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Everything posted by nikkianddean

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ohiobride15 sorry about that guys. I tried to make them smaller. I thought I did. They look the normal size to me
  2. welcome to the forum angela!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha oh and I am eating saltines....maybe the salt will take away the Big Mac craving! let me know how that goes. You know, I have never had a big mac in my life...i used to tear up chicken mcnuggest when I was a kid though. Somehow I felt like those were healthier
  4. Kristina, you dress is gorgeous!!! I love the tiers and you have the perfect figure to carry it off!!!! It looks like it was made for you
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha I haven't had any cravings....with the exception of Cherry Limeades from Sonic. Shoot, now I want a cherry limeade But I don;t think we have sonic in Frisco..
  6. Congratulations Kate. The pics in BC are so beautiful...especially with your ring Great website!!!
  7. the dress is really pretty - I am a sucker for alecon lace As for your size - I think you will be ok. Especially if you have an iron will + 7 months to go!!! I'm sure the 6 will work out just fine!!
  8. i love the wedding color combination!!! You looked amazing in your dress
  9. Mickey D's - are there any 24 hr drive thru's? Don't deny the little man his big mac Have you had any other preggers cravings
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari No, it is definitely small. is it bigger?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I love your new avatar Nikki Thanks Kat I figured I would "show my face more" around the forum
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW beautiful but small really? It looks so big on my screen. hmmm...
  13. Tough call!!! I picked #3 because I LOVE lace. But #1 is super dramatic...
  14. In true Foggy City fashion it was grey outside. But hey - I live in Frisco, so what can you do? BeneFit sent one of their make-up artists to my house this morning so I was all glammed up for the big shoot and my brow catastrophe scars are invisible!!! The shoot itself was fun after we warmed up a bit, but I was still nervous about the "dip" we were supposed to do. It's all the rage, but I kept feeling like Baby in Dirty Dancing...We'll get some pics on Friday, but here is the lone pic I was able to get with our camera...
  15. Jaime, that is such an amazing gift!!! Congrats!! Now get your diploma girl!!!
  16. I think you should use it if you really like it!! Especially if it's special to you and FI
  17. beautiful job as usual Rebecca!!! You are so creative and I love everything you have planned so far from your wedding Everything is going to come together so beautifully! I can't wait to see it all!!!
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