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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. you are going to look so pretty on your wedding day. I love your shoes!!!!!
  2. ohhhh, Becky the dress is gorgeous and you look perfect in it!!!
  3. great pictures!!! your hair turned out so pretty and the BM dresses were such a pretty color
  4. congrats!!! welcome to the forum tracy!!!
  5. i love Tapacio as well. I recently fell in love with Tabasco smoked chipotle pepper sauce...not too spicey, but sooo yummy!!!
  6. I am not well versed in pet care, but it sounds like you are very thoughtful person all around and anyone that has 4 dogs I assume lovs taking care of them! Tell old what's his name to mind his own stinking biz!!
  7. glenda that sounds like so much fun!!! that was an awesome surprise that your sister and friends planned for you!!! I can't wait to see the pics. And I know all about the strains of pole dancing - it's no joke, huh?
  8. Shaundra that just sucks!!! I am so sorry that you have to deal with that and I am sure that your daughter is hurt by it too
  9. Alyssa, the shower sounds so wonderful!! Can;t wait to see Danielle's pics and that is so cool that you have professional photos for your shower. I am sure they are going to be gorgeous!!!
  10. congrats!! you must be so excited to have that crossed off your list!
  11. those are so gorgeous!!! i can't wait to see more. Morgan looks absolutely beautiful!!! Love the TTD!!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Dez921714 Uh oh...I didn't invite my any of my BM's parents...including my BF since we were about 11. Should I talk to her about it? If I was having a traditional wedding, they'd be invited...uh oh I think it depends on your personal situtation. do you consider your BMs family or like close friends. The thing about my MOH is that we have been friends and our fam's have been close for 20+ years. My parents are divorced and my dad lies in VA. I would not expect him to be invited. But my mom has been so supportive of their family (thru MOH's father's cancer and all...) there are too many details to include here to explain everything we have been thru with them. I would say if you think you should invite your BM's fam's maybe you could ask them how they feel about it. I think addressing someone's feelings is thoughtful and shows you care. But again, it's totally personal depending on the type of relationship you have. If this was a BM that I had known maybe a couple years I wouldn't assume my fam would be invited. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Have any of them said anything to you? I invited my BF's parents and they were the first to book. Even before our family. Of course they call me daughter number 2. Nikki I do think there is an issue here. But just make sure you don't explode on her. Like Maura said it is her wedding BUT that doesn't make it okay. I just know my Mom would be destroyed if she wasn't invited to my Bf's wedding. Thanks Kat. I am glad we are meeting on Wednesday. I do not want to go off on her. I want to be calm cool & collected
  13. I don't think you're crazy at all!! I think more than one w-band is totally within reason, especially if you have always wanted it.
  14. That is a great story. What foresight!!! Happy planning
  15. good luck yari! keeping my fingers crossed for you!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by becks I vote that you just kill her with that deadly cold niceness. You know. Polite. Curteous. Responsive. And absolutely no warmth. Don't ask about her weekend. Don't volunteer to do anything (but don't be bitchy if she asks something of you, just tell her that you're soooo sorry, but you're swamped). Don't tell her anything about your life, and if she walks in on another conversation, just say to whomever you're talking with that you'll talk more later. But be totally breezy and happy. It'll drive her bonkers! Rebecca, have you ever worked as an assassin. So cold! I love it!!
  17. My mom was very hurt when I mentioned it. And the relationship that our families have had in the past is what baffles me on this. If she had recieved an invitation she woud defintiely have gone. Now, it's like a slap in the face. My main point is that our families have been close for so many years and then to not invite her (and give no heads up) i find so troubling. I mean since we were younger we have called each other's mother "aunt so-and-so" because we could not call them by their 1st name and we were too close to call them mrs so-and-so....because we were like family... I understand weddings are expensive as I am planning one myself. Even with our limited space capacity I have broken down and added people to my guest list that I did not want/or did not think we had to invite. But my MOHs parents? That was not even a question for me. And when they got their STD, she made a note of telling me how much they appreciated getting it. it seems like common sense to me. I am going to ask her straight out because I really want to know what her view is.
  18. Jessica, that's so pretty! I love the tribute to your son
  19. welcome to the forum jennifer!!
  20. i have never dropped it in the toilet, but have dropped it in water and it sucks!! I think I just took it back to the phone company and didn't mention why it stopped working. do you have a back-up?
  21. Sorry in advance for the long vent. So some of you may know that I have had mixed feelings about my MOH. See prior post: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...0-3#post434011 So I got the MOH's STD last week. This weekend I was with my mom going to a family birthday and I was talking to her about MOH's wedding and I realized that my mom did not get a STD. So I emailed the MOH and asked if she invited my mom to the wedding. Her response "Nope- since we are trying to stay at our guest count." Every time I look at the email I get so upset. She is MOH at my wedding. Her parents were invited because I have known them since I was 12 and I consider everyone in my wedding party a part of my family (1 cousin, Dean's 2 sisters, and two friends). Each of thier family's are invited. So my MOH (who has a guest list of 200) does not fit my mom in there anywhere. My main issue is not with the lack of invitation (although it pissed me off). The thing that I am most upset about is that she never gave me a heads up like " we're sorry, but becuase of space constraints/budget we can't invite your mom." Not even when I brought it up to her did she say anything to acknowledge that it was a little strange. We're supposed to be meeting on Wednesday to talk it out. At this point I am convinced that we are not the friends I thought we were and I am not sure I would be a very good BM for her....
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura nikki, whats with her "deadline" to get married? she did not offer an explanation beyond we want to get married before the end of the year. my thought is that they want to start a family soon. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW Nikkie is this your friend that I met at Disneyland? no, the girl you met at D-land is another BM and she is my rock
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