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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. welcome to the forum. happy planning!!
  2. beautiful pics. the pinks look so pretty against the blue in the sky and ocean. congrats!!!
  3. great pics...loks like you did some really nice gifts for your guests!!
  4. jenny - you're going to do great! Good luck
  5. congrats Martha! you must be so excited
  6. Jen those were absolutely gorgeous. You looked like you had such a good time with each other. Great slideshow!!! Nice work Juan Carlos!!!
  7. Yeah, I have been on here since February. Dean mocks me all the time about my "wedding friends" and doesn;t understand how there can be anything new on Sunday at 5pm or Friday at 9:30...but those are high traffic times!!!
  8. thanks morgan! I am so excited for your wedding and I'm not even a guest. It's going to be so amazing. I love the post ceremony music...especialy the marron 5
  9. congrats!! welcome to the forum!!
  10. The college blankets are such a cute idea. I'm going to have to agree with Tara on the GC's...I would lean more towards the personalized gift that will remind them of your wedding or something that you share with each of them. While everyone loves a gift card, I think your BM gift is a great opportunity to uniquely thank someone for being such an important part of your life
  11. your quote book is hilarious - condoms in the desk PLEASE tell that story!!
  12. A Friend of mine registered there and her wedding is in September...It was recommended to her by one of her bridemaids who loved it So far they have recieved a couple "gifts" and she i happy she decided to register there...
  13. congrats and welcome to the forum. You should check out the Cabo sub-forum!!
  14. Lisa - that is such a pretty shade of blue!!! You look so cute
  15. welcome to the forum. happy planning
  16. Amy - everything looks so fabulous. I love the LOVE plates and the guestbook is so unique!!! You're wedding is going to look so great and I a so excited to see all the pics!!! I must have missed your bd post, but those pics were hot!!!
  17. The bus for $135 sounds good and I think your guests would really appreciate the arranged transportation!
  18. welcome to the site!!! happy planning
  19. I think our photographer is making us a book, but our package includes all the hi res digital negatives. I think that is the most important thing we were interested in so that we can have them printed anywhere...or if I get inspired and try to do something myself
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