatever happened to commond decency? I would be driving a lot of places and all vacations would be within 6 hours driving distance
  10. Those are gorgeous!! I love the ones of you standing by the palm tree and then laying down in the water. So pretty!!!
  11. I agree that you should check with your local municipality becauseeach one varies. Some compost, some don't. that's so great you guys are so committed to recycling kat!!
  12. Yari - I still think these are super cute. Your responses are cracking me up though!! Your guests are a riot
  13. beautiful pictures!!! you look so happy like you had the time of your life!!! gorgeous!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl hi-res dvd of edited images, a slideshow set to music, flush-mount coffee table books, all hard-copy proofs, engagment or TTD session. as far as the DVD, i dont necessarily want to do ALL the work myself, BUT, i do want two things-- 1)the option to do what i want with the images, and 2) rights to all pictures of ME that I paid for might be your work of art, but it's my face, haha ditto abbie!!!
  15. I got my fingers crossed for you jenny!!! i hope you get it!!!
  16. I saw this on Bloomberg a couple weeks ago, but I thought it was going to go away but then it was on Smarter Travel today...RIDICULOUSNESS!!! It started out as a joke, an idea some frustrated traveler or industry analyst blurted out as yet another airline fee or fare hike was announced: "Next thing you know, the airlines will charge passengers based on their weight!" Preposterous, right? Right—that is, until Air Transport Association spokesman David Castelveter was quoted in a Bloomberg article, saying "You listen to the airline CEOs, and nothing is beyond their imagination." He was speaking about the possibility of airlines charging passengers by the pound, and by not dismissing the idea, he more or less validated it. Now fast forward to Friday, June 6, when an ad for Derrie-Air appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News. What is Derrie-Air? A fictional (thank goodness) airline that charges passengers by the pound, created as a marketing gimmick by the papers' parent company. It was a hoax, sure, but it threw consumers into various stages of panic (and laughter), while fanning the flames of an already fiery conversation. So, should passengers be prepared for airfare pricing by the pound? In that same Bloomberg article, aviation consultant Robert Mann lays out the logic, saying, "If you look at the air-freight business, that's the way they've always done it. We're getting treated like air freight when we travel by airlines, anyway.'' Mann has a point, and maybe a good one. Why shouldn't a person be charged a fare equivalent to the actual cost of transporting his or her weight? The obvious answer is discrimination, as per-pound pricing essentially penalizes larger passengers for simply being larger, a condition some individuals can't help. Something tells me the airlines will be wary of bad press, lawsuits, and other forms of unwanted attention that could accompany this pricing model. Of course, controversial policies regarding larger passengers are not exactly new. Southwest has had a "Customer of Size" rule for years that requires passengers who cannot fit into a seat with the armrests down to purchase a ticket for the adjacent seat. No other major carrier has a similar policy. Again, I doubt per-pound pricing will be a reality any time soon, so don't get on the treadmill yet. But if the airline industry has taught us anything lately, it's that nothing is beyond reason.
  17. You are so cute...and deliciously bronze I love your dress!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Davematthews16 I wash my bras in a mesh bag in the washing machine on cold. Then I hang them to dry on the door knob this is exactly what i do on the delicate cycle. They last forever
  19. Good luck jenny!! I think the most important thing you can do is stay confident in your abilities. You obviously have a great personality so you have a lot going for you!! Interesting field to go into from health/beauty!! I would stay very upbeat and excited to learn about the mortgage business They'll be lucky to have you!!!
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