Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan i have a trick. i put it all together in a word document & then post them consecutively. what other tricks do you have up your sleeve M
that is a lot of pics morgan!! Danielle is right - this is going to be so helpful for the ladies who can't do a site visit or are trying to decide from far away....
Congrats!!! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I was so happy to see your dad there. I remember reading your posts about concerns around his travel. I am so happy that your family was together
so i called the corporate office just now and spoke to their "injury/legal" rep. She said that I should purchase myself another tube of neosporin and submit a reciept so that i can be reimbursed for the neosporin so I don't deplete my own supply.
Also, she wants to send a make-up artist to me on sunday to do my make-up before the pictures...
what do you guys think? I am not in the mood to sue anyone. I think that is egregious and time consuming. I just want to look nice for my e-pics.
Quote: Originally Posted by STACEY nikki did you go to the Benefit in Macy's at Union Square? Ive also had a bad experince with them. Im so sorry this happend to you. YES!! this was the macy's at union square! I will never go again. But I think I will write a letter to their corporate HQ. I believe they are in SF too...I should march to their offices right now!
I only went back ont he day it happened. The only thing they wanted to offer me was two complimentary services - I AM SO NOT GOING BACK THERE!!! the funny thing is the wax was not even that hot to me - i have felt hotter. I don;t know what went wrong but i really think it was the girl, not the wax I am a monster for a week. I wore my sunglasses at dinner last night like i was a celebrity on the brink of rehab....
Well, i keep putting neosporin on it. I have a call with the photographer in anhour to discuss alternative dates. Here is a picture I took before I came in this morning:
Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK ooo Nikki I love your two colors! Elegant yet exciting! Thanks Jenny!!! I love navy, but I was scared i might have a nautical wedding and dean and I are not exactly boat people
i agree with you on the boat...cute + a light sweater sounds like a fun outdoors activity and you def need flat ahoes on a boat...And an overnight is def in store...I can;t wait to hear about your weekend. I love that you are being "kidnapped" have a great time!!!
I really agree with Alyssa & Maura on this one that counseling is a good idea for you & your FI. I am so sorry that you are having feelings like you want to leave, but you should deal with these feelings now rather than later
Quote: Originally Posted by Blkatz DO NOT WEAR CAPRIS TO YOUR INTEVIEW!! I am a recruiter and I always say first impressions are everything! good advice! Event though you will wear scrubs on the job, I think you should look professional during your interview because nurses are serious professionals!
I chose fuschia + navy. I wanted navy and then fuschia really popped against it...
here is the inspiration:
Here are the BM dresses (imagine in navy):
Here is the idea for BM flowers:
and here is our logo:
I am borrowing Rebecca's idea and using it on our ticket jacket for our boarding pass invitations. I have also seen the logo on other paper items for the wedding:
programs, menus, welcome letters. The possibilities are endless!!!
alyssa, I am happy to report that dinner was fabulous!!! i didn't have the pea soup, but I had something called wreckfish with potato gnocchi, english peas and bacon. SOOOOO YUMMY!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by lauren c. just found out that dh is at pf changs...while i suffer w/ soup for the gazillionth time this week. shame on him!!! can he bring you home a to-go order
Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa Nikki that places look great!
you should have the Scallops appetizer w/ the lobster risotta and fava bean pesto YUM and Chilled Sweet Pea Soup
order that and fax it to me HAHA Alyssa, you crack me up! lobster risotta and fava bean pesto sounds really good. i might have to check that one out