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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t10107 this is how I made mine. i switched from a white flower to pink & love the way it pops in the pictures. but, i have dark hair. not sure what works best in blonde hair. I got some silk flowers from around my house & took a bunch of tester pictures. also, i think silk works the best. a real flower can wilt in the sun. my friend had a beautiful lily for her wedding that got so droppy during the ceremony. I totally agree with morgan here about using a silk flower. Since you have light hair i think a colorful flower would pop more in your pics
  2. congrats Amy!!! Everyting looks great!! So excited your time is here!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra E. I'm like both of the ideas above, I'm thinking do both. That'll be a nice touch. I totally agree Sandra!! Many thanks Phoebe and LadyGrey
  4. Hi girls!! I totally forgot but our neighbors are having a civil ceremony today (they have been together for 30+ years but are getting married today and having a reception at their home for a small group of 10 people. They are not registered. What should we get them? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JennyK I definitely dont wanna be her friend at all.. but if the work environment could be better.... you guys can be frenemies
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amandalovesryan i love the dessert part! the dinner part was just okay but the dessert was amazing! i agree!!! dessert was my fave too!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I knew to point my toes, elongate my neck (which i forgot to do often), and don't make a claw hand. I also tried to be "ugly pretty" for some of the 3 bride pics, but it might have just come out angry. I couldn't "smile with my eyes" in the bright sun. It was hard enough to keep my eyes open. when you were posing were you thinking WWTD? She would say "Morgan, there's so much emotion in your eyes that you can use." And then she would give you three different crazy-ass looks and say "see...see what I mean? Congratualtions. You're still in the running to be America's Next Top Bride." Hilarious!!!!
  8. i wonder who the bridesmaid would be...maybe the surprise guest could be a celebrity. I am trying to think of which celeb i would want in my bidal party if i had an extra space....
  9. that's great!! I have always been interested in doing HFH. What an awesome acommplishment. You should be very proud of yourself!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I'm not very graceful. but, i do watch a lot of america's next top model.
  11. welcome to the forum nancy!!! happy planning
  12. kathi you look so perfect in that dress. You remind me of a little bride they would stick on top of the cake You must, must, must wear a veil. You look beautiful!!
  13. conratulatiosn glenda!! I hope your wedding day is all that dreamed it woud be amd more!!! can't wait to see all the pics
  14. So glad you know now!!! and I'm glad you're happy with the results I have to tell you, this has definitely been one of the most suspenseful and funny threads: between searching for andrea online and "POAS" I have had a great time. Can't wait til it's time for you to POAS after mexico
  15. v- what did you end up wearing? mine are tomorow, but I want to wear something more formal. My FI is def wearing a suit. I am thinking black dress....I am curisou to know how yours turned out!!!
  16. what a cute announcement!!! She is so precious. I love her little lips Congratulations Christine!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by neen at the moment, you should only have ONE thing on your list and you better be planning a shopping trip for it ASAP!!! I CONCUR!!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB OMG dear women... That's it, who lives in her area? Someone kidnap her and make her POAS.. I LOVE this forum!!!
  19. Thanks Morgan - these pictures are fabulous. An a excellent pick-me-up on a Friday afternoon
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by amandalovesryan i think we should go. she might want a bunch of professional brides around! totally!! We would have such great input!!!
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