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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. have a great wedding. can't wait to see all the pics when you return
  2. Great shots Tami - you've def got some skills girl!!
  3. those are great virginia!! beautiful scenery!! and it looks like you have mastered photobucket
  4. i like #1 as well, but with a 1.5 years you have plenty of time to find THE ONE! Happy hunting!!
  5. i love the eyes abbie!!! they are fierce
  6. Tami I would like all of your luggage tags if no one has claimed them yet!
  7. Hope all your birthday wishes came true!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari OMG I am dying right now...our AC broke today ugh! It is miserable at almost 10pm at night. Thankfully we hung out in the pool this afternoon, but tomorrow I am headed to the mall for some AC comfort. sorry to hear about your a/c yari! hope you have some cool dreams tonite
  9. I think the strapless is stunning on you!! congrats on your eight loss. Even if you don't lose another pound I think you look great!
  10. oh, i hate spiders too. i have a weird fact about spiders that i think i will need to post somewhere else.... that spider probably found it's way out kat or Cami got it and she forgot to tell you
  11. that's amazing. ooohhh to be the subject of 8 photographers
  12. great idea kat. I was just putting a wet wash cloth on my forehead, but a body version sounds great We even thought about sleeping in the basement last night!
  13. nikkianddean


    welcome to the forum ashley rose. Happy planning!!!
  14. Thanks Sandra...on the flip side I thought it was kinda cute that he was so excited to show people. I just had this idea in my head of what it would look like when people saw it. I changed the password and sent a note to all who viewed it that it is "under construction"
  15. I am dying to hear how this went today. So sorry you evenhave to dealw ith that! That girl has not idea who she's messing with...show her how you get down jenny from the block
  16. It's going to be 91 degrees in San Francisco today. Yesterday was the same and it was almost unbearable. We have no A/C and I don't know one person who does in our area. San Francisco's fog is a natural A/C mechanism so we are seriously burning up here. And to top it all off I have to go to the central valley today to visit family. It's going to be sooo hot.... I heard it was 105 in napa yesterday. The grapes! The grapes! To all the girls in the Bay Area and beyond...stay cool!!!
  17. So I have been woking on our wedding website and was planning to send it out in the invitation that we'll send out in about 2-3 weeks. One thing that is holding it up is that Dean & I are taking engagement photos and I want to use those on the website.So Dean emailed me earlier this week and said that he wanted the info and I gave it to him (of course). I didn't mention "don't share this with anyone" because I was so busy at work it did not even occur to me. I should have known something was up but i was literally so swamped and preoccupied with work that I truly forgot. So this morning we were taking a walk and I asked him what he needed the website info for earlier in the week and he said people at his job wanted info about the wedding so he gave it to them. F*CK (That is what I felt like screaming this morning.) The site was totally not ready for viewing with the public and I was so mad that I forgot to tell him that. I explained that I was not mad at him at all (which I am not). I am just so pissed that I forgot to tell him that. I would not expect him to know what I was thinking so it was stupid of me not to mention it. Now he thinks I am crazy for being even slightly upset about it....
  18. congrats!! i totally know what you mean...how can you stay away? BDW is too fun!
  19. heidi, you looked absolutely gorgeous!!! The pictures are beautiful
  20. great pics as usual!! I loved the church..so modern!!! as always it looks like you had a little fun with the guests!
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